
  • Encore Spiritual Abuse
    Nov 20 2024
    Spiritual abuse is abuse of the human spirit—the place in human consciousness where we can most easily access the Divine, in whatever form we see the Divine. Spirituality is not a belief. It is not a thought. It is not a behavior or a group of behaviors. Spirituality is an experience. Typically, it is an experience of the Divine, or of a higher consciousness. The simple fact is that people are being robbed of such an experience when they are taught what and how to think, what to believe and what truth is and isn’t. Particularly, when people are taught that there is only one right religion, they are being secluded in an environment in which the possibility of having a spiritual experience is limited to that one religion. There are several other ways in which a person might be spiritually abused. If you are a religious or spiritual person, if you lead people in any kind of spiritual capacity, this show is for you.
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  • Encore Trusting the Process
    Nov 13 2024
    When life events, difficult circumstances and relationships come our way, we tend to get all caught up in what is going to happen next, and what strategy we can use to make it turn out the way we want it to. To do any less than that, it seems, would be to lay down and let life roll over you. But there is a way to be fully involved, yet fully surrendered to a deeper more authentic process that is happening always throughout all of our life events, circumstances and relationships. We can learn to trust the process. That’s what this show is going to be all about. Don’t miss it.
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  • Encore Peace in the Time of Turmoil
    Nov 6 2024
    The answer to finding peace in times of turmoil is not to turn off the TV and live in ignorance masking as bliss. The answer is not to affirm that what is happening “out there” is “just an illusion” so we don’t need to bother with trying to do anything about it. The answer is to step into the truth. To step into the truth of our nature. To step into the truth of what we can actually do--what we really have control over--as everyone who voted yesterday did. To step into the truth of the power and presence of the divine. To learn to trust the process of divinization that is always a part of our unfolding evolution. Tune in to this important message to learn how to find peace in the time of turmoil.
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  • Encore Sexy, Sexy Power
    Oct 30 2024
    Henry Kissinger once said that power was the ultimate aphrodisiac. And we don’t have to look very far in the news to see what he was talking about. But he forgot to tell us why. Why is power so sexy? Why is it that both women and men are so attracted to power? In order to answer that question, we are going to have to ask another: What is power? What does it mean to have power? If we knew that, we might know why it is so sexy. Or is it all just illusion? Indeed, is its very sexiness an illusion, and quite elusive at that? And what about powerlessness—does it have its own powerful draw? Today we are going to talk about power in every aspect of its meaning: From powerlessness to power and from power to empowerment. Don’t miss it.
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  • Encore The Refuge of the Self
    Oct 9 2024
    We have been taught to believe that any refuge, any safety can only be found outside of us—through external events, circumstances and people. We strive, therefore, to find the “right” circumstances, the “right” people and the best possible events for our lives. We want to make the “right” amount of money, the “right” jobs, the “right” level of prestige and power, and of course, the “right” relationships. And, of course, we want to be smart about all of these life decisions, but they cannot provide the kind of refuge that can only be found in the Self. So, what do we mean by Self? And how can it create a refuge bigger, broader and more profound than any of life’s circumstances, events or relationships—and, indeed, can even guide us to making aligning life choices? Don’t miss this show.
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  • Encore Toxic Parents and Spirituality
    Oct 2 2024
    How did you grow up? Did you grow in a sea of toxicity, where parents were abusive, immature, addicted and/or emotionally or physically unavailable? What did you learn about life and about yourself from that formative period in your life? What did you learn about religion and/or about spirituality? How has that period of time impacted your spiritual experience today? Are there ways that you still struggle with spirituality because of those early experiences? Or perhaps you are unable to have spiritual experiences at all because of those early experiences? This show will be an exploration of the impact of toxic parents on spirituality. Don’t miss it.
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  • Encore The Sacred to Music
    Sep 25 2024
    David Vito Gregoli has created a masterpiece of music by translating into music the Bhagavad Gita. A while back we interviewed Lissa Coffey who wrote an accompanying book to go with Gregoli’s music entitled, “Song Divine: With Commentary: A New Lyrical Rendition of the Bhagavad Gita.” And today we are interviewing the author of the music “Song Divine: The Bhagavad Gita Rock Opera,” in which he creates music from the meaning of the Bhagavad Gita and for which he has won much acclaim. A guitar virtuoso and a man with diverse talents in music from rock to classical, the author of this sacred music brings the seeker a profound new sense of the meaning behind the powerful and profound sacred writing of the Bhagavad Gita. You are not going to want to miss this show.
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  • Encore Mysticism and Mental Health
    Sep 18 2024
    Historically, “the church” minimized the frequency and validity of mystical experiences, especially when the experience downloaded different information than that put forth by the church. And since Sigmund Freud associated mystical experiences with narcissism, wishful thinking and delusion, the mental health world has mostly steered clear of any association with these experiences. But more recently there have been rigorous studies done and it has been learned that these experiences are common, frequent and grounding. Research has also found that mystical experiences offer certain very mental health benefits to the persons who have these experiences. Researchers have also developed tools for measuring these experiences and differentiating them from states of psychosis—which used to be the way we looked at all mystical experiences. Can we now finally begin to validate our own experiences to the point of living into them? Be here for this enlightening discussion.
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