
  • Family Stalked for a year and Find out the Stalker was living in their own Home: Case of Melinda Pleskovic
    Sep 18 2024
    Have you ever had the feeling like you're being watched? Like when you go to the bathroom at night and you feel like someones behind you so you start speed walking. Or if its dark outside and you look out the window and think “what if I look out there and I see a person staring at me?” Now this may just be me because I watch a lot of true crime but if you’ve ever seen the movie “The Strangers”, its about a family being stalked by a group of masked people that one day break into the home to torture the family. And in Strongsville, Ohio the Pleskovic family was going through the same thing. For an entire year the family had placed police reports and complaints of a group of people terrorizing and harassing the family. Such as stealing from their cars, breaking into the backyard and stare at them from afar, and even stealing their car keys to automatic start their cars and pull their alarms in the middle of the night. And in October of 2017, the mother of the family Melinda Pleskovic was brutally shot and stabbed over 35 times in her own kitchen. Police assumed the masked culprits terrorizing the family had done this. But little did police know, the culprit of all this harassment and the Melindas murder, would be living in their own home. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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    29 minutos
  • Man accidentally connects baby monitor to Neighbors and discovers their horrific secret: the Kurim Case
    Sep 11 2024
    One of my favorite things to search on youtube are ring doorbell footage videos. Like creepy footage of ring doorbell cameras or like creepy things caught on baby monitors. Now most of these videos always end up being harmless, just a bit scary. But in 2007 when a man named Edward in the Czech republic was setting up his baby monitor for his newborn son, he would find something horrific. When flipping through the signal channels trying to connect his baby monitor screen to the camera he accidentally connected to another baby monitor nearby. Only this footage showed a little boy sitting in the middle of a dark basement with his hands bound and kicking around a roll of tape. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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    32 minutos
  • Self-Help Instagram Influencer Arrested for Sex-Trafficking her followers: Kat Torrres
    Sep 4 2024
    In the past few years, self-care and mental health have become a big focal point of discussion. We’ve become so comfortable discussing personal things going on and also stressing the importance of taking care of your mental health. And especially on social media there are many corners of the internet where you can find influencers that discuss those very topics. One of those people was a 30-year-old named Kat Torres. Kat started out speaking on mental health and self-care until later, her beliefs started to become a bit twisted. She claimed to have a gift she called “the voice,” which was an all-knowing voice that could predict the future that only she could hear. This attracted many people, including many women coming from broken situations, and many years into Kats practice, she would actually ask her top followers to come out to the States and live with her. But what these women didn't know is that they wouldn’t be walking into a self-improvement retreat but instead a human trafficking ring. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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    46 minutos
  • Mother Forces Tik-Tok Famous Daughter to Murder for Fame: Case of Mohammad Hashim
    Apr 23 2024
    Mahek Bukhari was a a 24 year-old tin-top influencer from the UK. On Mahek’s tin Tok she would often post just normal content like dancing trends, grwms, lip syncing and even the occasional video with her mom. The videos with her mom went the most viral because her mother 44 year-old Ansreen looked good for her age. The comments would be flooded with things like “Can your dad fight” and “yall look like sisters omg”. This far led Ansreen to start her own instagram and gain thousands of followers, being invited to events, parties, being sent PR. And over instagram is when Ansreen would later meet and have a 2 year affair with 18 y/o, Sakib Hussain. Sakib would come over to Ansreens home when he husband wasn’t there and engage in sexual acts. Until December of 2021 when Ansreen decided to put her foot down and say goodbye to Sakib. She said she wanted nothing to do with him and how this whole thing was a huge mistake. Things went quiet after this text and it gave Ansreen a sigh of relief. But Sakib would reply with multiple photos and videos of him and Ansreen engaging in sexual acts in her home and threatened to release all of it to her family and tik Tok fans if she left him. Ansreen loved all of the luxuries she was getting on her social media, but how far would Ansreen go to keep it from all crumbling? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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    49 minutos
  • Spoiled Daughter Manipulates Parents to Help her Murder: Case of Hitoshi Ura
    Apr 16 2024
    In July of 2023, 29 year old Runa Tamura would be having a fun night out at the club. She was dancing and feeling the music while she talked and was kissing with a man she met there, 62 year-old Hitoshi Ura. At the end of the night, the two decided to get a love motel room not too far away. Runas father, 60 year old Osamu Tamura, had actually tagged along with Runa at the club where he’s seen on security footage the whole time, watching Runa as she danced and kissed on Hitoshi. Osamu would later drive and drop off Runa and Hitoshi at the love motel where they booked a room for a couple hours at 10:50pm. At 2am, Runa is seen leaving the motel but in unusual clothing. At first she was wearing jeans and a turtleneck with her natural black hair and glasses. But as she left, she was seen wearing all black with a blonde wig and a black fedora while rolling a suitcase beside her. And although the footage caught Runa leaving the motel in her odd choice of clothing. What the camera didn’t see, was what was inside of the suitcase. And inside, was the decapitated head of Hitoshi, and back in the motel, staff would later find Hitoshi’s body in the motel room’s bathtub naked. headless, and stabbed to death. This story follows the dark and twisted minds of the Tamura family and how Runa was able to manipulate her parents in helping her commit a brutal and ruthless crime Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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    33 minutos
  • S2 E28: How he got away with Murder: Case of Sam Greenberg
    Apr 9 2024
    Sam Greenberg grew up in a wealthy family. But although the was very well off himself, he was able to work hard for himself and had secured a job with NBC for 7 years and worked as a journalist for golf.com. And in college is when Sam would meet his future girlfriend and soon to be wife Ellen Greenberg. Ellen was described as the light of every room. She had a contagious smile and would make anyone feel warm and loved in her presence. But unfortunately that light would be cut short when on January 26th, 2011 when Ellen would be found dead with 20 stab wounds in the apartment she shared with Sam. Money can buy a lot of things, but could money buy sams way out of murder? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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    26 minutos
  • S2 E27: He Made a Vlog about Hating his Girlfriend, Before Killing Her: Case of Narumi Kurasaki
    Apr 2 2024
    In January 2016, 21 year-old Narumi Kurosaki, ex-girlfriend of 26 year-old Nicholas Zepta was exchanging messages discussing their relationship. The couple had recently had a messy break up because Narumi Narumi had just gotten accepted into an elite college in France on a scholarship and had to leave Tokyo Japan, where her and Nicholas were living. Narumi wanted to go out there and see what else life had to offer and tried to break it off with Nicholas. But unfortunately, Nicholas didn’t take no for an answer. Nicholas would go on to send over 1000 messages to Narumi telling her she must obey his “conditions” in the relationship or else he's gonna break up with her, although they were already broken up and Narumi was currently moved on and in another relationship. Nicholas would even go on his daily motion account to post a video of him saying how Narumi had recently done some bad things to him that she was pay for. And gave her 2 weeks to obey his “conditions” before she would feel the “effects”. Narumi ignored all of Nik’s messages until one day as she was walking home from her school in France, she noticed in the distance, Nicholas was getting out of a car and walking right towards her. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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    24 minutos
  • S2 E26: Teen Dumps her Baby in Hospital Trash then Blames Hospital for his Death: Case of Alexee Trevizo
    Mar 26 2024
    Alexee Trevizo was an 19 y/o girl from New Mexico and lived with her mom, step dad and sister. Alexee was a senior in HS and was described as sort of an it girl. She was pretty, she was skinny, she was on the schools cheer team and was dating a man name Deyvn that played on the schools football team. Alexee also had tons of friends and seemed well-liked. And on Jan. 26th 2023, Alexee would wake up her mom at 11:30pm complaining of back problems. This wasn’t unusual because Alexee has had back problems since she was a kid, but on this night the back pain was so severe she asked her mom to drive her to the ER. At the hospital, Alexee would be asked if she was pregnant to which she said no because she was a virgin. But doctors took a test anyway to be safe and later on that night, Alexee’s test came back positive. And before doctors could tell her, Alexee was no where to be found. Alexee had spent 17 minutes in the hospital bathroom and upon coming out, nurses would be traumatized when they saw blood smeared and splattered all over the walls, the floors and the toilet. And in the trash bin, nurses would find a full term 9 month baby, lying cold and blue wrapped in a trash bag. This story is about the evil and selfish nature of Alexee Trevizo and her even more selfish and evil mother. And how Alexee may have even gotten away with it. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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    37 minutos