
  • Known In Heaven, Feared In Hell
    Mar 12 2025

    In this powerful message, Pastor Kris Vallotton unpacks what it means to be known in Heaven and feared in hell, charging the Church to become better acquainted with the spirit world. To fulfill the call of being a disciple of Jesus—one empowered by His authority—we will need a better understanding of how His world works. Throughout Scripture, we can find stories of people walking in miracles, signs, and wonders. There is a cause-and-effect that's possible between the physical world and the spiritual world, and we believe that through our connection to God and His anointing, we can better know the spirit. We pray that as you listen along, your time with the Lord is full of divine inspiration and a fresh outpouring of the Spirit of God.

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    45 minutos
  • The Reason We Sing
    Mar 2 2025

    The reason behind why we sing songs to God is twofold. Worship isn't just singing and playing instruments. It's a lifestyle completely surrendered to Him. It's a response to the revelation that Jesus is Lord and the only One worthy of laying our lives down for. In this message, Banning Liebscher teaches on the reason why we sing songs to the Lord. Whether you have a passion for worshiping God through song or doing so is out of your comfort zone, this teaching is for you. Receive clarity and revelation on why we sing to the Lord. Let your heart for God be unlocked and your voice be set free. We bless you as you listen!

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    54 minutos
  • Creativity Through Freedom
    Feb 23 2025

    It's through creativity that God illustrates freedom in the minds of His people. When we are free to think and dream void of obstacles like self-doubt or the enemy's lies, we can bring heavenly solutions to earth. God created us in His image as a Creator. This is fundamental to who we are as His children. As Pastor Bill Johnson shares this message on creativity, we believe the Holy Spirit will highlight anything hindering you from accessing freedom in your mind because He wants you to surrender it. We bless you as you listen along!

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    44 minutos
  • Dismantle Self-Sufficiency
    Feb 16 2025

    God wants to dismantle self-sufficiency. We were never meant to rely on ourselves to get our needs met. Independence is a temptation for much of western culture but, God wants us to know that His desire is to help us. In this message, Pastor Hayley Braun shares a powerful message, unveiling the idol of self-sufficiency and magnifying our Heavenly Father as the great Meeter of all of our needs. Listen along with us and be met by the goodness of your Heavenly Father.

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    28 minutos
  • An Invitation to War
    Feb 9 2025

    When the Lord gives you a promise, it's an invitation to war. In this sermon, Pastor Bill Johnson provides a unique teaching on the Promised Land. If God has made a promise to you, He intends on fulfilling it. Discover that, though the Promised Land may be territory currently inhabited by darkness, Christ has empowered and equipped you to reign in that place. Let your holy fire be reignited with the reality of God's power and your hunger to see those promises unfold be stirred.

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    43 minutos
  • The Power of Renewing Your Mind
    Feb 2 2025

    There's something supernatural that happens when you commit to the process of renewing your mind. Did you know that there is science to back this practice? God designed our brains for renewal—to evolve, change, heal, and thrive as a response to His Word. In this sermon, Pastor Kris Vallotton unpacks what happens when we renew our minds. Learn how science has proved God's design. Be encouraged to overcome what you're facing and allow the presence of Jesus to fill you with supernatural hope.

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    37 minutos
  • Called To Go
    Jan 26 2025

    This message is Part One of our Annual Missions Sundays. Listen as we showcase much of what our missionaries do and where they are geographically. Enjoy an interview-style conversation with Pastor Gabe Valenzuela and Missions Pastors John and Cindi Taylor as they partake in a compelling conversation. Learn about the journey the Lord has had them on and how their vision for missions at Bethel is coming to life. Discover who our long-term missionaries are and be encouraged as they share powerful testimonies from the missions field. Be inspired and commissioned to own your role in spreading the Gospel to every corner of the earth.

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    52 minutos
  • Gratitude and Thankfulness
    Jan 19 2025

    Gratitude and thankfulness are powerful practices, vital to the health of every believer. When we live void of these conventions, we open the door to apathy, resentment, depression, negativity, and more. Discover how Kris Vallotton's life was changed as the Lord invited him to practice gratitude. Learn how to open your ears to the voice of God. Find practical methods for altering how you think and experience the impact of gratitude and thankfulness in your life.

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    49 minutos