
  • Sons & Daughters - Week One/ March 9, 2025/ Ryan Kramer
    50 minutos
  • Celebration Sunday - Love Our City/March 2, 2025/Glenn Barteau
    Mar 3 2025

    Oftentimes we choose to love others because it’s “what a good Christian should do.” And that’s not bad, but as we mature spiritually, we can take a deeper look at what perspective Jesus modeled for us. When we take opportunities in our community to volunteer we become a part of the fabric of the city. It becomes ours. And, as outlined in Jeremiah 29:7, “…if it prospers, you too will prosper.” This is an encouragement to be involved in the city we live in and to be a difference maker where and when we can.

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    38 minutos
  • People Aren't Projects/February 23, 2025/Stacie Bartels
    Feb 24 2025

    When we look at Jesus, we get to model our lives after Him. He interacts with people in ways that they feel seen and valued. Jesus does this in two distinct things: He gives love a name and a story. We see this in action with the woman Jesus heals in Mark 5:24. He shows love and care, but doesn’t stop there. He sees the person first.

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    36 minutos
  • Epiphany - Week Three/February 16, 2025/Glenn Barteau
    Feb 18 2025
    Epiphany primarily celebrates three significant events that revolve around Jesus’ life: the visit of the Magi, Jesus’ baptism, and Jesus’ first miracle. In this final week of the series, we took a brief look at the meaning behind the Magi’s visit and how it was cause for hope. How does this hope translate to our day-to-day especially when we may be wrestling with hopelessness?
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    52 minutos
  • Epiphany - Week Two/February 9th, 2025/Glenn Barteau
    Feb 10 2025

    In John 2, we are witness to Jesus’ first miracle. He turns water into wine at a wedding, which may seem unusual, but hospitality was paramount in that time and that culture. This first miracle of Jesus has a lot of parallels to Moses’ first miracle. However, there are a lot of differences as well. By comparing and contrasting both miracles, we learn that with Jesus we always have more than enough.

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    44 minutos
  • Epiphany - Week One/ February 2, 2025/Ryan Kramer
    Feb 3 2025
    The season called Epiphany often includes commemorating the three wise men visiting Jesus, the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist, and Jesus’ first miracle at a wedding. Epiphany is the result of waiting and hoping for the Messiah. Today, we are not hoping for Him because He is with us. We have Him and the church can be the powerful expression of hope lived out and what goodness comes from living in the hope we have and can share with everyone.
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    49 minutos
  • Renovating Religion- Week Four/January 26, 2025/Seth Kreimeyer-Kelly
    Jan 27 2025

    How do we experience a God who is invisible to us? We know that God loves us, but we might not feel it with all that is happening in our lives. There are two ways that God shows His love: God makes Himself visible by manifesting Himself in Jesus and God makes Himself visible by manifesting Himself in us. As stated in 1 John 4:12 - we are the ones who can show God’s love for us by loving one another.

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    43 minutos
  • Renovating Religion - Week Three/January 19, 2025/Ryan Kramer
    Jan 21 2025
    When we come to know and believe the unconditional love God has for us, we are assured that it will drive out fear as it says in 1 John 4:18, “There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear.” Life is full of hurts and in those moments, it can be easy to leave love and reach for something else. However, love will transform us. We are encouraged to choose to trust the love of God and remain in that love. Let’s not let fear sit in the driver's seat of our faith, but let love be there and stay there.
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    50 minutos