
  • Seeing the Sign
    Dec 16 2024

    Dean Elliott teaches from Matthew 1:22-23 and Isaiah 7. Today's passages will help believers focus in on what Christmas is truly about. Although one's circumstances may change, God and His promises never change. Believers can rest in this assurance in Him, which is all He asks, for one to believe and trust in Him alone.

    Additional Scripture References: Genesis 3:15; Isaiah 7:14; Luke 2:11-12

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    49 minutos
  • What to Look for in a Church: Action Figure
    Dec 9 2024

    Kevin Bentley wraps up the "What to Look for in a Church" series based on the book of 1 Timothy. He teaches from 1 Timothy 6:11-21. According to today's passage, a follower of Jesus should be a man (or woman) of action. Paul is calling Timothy to be a man of God and a man of action. This is an example of how believers are called to live a godly life set apart from the rest of the world.

    Additional Scripture References: Proverbs 22:3; Philippians 2:12; Romans 7

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    41 minutos
  • What to Look for in a Church: Status quo...ante...
    Dec 2 2024

    Dean Elliott teaches from 1 Timothy 6:1-10. In today's passage, we will learn that a believer's faith is not leverage to receive one's hopes, dreams, and goals toward personal happiness. He isn't as concerned with a believer's happiness as He is their godliness. Therefore, God uses one's circumstances to change and transform them into being more like Christ.

    Additional Scripture References: Psalm 27:13-14

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    55 minutos
  • The Forgotten Holiday
    Nov 25 2024

    David denHartog teaches from Psalm 95, and then testimonies and praise to the Lord from CBC members and attenders are shared.

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    45 minutos
  • What to Look for in a Church: Grace and Truth for Leaders
    Nov 18 2024

    David denHartog teaches from 1 Timothy 5:17-25. The true issue we face today is nothing more than spiritual. Therefore, the church, especially church leaders, are called to be a light in this dark world. Church leaders must be the first ones setting the example of righteous living for the rest of the church to then follow. Although this passage addresses church leaders, application to all believers can be found.

    Additional Scripture References: Proverbs 14:34; 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13

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    42 minutos
  • What to Look for in a Church: "On Display"
    Nov 11 2024

    Dean Elliott teaches from 1 Timothy 5:1-6. The theme of 1 Timothy is how to act in the household of God, which is not a building but rather God's people. From today's passage, we will see that believers are called to care for the vulnerable members of God's family. Then, others outside of God's family can learn from how believers treat people, especially through conflict.

    Additional Scripture References: 1 Timothy 3:15; 1 Timothy 4:12; Leviticus 27:1-6; Deuteronmy 18

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    51 minutos
  • What to Look for in a Church: Do as I Say AND as I DO
    Nov 4 2024

    Kevin Bentley teaches from 1 Timothy 4:6-16. In today's passage, we will see what it means to be a good servant. Paul has challenged Timothy to be a good servant, especially in response to the false teaching of that time. The Lord Jesus has set an example of being a good servant, by His words and deeds. Believers should look to and be like Jesus, in response to the world around us today.

    Additional Scripture References: Ephesians 2:8-10; Romans 12:3

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    50 minutos
  • What to Look for in a Church: Why Church?
    Oct 28 2024

    David denHartog teaches from 1 Timothy 3:14 through 4:5. The church, which is not a building but rather the people in who the Lord dwells within, is not perfect. Though the church is imperfect, it is still very important, and in today's passage, we will see at least three reasons why.

    Additional Scripture References: Genesis 1:31

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    40 minutos