
  • Ep. 252 The Pledge of Allegiance Meaning
    Apr 12 2024

    What does it mean to pledge your allegiance to something or someone? What do the colors of the United States flag stand for? Who originally wrote the Pledge of Allegiance? I explain this and more in this episode.
    Our founding fathers surrendered their sacred honor, wealth and more to stand for freedom and justice. Are we willing to do the same?
    We are fighting a spiritual battle, that with the guidance of Christ, we will eventually win. In Ep. 251, I spoke about the battle between good and evil. Every human soul will have to, at some point in their life, come face to face with making the decision of giving their allegiance to either good or evil. We can serve both.
    There are so many people who died for us to have the freedoms that we do today. Our flag waves proudly for those who sacrificed for those freedoms. Are we willing to do the same if needed?
    If you have any comment or questions, please send an email to crazythymesfarm@gmail.com or go to my website, www.crazythymesfarm.com .

    Thank you for listening to and supporting today's episode. Let's connect on Facebook or Instagram. You can also go to my website and leave a comment or question.

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    24 minutos
  • Ep. 251 Be a Soldier for Jesus
    Apr 5 2024

    Being a soldier means to be prepared for battle at all times. In our era, we fight a spiritual battle against the evil of this world. We, as soldiers of Christ, need to be prepared to stand against the evil that comes our way.
    In this episode, I share how we can be prepared for battle against the darkness that tries to assault us as Christians. We are to stand firm for the cause of Christ, and not knowing how to use and implement our armor means utter destruction.
    I will be discussing each piece of our armor:
    * helmet of Salvation
    *girdle of truth
    *footwear of peace
    *the sword of the Spirit
    * shield of faith
    Be a soldier of Christ. Be strong in His might.
    If you have any comments, please go to my website, www.crazythymesfarm.com or email me at crazythymesfarm@gmail.com .
    Thank you for listening and supporting this podcast.

    Thank you for listening to and supporting today's episode. Let's connect on Facebook or Instagram. You can also go to my website and leave a comment or question.

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    41 minutos
  • Ep. 250 Winter Sowing in Maine
    Mar 15 2024

    If you are wanting to get a jump start on your planting season, then this episode is for you. When I discovered winter sowing I knew it was a game changer.
    In this episode I will share why winter sowing is essential, what you need to start and how to go about it.
    I will also have a step by step video on my YouTube channel. If you would like to check out my YouTube channel, then go to this link: http://www.youtube.com/@crazythymesfarm
    If you have any comments or questions, you can go to my website, www.crazythymesfarm.com or email me at crazythymesfarm@gmail.com

    Thank you for listening to and supporting today's episode. Let's connect on Facebook or Instagram. You can also go to my website and leave a comment or question.

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    25 minutos
  • Ep. 249 How to Start a Podcast
    Mar 8 2024

    Starting a podcast can sometimes be daunting, but it isn't impossible. In October of 2020, I started my podcast. I have loved being a podcast ever since. You don't really need all of the latest equipment to begin.
    *use your phone
    *have a decent mic
    * use a desktop or laptop
    * have a podcast hosting site
    * get a good editing program
    * if doing guests, use a good online meet software
    I found guests using the website community Podmatch. You can find them at podmatch.com
    * Be real with your audience
    * bring great content
    * share on social media and by word of mouth
    * be a guest on other podcasts
    If you have any questions, please email me at crazythymesfarm@gmail.com or you can find me on Facebook and Instagram. You can also leave a comment on my website, www.crazythymesfarm.com

    Thank you for listening to and supporting today's episode. Let's connect on Facebook or Instagram. You can also go to my website and leave a comment or question.

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    34 minutos
  • Ep. 248 Fear is the Mind Killer
    Mar 1 2024

    Fear, taken to heart, can be a true killer. It can stunt, cripple and stop someone from pursuing their dreams, goals and ambitions. It can obliterate a person's whole life.
    We, as Christians, should not harbor the spirit of fear, but have power, love and a sound mind, as stated in 1 Timothy 1:7. We fight a spiritual battle, and with that comes the challenges of what see and don't see. Our battle isn't with flesh and blood.
    The Word of God is our instruction manual, and we, as Christians, need to go back to it daily for encouragement, direction and peace of heart.
    Run to Jesus because he loves you and wants what is perfect for your life.

    Thank you for listening to and supporting today's episode. Let's connect on Facebook or Instagram. You can also go to my website and leave a comment or question.

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    30 minutos
  • Ep. 247 How to Become Clutter Free
    Feb 23 2024

    Are you feeling overwhelmed, disorganized, and unsettled in all the clutter around you? In this episode, Connie shares how decluttering can help us both emotionally and mentally. It can help us to destress as well.
    Changing our mindset goes a long way to better our health; in our minds, bodies, and homes. In doing so, we better understand why we do and hang onto the things in lives.
    Her book, Clear the Space... Feel the Rush will help you understand these things and more.
    You can find her book at most retailers as well as her website, https://clearthespace.com/
    If you enjoyed this episode, please go to Apple Podcast or iTunes and leave a review. Thank you for listening.

    Thank you for listening to and supporting today's episode. Let's connect on Facebook or Instagram. You can also go to my website and leave a comment or question.

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    40 minutos
  • Ep. 246 How Does God Heal Our Brokenness?
    Feb 16 2024

    Anna McLaughlin is a wife, mom, Entrepreneur, and a Redeemed child of God. She has learned over the years to be faithful in little, that you might be set over greater things. Her life didn't start out that way though. In her brokenness, she recognized that there was a road to healing, and came to understand that to God, brokenness is beautiful. God takes what is broken, and through many steps, brings us to a place of intimacy with him and better relationships with others.
    Many times we try to "paste good behavior on top of a broken heart", only to make matters worse. When we trust ourselves to become vulnerable and honest before God, do we finally begin our healing journey.
    Anna has taken her journey experience to another level, in which she is helping other women to start their healing journey, through the group She Considers a Field. If you would like to learn more about this group, you can find it on Facebook. Anna also has a podcast by the same name.
    If you have enjoyed this podcast episode, please leave a review over at Apple Podcasts or iTunes. Thank you .

    Thank you for listening to and supporting today's episode. Let's connect on Facebook or Instagram. You can also go to my website and leave a comment or question.

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    50 minutos
  • Ep 245 Starting a Business Without Social Media
    Feb 11 2024

    Are you wanting to start a business but don't want to be dragged down or wade through Social Media to do so? There is a lot of anxiety, a sense of doubt and imposter syndrome when it comes to Social Media.
    In this episode, Business Growthe3 Strategist, Robyn Graham, shares how we can build our business and follow our God given gift without falling into the trap of Social Media. Using SEO, foundational relationships and key words can help us strategize and build a successful business, without wading into the pool of anxiety.
    If you would like to connect with Robyn, you can go to her website, https://therobyngraham.com/ or email her at robyn@therobyngraham.com
    If you have enjoyed this episode, please consider leaving a review on Apple Podcast.

    Thank you for listening to and supporting today's episode. Let's connect on Facebook or Instagram. You can also go to my website and leave a comment or question.

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    42 minutos