VA Crenshaw is a dancer, yoga practitioner, rapper and educator… never just one thing. She questions: can I be an educator and a rapper? Yes, yes you can. One person can be kind and genuine, and quick-witted, and wearing a cute outfit. How do we be more like kids before “adults” get involved? More apt to give complements and follow our passions instead of what we're "good" at? We carry shame we don’t think we have. VA shares myriad practices to come back to self and to the mat, and being fully yourself. Whether you’re in the classroom, lab, or boardroom. Like: Who are you when you’re not distracted by your schedule with? When you say something negative to yourself, who is saying that? Can you lead with love, in the classroom and beyond? Let the dam open up. Notes from the chat include: VA likes a Monday, a good reset. Attitude change to embrace the week.Go to be a teacher and student teaching is so short, you’re not prepared to get your mind around the routines and the political side of education. Nothing prepares you, you’re thrown to the wolves.Taught for a few years but then created a mobile enrichment program; dance and yoga; parents paid directly-- 2005-2010 full entrepreneurWhen teachers retired; the VCU (Virginia Commonwealth University) students were linked inLeading with love; listening first. Don’t jump to conclusions. Teachers often come in with ideas and activities instead of listening to what the students needConfidence and empowerment to help adult learners with rental and job applications, understanding their own children’s homework, etc. set up for service learning approachSimplest pieces: how to create good energy in your classroom once you do that you can do anythingCOVID was a lot of loss and gain. Time to reflect on what is next.Helping teachers make connections for students with “low scores”/ “behavioral issues”Sometimes you can forget how to teach, be out of touch. You can even feel like that when you are “young” or teaching in nontraditional spaces.Be on the journey of what’s opening up for you. VA started stream of consciousness writing led to writing raps.Spirit shows you divine purpose. Pray “Show me my divine purpose”.Stepping into creativity can feel cozy, right, felt connected with spiritCreative in yoga, teaching, writing… now music. Now all the creativity seeps out.Creative ways to get students to “perform” and want to be in school and to enjoy it.Still find it hard to own what I am (I’m a rapper and a teacher) should I be doing this? Am I forcing it? What am I really doing?Settling down, going with the flow can bring peace, go with the flow even if it’s not easyFilling your time because it’s hard to sit with yourselfDeemed creative, artist, etc. as a kid but if you’re not “good” as a kid, you’re not that thingBeing an artist feeds you; you must let that part of you live. You don’t have to be one thing.When you are good at painting, you can be quiet. Someone can walk by and not engage. But when you’re on stage, telling a story in a cadence, requires so much vulnerability.Exhilarating and elevated emotion and then it stops because you don’t release or post every day.Some days are normal or chill. Some days you get a call or email that changes your life.What do artists think? Oh, we think the same thing.Have the audacity to pivot if it fuels you.Allowing creativity to come out and through and then being willing to share it.Holding soft and sad, and faith to say: show me what’s next.Let someone have their feelings.Quiet frustration—nothing to fight for—surrender—and find what’s meant to be.When you’re not distracted by your schedule: who are you?Make a prayer list, take your time.Be ok when you lose your fire. Follow your calling. Let students find their fire.Pattern of being told who you are, ignoring, pushing through.Find who you are, hopefully and pray-fully and at their pace.Don’t force change, get up go to work and make the best of it.On your prayer mat, think of others, create a mantra.I am statements, like: I am happy. I am strong. I am harmonious. “Don’t leave her” (meaning don’t abandon your inner child).Should I move, is this the right person for me? How do you ask these questions when we don’t know ourselves?Internal Family Systems: talk to protector, talk to manager.Whose voice is saying “you’re so weird why would you do that?”Whose voice is in my head, can I track that down? Let it go on the mat.Punishment like, never dig or play the same way again once a traumatic hand slapping. Takes us out of being a child with no fear.Ask why isn’t this safe? Why is this the narrative?I want to know you beyond these walls, and want you to connect with students.Being a good teacher: it comes from modeling, not a video in a trainingGo sit down by yourself does not work for self-regulation: Hey, I have a better idea; let’s help the studentsFlourishing used to be related to how much...