
  • 1. Why a podcast on how to think?
    Jan 30 2022

    Welcome to the Filter It Through a Brain Cell podcast, the podcast that is all about recognizing bad thinking, whether it’s coming from other people or from yourself!

    In this episode, I'll tell you the story behind the Filter It Through a Brain Cell podcast, why I started it and who it's for.

    Want to test yourself on how well you can recognize fallacies in real life? Take the Meme Fallacy Quiz! www.filteritthroughabraincell.com/quiz.

    So glad you're here!

    To connect with me: think@filteritthroughabraincell.com

    Instagram: @FilterItThroughABrainCell

    To get notified when new episodes drop: www.filteritthroughabraincell.com

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    10 minutos
  • 2. What is a logical fallacy?
    Feb 7 2022

    In this episode, I'll give you the 3 most important definitions when it comes to learning good thinking: logical fallacy, cognitive or mental bias, and mental & emotional propaganda.

    Plus, a short history lesson on where the study of logic comes from.

    Want to test yourself on how well you can recognize fallacies in real life? Take the Meme Fallacy Quiz! www.filteritthroughabraincell.com/quiz.

    Send me any questions, comments or even the fallacies you're seeing around you! think@filteritthroughabraincell.com

    Or, tag me on Instagram: @filteritthroughabraincell

    Sign up for notifications: www.filteritthroughabraincell.com

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    6 minutos
  • 3. Why don't we learn critical thinking in school?
    Feb 7 2022

    In this quick history lesson, we'll discuss when, how & why our education system got hijacked, and why most schools don't teach critical thinking anymore.

    Want to test yourself on how well you can recognize fallacies in real life? Take the Meme Fallacy Quiz! www.filteritthroughabraincell.com/quiz.

    Sources used:

    Passion-Driven Education by Connor Boyack

    Weapons of Mass Instruction by John Taylor Gatto

    Dumbing Us Down by John Taylor Gatto


    Send me any questions, comments or even the fallacies you're seeing around you! think@filteritthroughabraincell.com

    Or, tag me on Instagram: @filteritthroughabraincell

    Sign up for notifications: www.filteritthroughabraincell.com


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    12 minutos
  • 4. The two enemies of good thinking
    Feb 7 2022

    Before we dive into talking about the logical fallacies, I wanted to take a minute to talk about the two enemies of good thinking.

    These two enemies are everywhere in our society today and we're told that they're good & true, when in reality...they're not.

    Want to test yourself on how well you can recognize fallacies in real life? Take the Meme Fallacy Quiz! www.filteritthroughabraincell.com/quiz.

    Send me any questions, comments or even the fallacies you're seeing around you! think@filteritthroughabraincell.com

    Or, tag me on Instagram: @filteritthroughabraincell

    Sign up for notifications: www.filteritthroughabraincell.com


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    12 minutos
  • 5. The Either/Or Fallacy: creating a false dilemma
    Feb 8 2022

    In this episode, I'll teach you the Either/Or Fallacy and give you examples to help you recognize it.

    Want to test yourself on how well you can recognize fallacies in real life? Take the Meme Fallacy Quiz! www.filteritthroughabraincell.com/quiz.

    Send me any questions, comments or even the fallacies you're seeing around you! think@filteritthroughabraincell.com

    Or, tag me on Instagram: @filteritthroughabraincell

    Sign up for notifications: www.filteritthroughabraincell.com


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    12 minutos
  • 6. Post Hoc Ergo Proper Hoc
    Feb 9 2022

    The fallacy we're discussing today is the Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc fallacy, also called simply: Post Hoc.

    Want to test yourself on how well you can recognize fallacies in real life? Take the Meme Fallacy Quiz! www.filteritthroughabraincell.com/quiz.

    Send me any questions, comments or even the fallacies you're seeing around you! think@filteritthroughabraincell.com

    Or, tag me on Instagram: @filteritthroughabraincell

    Sign up for notifications: www.filteritthroughabraincell.com


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    7 minutos
  • 7. Ad Hominem Attack
    Feb 10 2022

    Today's fallacy is the Ad Hominem attack. Here's how to recognize it!

    Want to test yourself on how well you can recognize fallacies in real life? Take the Meme Fallacy Quiz! www.filteritthroughabraincell.com/quiz.

    Send me any questions, comments or even the fallacies you're seeing around you! think@filteritthroughabraincell.com

    Or, tag me on Instagram: @filteritthroughabraincell

    Sign up for notifications: www.filteritthroughabraincell.com


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    6 minutos
  • 8. The Strawman Fallacy
    Feb 14 2022

    Today's fallacy is the Strawman fallacy.

    Want to test yourself on how well you can recognize fallacies in real life? Take the Meme Fallacy Quiz! www.filteritthroughabraincell.com/quiz.

    Send me any questions, comments or even the fallacies you're seeing around you! think@filteritthroughabraincell.com

    Or, tag me on Instagram: @filteritthroughabraincell

    Sign up for notifications: www.filteritthroughabraincell.com

    Exibir mais Exibir menos
    6 minutos