
  • Stressed & Blessed
    May 21 2021

    Anyone else feeling a little extra stressed in this season, but also feeling blessed to have some normalcy in life again? In this episode I am talking about different types of stress and offer a few tips for stress management.

    To learn more about my virtual accountability groups visit me on Instagram

    Tune in next week for summer vacation tips! 

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    8 minutos
  • The Best Breakup I've Ever had!!
    May 4 2021

    If you are tuning in to hear about a juicy ex boyfriend break up then you might be a little disappointed, but I can promise you that you NEED to hear what I am about to say because I want to encourage you to break up with the biggest liar ever……….the scale. Yes I said it and I mean it! Imagine the worst boyfriend you ever had. The one that cheated and lied…...that's the scale. Today I am going to tell you why the scale is a liar and how you can make the break up too. 

    Visit me on Instagram to learn more or check out my IG reels for recipes ideas!

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    6 minutos
  • Lead By Example Not Perfection
    Apr 28 2021

    I ended my last episode by encouraging you to lead by example…...Those words have stuck with me and triggered me to think about what leading by example really means to me and how it can be interpreted differently by everyone. 

    To me Leading by example does not mean being perfect……... it actually means quite the opposite. To me Being consistent in your moral beliefs and values, knowing when to own up to a mistake, learning how to give yourself grace…

    Have you ever felt like you were leading by example in some areas of life and at the same time epically failing in others? I surely have and today I want to share a story about a season in my life where I drifted from what felt right morally and what was in my heart because I was following the wrong leadership. Followed 6 qualities that I feel like create an authentic leader. 

    Follow me on Instagram to grab free recipes or learn more about my virtual nutrition and fitness accountability groups. 

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    8 minutos
  • From Her View
    Apr 22 2021

    **Please Note** Client Win #3 was cut on accident in editing (new podcaster over here)
    Client Win #3
     "My daughter was excited when I told her we are having broccoli tonight!
     What is the world coming  to?"

    I received a ton of calls and messages after last week's episode “Standing in the Mirror”. Some of the conversations lead to childhood memories of being body shamed that my now grown adult friends were recalling like it were yesterday. Most of them thought those moments were insignificant and tucked them away, but now as moms of little girls they view those body shaming moments very differently. In this episode I also share a story of my own from an encounter where I felt body shamed and OMG.......it hurt my feelings.

    I will also share a few client wins that pertain to their kids and how leading by example has made an impact on their families. Taking care of your body through whole foods and being active is a great way to lead by example and hopefully teach your kids how to navigate tough life situations such as body shaming. Let set our kids up with confidence and a body positive mindset.

    Visit me on Instagram for FREE Recipes and Health & Wellness Tips 


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    10 minutos
  • Standing In The Mirror
    Apr 13 2021

    You’ve been there……...super pumped for a rare date night! Schedule the babysitter to arrive early so you have some quiet time to actually put yourself together without feeling rushed…..and then it happens. You step out of the shower, reach for your towel hanging on the hook in front of the bathroom mirror, and you see her............a stranger.

    The excitement of a date night immediately fades……... 

    I glared into the mirror and looking back at me was a body of a woman that I no longer recognized or appreciated.

    SO that night…….I made a promise to myself that change was coming. I knew in that moment that where I was mentally and physically was not where I was staying. AND, if YOU can relate, I want you to know that you don't have to stay there either! Change is a choice. 

     So today I want to offer a few tips on the strategies I implemented and still use on a daily basis that have allowed me to manage my autoimmune and gain back my energy, health, and confidence. 

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    7 minutos
  • Finding Your Wellness WHY
    Apr 7 2021

    Do you know your Wellness WHY? If your current WHY for wanting to be healthier does not bring you to tears, then dig deeper!  When you find YOUR true purpose for wanting to live healthier you can push through anything including your wellness goals. 

    When times get tough and you are ready to quit…...your wellness WHY should be so near and dear to your heart that it motivates you to keep showing up for YOU and your bigger purpose. 

    In this episode I share tips for establishing your Wellness WHY and how to use your Wellness WHY to set sustainable Wellness goals.


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    6 minutos
  • Eat The Dang Burger
    Mar 30 2021
    In this episode “Eat The Dang Burger” we are talking about food guilt and how to move past that negative mindset and find your fit when it comes to food freedom! As a certified coach for the fastest growing digital nutrition and fitness program in today's marketplace I have women reaching out to me daily struggling with the feeling of food guilt and the feeling of failure due to the misleading information being shoved down their throats on a daily basis. 

    Have you ever struggled with food guilt or the feeling of failure due to jumping into an extreme program or fad diet that did not fit your lifestyle or your families? 

    No more, Friend! Today I will share three tips that will have you on your way to Food Freedom for good!!!

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    6 minutos
  • Pain to Passion
    Mar 23 2021

    After a year of heartbreaks and setbacks the number one question I continue to receive is how are you always so happy? Typically followed by Your TikToks  and reels make me laugh, keep them coming! And I will keep them coming because in some weird way making silly TikToks and reels is like therapy for me.
    All of the lessons and strength (mentally and physically)  I gained once I took control of my health through whole food nutrition equipped me for what was to come in 2020. When I say equipped I mean not fall apart at the seams. Eventually I will go into more detail about each of the struggles my family faced in 2020, but for now I will give you a quick rundown followed by 3 tips on How to Keep a Positive Mindset in the tough seasons. 

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    8 minutos