
  • Embedded Java (#2)
    Jul 22 2021

    Foojay community members and beyond discuss embedded Java:

    • James Gosling, creator of Java and embedded enthusiast. Distinguished engineer of AWS GreenGrass and former Liquid Robotics, an autonomous ocean vehicle powered by water.
    • Frank Delporte, engineer with Toadi, an autonomous lawn-mowing robot (no wires) and Pi4J contributor of Raspberry-pi based robots.
    • Johan Vos, founder of Gluon, helping make fully cross-platform applications where a single JavaFX codebase runs natively on embedded, iOS, Android, PCs, and browsers.
    • Erik Costlow, developer relations for Contrast Security, locating security flaws in backend systems. Developer of home fuel/gas sensors.


    • Java in Education: Combining Java with Rasperry Pi and the Pi4J Library
    • Discussion topics including:
      • How Java was used in the ocean and how it makes complex problems possible.
      • The speed of garbage collectors versus the speed of shark attacks (GC wins).
      • Quick prototypes with Raspberry Pi, scaling through AWS GreenGrass.
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    48 minutos
  • Journey to Jakarta EE (#3)
    Aug 30 2021

    Foojay community members discuss the modernization of Jakarta EE applications from the older Java EE form, including backwards-compatibility, as well as forwards-excitement about cool new developments like Microprofile.


    • Rudy De Busscher, product manager of Payara and EE contributor.
    • Josh Juneau, consultant and author of Jakarta EE Recipes.
    • Ivar Grimstad, Jakarta EE Advocate for the Eclipse Foundation.
    • Erik Costlow, Developer Relations for Contrast Security to secure Java/Jakarta EE applications.
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    44 minutos
  • Why So Many JDKs? (#4)
    Oct 19 2021

    In this podcast, we explore the topic of why there are so many JDKs, how are they the same, and how they are different. We balance the Java perspective with a special guest from the Rust foundation to learn how a peer ecosystem works.

    Quick summary—the role of Java as a central system runtime lead to multiple implementations and the companies that make different distributions offer support and sponsor different work. For example Azul and Microsoft worked on Apple M1, and Bellsoft and Microsoft worked on Alpine Musl. All JREs are compatible through the TCK and vendors work together on security patches for the entire ecosystem.


    • Simon Ritter, Deputy CTO of Azul Systems, making the Azul Platform, including the Azul Zulu builds of OpenJDK.
    • Dmitry Chuyko, Senior Performance Engineer of Bellsoft, making the Liberica builds of OpenJDK.
    • Bruno Borges, Product Manager Microsoft, making the Microsoft builds of OpenJDK and Temurin, Adoptium's builds of OpenJDK.
    • Ashley Williams, founder and open-source strategist for the Rust Foundation.
    • Erik Costlow, Developer Relations for Contrast Security, securing Java and non-Java applications.

    Foojay Articles:

    Fantastic JVMs and Where to Find Them

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    54 minutos
  • OpenJDK 19 Discussion Panel (#5)
    Sep 20 2022

    On September 20th, OpenJDK version 19 gets released. In this podcast, we are looking forward to the new features and changes this release brings.


    • Miroslav Wengner (OpenValue)
    • Mary Grygleski (CJUG, DataStax)
    • Deepu K Sasidharan (Okta, JHipster)

    Podcast host:

    • Erik Costlow (Azul)

    0'00 Short intro and music
    0'15 Introduction about the shift of Java releases to a 6-month release cycle and version 19
    0'55 Introduction Speakers and Host
    3'30 Review of articles published on Foojay regarding the new JDK 19 features
    4'00 What is project Loom and virtual threads?
    4'55 What can we expect in OpenJDK 19?
    6'10 Project Amber, pattern matching, switch cases
    7'10 Massive throughput with virtual threads
    8'45 About preview and incubator features
    12'50 Platform versus virtual threads
    17'05 Java is becoming much stronger, reducing the need for extra frameworks
    18'15 Java versus other languages
    21'40 How trading companies can profit from virtual threads
    22'50 Project Panama, shared memory use
    28'05 About jextract
    29'35 About Java versions, LTS, and how they are used
    33'35 Record patterns
    35'40 Maintainability and developer productivity
    37'40 The importance of keeping up with other languages to keep Java "cool" for developers
    43'30 About Java modules
    45'45 Outro

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    46 minutos
  • Welcome to Foojay! (#6)
    Oct 20 2022

    In this episode, we want to give you a look behind the curtains of Foojay.io. The very first post on the website dates from April 25th in 2020, and it was by Geertjan Wielenga. Let's look back and what has happened on Foojay during the 2,5 years since that first post, and talk to some of the people behind the project.


    • Geertjan Wielenga (Azul)
    • A N M Bazlur Rahman (Contrast Security)
    • Roy Wasse (OpenValue)

    Podcast host:

    • Frank Delporte (Azul)

    0'00 Short intro and music
    0'15 Introduction about Foojay.io
    0'38 Introduction of the guests and host
    1'35 What is Foojay all about?
    3'00 About the Foojay content and contributors
    5'40 About the Foojay Slack - https://foojay.io/today/join-slack-com-t-foojay-signup/
    6'50 How to submit content to Foojay - https://foojay.io/today/how-to-submit-your-next-article-on-foojay-io/
    10'40 How writing on Foojay could lead to a new job
    13'25 Why OpenValue is contributing to Foojay
    15'30 Foojay is a website controlled by the people who contribute to it
    16'10 About the advisory board - https://foojay.io/board/
    19'28 The role of the moderator
    21'06 Foojay wants to be a network builder within the Java community
    23'00 About the additional functionalities in the Foojay WordPress system
    23'40 All the activities related to Foojay, e.g. JConf
    24'40 Certification program, an upcoming feature in Foojay
    32'25 Other plans for the near future: forum, improved calendar, event information,...
    36'00 Going broader, everything related to OpenJVM
    36'20 About the Java community
    36'55 Foojay wants to keep things simple
    38'08 Call to more companies to join the Advisory Board
    38'30 Join Foojay to make new friends!

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    39 minutos
  • Security in Java, what do we need to know and how to keep our applications secure (#7)
    Nov 19 2022

    For this Foojay Podcast, we invited security experts to dive into the fascinating world of secure coding and detecting vulnerabilities in your Java applications. How can you make and keep your systems safe? That's what we want to find out...


    • Steve Poole (Sonatype, @spool167)
    • Brian Vermeer (Snyk, @BrianVerm, @brianverm@mastodon.social)
    • Anastasiia Voitova (Cossack Labs, @vixentael, @vixentael@mastodon.social)

    Podcast host

    • Erik Costlow (Azul, @costlow, @costlow@mastodon.social)


    • 00'00 Short intro and music
    • 00'15 Introduction about the topic of this podcast
    • 00'31 Introduction of the guests and host
    • 02'40 Foojay article written by Brain about dependencies
      • https://foojay.io/today/best-practices-for-managing-java-dependencies/
    • 05'02 XML parsers in Java
    • 05'55 "The more the merrier" versus "The less the better"
    • 06'30 Foojay article written by Brain about the role of Data Transfer Objects in security
      • https://foojay.io/today/how-to-use-java-dtos-to-stay-secure/
    • 09'10 Extending on DTOs: encryption in data provisioning
    • 11'10 Database entities versus DTOs and serialization
    • 12'25 Developers need to be trained more on security and take responsibility
    • 13'50 Don't design your own security solution
      • https://www.cossacklabs.com/blog/cryptographic-failures-in-rf-encryption/
    • 16'58 Cryptograpic dad joke... ;-)
    • 17'40 What are CVEs (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures)
    • 20'40 Security in the layers of a Java environment
      • https://imagetragick.com/
    • 24'50 JAR signing
    • 26'40 CWE with the W of Weaknesses and OWASP
      • https://owasp.org/www-project-top-ten/
      • https://www.exploit-db.com/
    • 29'40 How to evaluate vulnerability scores
      • https://foojay.io/today/java-security-log4j-the-securitymanager-and-funding/
    • 31'23 CVEs as Pokemon, "You gotta catch them all" workshop
    • 32'20 How to be able to fix vulnerabilities
    • 33'57 About the recent critical SSL vulnerability
    • 36'02 Libraries are linked (integrated) into a Java project
      • https://github.com/quarkusio/quarkus/issues/14904
    • 38'15 Security is an educational thing and understand your tools
    • 39'90 Role of the different players in a team
    • 46'32 Can the JVM itself be more secure
    • 49'44 Make the JVM aware of vulnerable code
    • 51'10 Security insights in IoT devices
      • https://www.cossacklabs.com/case-studies/iiot-security-a-hive-and-a-queen/
    • 1h01'30 Developers should learn about defending depth
    • 1h02'10 Conclusion
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    1 hora e 3 minutos
  • JUG World Tour: Manchester JUG (#8)
    Dec 4 2022

    With this Foojay Podcast, we introduce a new topic: once per month, we will virtually travel to a Java User Group (JUG) to learn how they organize their events and learn from their experiences.

    For this first Foojay JUG Podcast, we are flying to Manchester in the UK.


    • Jonathan Bullock (@jonbullock, @jonbullock@foojay.social)
    • Nick Ebbitt (@nickebbitt)

    Podcast host

    • Frank Delporte (@frankdelporte, @frankdelporte@foojay.social)


    • 00'00 Short intro and music
    • 00'15 Introduction about the topic of this podcast
    • 00'24 Introduction of the guests and host
    • 00'50 How the Manchester JUG started and Nick and Jonathan joined as organizers
    • 03'50 How many JUG sessions are organized
    • 04'22 About the Manchester JUG community and how many people join sessions
    • 07'30 The most remarkable sessions and speakers (Josh Long and Venkat)
    • 09'33 Attracting new speakers
    • 12'40 Pre and Post Covid and virtual sessions
    • 15'15 Attracting local speakers
    • 16'58 Learn about new technologies and core Java at a JUG or conference
    • 22'43 About diversity
    • 25'05 Locations where the JUGs are organized
    • 26'44 How much effort is needed to manage a JUG
    • 29'50 Where you can find the Manchester JUG
      • https://twitter.com/mcrjava
      • https://www.youtube.com/@ManchesterJavaCommunity
      • https://www.meetup.com/ManchesterUK-Java-Community/
      • https://github.com/orgs/ManchesterJavaCommunity/projects/1
    • 30'20 Other activities (unconference, 10-year anniversary, jmanc)
    • 35'46 Practical organization approach
      • https://github.com/orgs/ManchesterJavaCommunity/projects/1
    • 37'55 Cooperation with other JUGs
    • 39'28 Conclusion
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    40 minutos
  • The state of JavaFX framework, libraries and projects (#9)
    Dec 17 2022

    JavaFX was introduced by Sun Microsystems in May 2007 and provides a platform for desktop, mobile, and embedded systems built on Java. Let's talk about the JavaFX framework itself, but also about the libraries and applications that are built with it.


    • Pedro Duque Vieira (@p_duke)
    • Sean Phillips (@seanmiphillips)
    • Johan Vos (@johanvos@mastodon.social, @johanvos)
    • Gail Anderson (@gail_asgteach)
    • Dirk Lemmermann (@dlemmermann)

    Podcast host

    • Frank Delporte (@frankdelporte@foojay.social, @frankdelporte)


    • 00'00 Intro and music
    • 00'16 About the topic of this podcast
    • 00'57 Introduction of guests and host
    • 05'30 State of JavaFX/OpenJFX project
    • 09'40 6-month release cycle of JavaFX (= Java)
    • 11'52 Comparing JavaFX with Swing
    • 14'12 Different Java UI libraries
    • 14'52 Blog posts on Foojay
      • https://foojay.io/today/author/gail-anderson/
    • 17'34 CAD application by Petro
      • https://foojay.io/today/creating-cad-applications-with-java-and-javafx/
    • 18'42 Applications by Dirk
    • 19'43 jfx-central.com, a showcase for JavaFX
    • 24'46 JavaFX in the browser
      • https://gluonhq.com/developer-preview-for-javafx-inside-a-web-browser/
      • https://github.com/jtulach/bck2brwsr
      • https://webfx.dev/
      • https://www.jpro.one/
      • https://gluonhq.com/products/cloudlink/
    • 27'01 Java is considered to be a server-only language, while no big company is pushing JavaFX
    • 30'14 Libraries by Pedro
      • https://www.jfx-central.com/people/p.vieira
      • https://foojay.io/today/new-java-javafx-library-fxskins-released/
    • 32'52 The many available JavaFX libraries
      • https://www.jfx-central.com/libraries
    • 35'34 Mobile development with JavaFX
      • https://start.gluon.io/
      • https://github.com/gluonhq/substrate
    • 39'05 JavaFX versus JavaScript frameworks
    • 41'12 Introduction Sean
    • 42'16 Trinity application
      • https://foojay.io/today/visualizing-brain-computer-interface-data-using-javafx/
    • 47'20 Sean thanks guests and community
    • 48'50 Pedro and Dirk about their libraries used in applications
      • https://twitter.com/potus/status/1422282055715594245
    • 51'42 JavaFX developers are working hard on amazing stuff and don't have time to promote their work
    • 56'00 Oracle announced they will distribute builds of JavaFX
    • 57'19 Next versions of JavaFX
    • 59'05 Conclusion
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    1 hora