
  • 802 - Knock, Knock
    Feb 20 2025
    Did you know that you can knock back, knock down, knock around, and knock up? You can even knock someone out or tell someone to knock it off. For today’s English lesson podcast, you’re gonna build your vocabulary and sound more natural using knock.

    Join my Podcast Learner's Study Group here: https://learn.myhappyenglish.com/transcript

    Visit my website for over 3,000 free English lessons: https://www.myhappyenglish.com
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    9 minutos
  • 801 - Travel, Trip, Journey, and Voyage
    Feb 17 2025
    Why don’t we go somewhere. A lot of people learn English because they love to travel. How about you? Whether it’s taking trip through the countryside, a voyage across the sea, or an exotic journey to a foreign land, I think most people just like to go somewhere.

    Travel, trip, journey and voyage. These four words can take you from your living room to the ends of the earth and beyond. If you’re wondering how you can use this vocabulary, then you’ve landed in the right podcast. So, just return to your seat and fasten your seatbelt as we take an adventure into this vocabulary.

    Join my Podcast Learner's Study Group here: https://learn.myhappyenglish.com/transcript
    Visit my website for over 3,000 free English lessons: https://www.myhappyenglish.com/
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    8 minutos
  • 800 - Deadlines With By, Until, and Unless
    Feb 14 2025
    Deadlines, we all have them, and so we need to talk about them. Finish your homework by Friday. Work hard until the weekend. And you can’t have any fun unless you’re done doing what you have to do. By, until, and unless.

    We use the words by, until and unless to talk about a deadline, but the way we use these words can be a pain in the neck for a lot of English learners. Fear not, my friends. For today’s English lesson podcast, we’re going to do a deep dive into these similar, but tricky, common vocabulary words

    Join my Podcast Learner's Study Group here: https://learn.myhappyenglish.com/transcript
    Visit my website for over 3,000 free English lessons: https://www.myhappyenglish.com/
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    8 minutos
  • 799 - Is it Don't or Haven't?
    Feb 12 2025
    Even though I have my own business don’t like doing bookkeeping. I use some software to help me with that, but I haven’t had any real training in anything like accounting. Actually I don’t understand that stuff too much. Don’t or haven’t.

    Did you notice what I did there? In some sentences I used don’t and in others I used haven’t. A lot of English learners get stuck deciding whether to use don’t or haven’t, so I thought I would take some time today to look at these two helping verbs.

    Join my Podcast Learner's Study Group here: https://learn.myhappyenglish.com/transcript
    Visit my website for over 3,000 free English lessons: https://www.myhappyenglish.com/
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    9 minutos
  • 798 - Ache vs Pain
    Feb 10 2025
    I visited my 97-year-old aunt in the nursing home the other day. I haven't seen her in a while and it was a bit of a pain in the neck to get there but it was totally worth it. She said that aside from a few aches and pains she's doing pretty good. Aches and pains - those are two words that tend to be a royal pain for a lot of English learners.

    Ache and pain are two words that can make your brain hurt when you try to remember how to use them, so for today’s English lesson, let’s check out how we use these two words.

    Join my Podcast Learner's Study Group here: https://learn.myhappyenglish.com/transcript
    Visit my website for over 3,000 free English lessons: https://www.myhappyenglish.com/
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    8 minutos
  • 797 - 5 Ways To Use Put On
    Feb 7 2025
    The first thing I do every morning when I get up is I put on the coffee maker. Then I put on a podcast and get dressed. It's been pretty cold lately so I always need to put on something warm.

    I know that learning phrasal verbs can be tricky, but they are such an essential part of English. And like I’ve mentioned before, using phrasal verbs will definitely make your English conversation sound more natural. So to help you with that, today, we’re going focus on the phrasal verb put on, which has five different meanings and uses.

    Join my Podcast Learner's Study Group here: https://learn.myhappyenglish.com/transcript

    Visit my website for over 3,000 free English lessons: https://www.myhappyenglish.com/
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    6 minutos
  • 796 - 7 Ways To Use The Simple Present Tense
    Feb 5 2025
    Yesterday I go to the pizza place down the block and I find out they have new owners. And I look behind the counter and they have all of these weird kinds of pizza. They even have one with pineapple and tuna. I don’t think that’s really pizza.

    Hey, are you wondering why my story about yesterday uses all present verbs? You may be surprised to know that the simple present tense has seven different uses in everyday English conversation and that's what we're going to do a deep dive into today so, let's get the ball rolling.

    Join my Podcast Learner's Study Group here: https://learn.myhappyenglish.com/transcript
    Visit my website for over 3,000 free English lessons: https://www.myhappyenglish.com/
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    8 minutos
  • 795 - Things you can have
    Feb 3 2025
    pet can result in having a headache. My dog Max is having a birthday in a few months, and I was thinking of having a birthday party for him.

    Did you notice all the ways I just used have? Have is a wonderful verb that has a huge repertoire of meanings and uses. Without further delay, I present to you, our special verb of the evening, have.

    Join my Podcast Learner's Study Group here: https://learn.myhappyenglish.com/transcript
    Visit my website for over 3,000 free English lessons: https://www.myhappyenglish.com/
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    8 minutos