
  • You're Hired!
    Dec 7 2020
    There is a lot more to being hired for an SDR role than just submitting applications and hoping for the best. You need to stand out! This week on INSIDE Inside Sales, Darryl welcomes Vendition’s Head of Partnerships and sales hiring rockstar, Brian Smith. Darryl gets Brian to share his insights and opinions as to what makes an SDR candidate stand out from among the crowd, as well as what hiring managers are prioritizing these days. They share extremely valuable tips such as how you need to be a storyteller, the importance of finding a sponsor, and how to maintain the right attitude to navigate the hills and valleys of sales. Learn how to avoid your CV landing on the “No” pile of applicants on this episode of INSIDE Inside Sales!
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    30 minutos
  • Is Cold Calling a Numbers Game?
    Nov 30 2020
    There is no shortage of opinions when it comes to cold calling, but is it just a numbers game? This week on INSIDE Inside Sales, Darryl welcomes David Walter, best-selling author of The Millions Dollar Rebuttal. Darryl and David discuss the many aspects surrounding cold calling, from the roles that should be responsible, to where your leads should come from. They also share the many secrets to making more quality appointments that are highlighted in David’s book. Learn how you can make better and more successful cold calls on this episode of INSIDE Inside Sales!
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    32 minutos
  • The Seven Deadly Sins of Outbound Sales
    Nov 23 2020
    If you are new to outbound sales, you may be making some common mistakes that can be shockingly detrimental to your numbers.  This week on INSIDE Inside Sales, Darryl welcomes Dana Lindahl, the rockstar author and Founder of Legendary Leadgen. Darryl and Dana discuss the 7 biggest mistakes you can make in outbound sales, such as using convoluted messaging, being too spammy, or blaming your prospects for not replying fast enough. They also offer advice on how to counter these blunders and develop new strategies to increase your success rates. Learn how you can avoid and overcome these pitfalls on this episode of INSIDE Inside Sales!

    Dana Lindahl is an author, entrepreneur, and B2B lead generation expert. Dana started his journey in the world of B2B marketing over 10 years, as a copywriter helping startups and fast-growing companies get their message out to their users in a way that resonates with them.In 2014 Dana founded the company Legendary Leadgen, which helps other marketing agencies and B2B service providers get in touch with their ideal prospects, set sales appointments, and make more sales.To date, Dana's team at Legendary Leadgen has been responsible for over 50,000 leads produced for their clients. These leads have resulted in sales well into the 7 figures for Legendary Leadgen's clients.These days, Dana's main focus is on helping other entrepreneurs and business owners understand the system he's created for his team - empowering other business owners to create the same results in their business they provide to their clients.

    INSIDE Inside Sales is hosted by Darryl Praill, CMO of VanillaSoft which is a program on the Funnel Radio Channel.  VanillaSoft is the sponsor for INSIDE Inside Sales. 


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    32 minutos
  • Starting Over in Sales
    Nov 15 2020


    What do you do when life throws you a curveball and you need to start over? 

    This week on INSIDE Inside Sales, Darryl is once again joined by well-respected author and sales trainer, Niraj Kapur. Darryl and Niraj go over the strategies you should follow when you have to hit the reset button, such as getting a coach to help with your mindset, resisting the urge to cocoon, and using your time to help others. Learn how you can succeed when starting over on this episode of INSIDE Inside Sales!


    About Darryl's Guest:

    After 23 years working in sales in corporate London – from SMEs to The Guardian Newspaper Group to FTSE100 businesses (British equivalent of Fortune 500), Niraj’s book, Everybody Works in Sales became an Amazon bestseller reaching #17 under Business. Due to this success, Niraj launched an expert sales coaching practise, Everybody Works in Sales Ltd where he helps businesses and entrepreneurs increase revenue by teaching sales techniques and strategies that are not forceful or lacking integrity.  He has trained clients and given talks at Natwest, University of Buckingham, Barclays and Federation of Small Business.



    INSIDE Inside Sales is hosted by Darryl Praill, CMO of VanillaSoft which is a program on the Funnel Radio Channel.  VanillaSoft is the sponsor for INSIDE Inside Sales. 


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    28 minutos
  • Put Yourself Out There
    Nov 9 2020

    We are deep into the biggest remote work revolution of our lifetime, and if you want to stand out from your competitors you need to start creating content right now.

    This week on INSIDE Inside Sales, Darryl welcomes foremost authority on generating exposure through content, President and CEO of RemoteSales, Jason McElhone. Darryl and Jason discuss how you can get started building your personal brand right away, whether you do it by writing, podcasting, or just getting in front of the camera. They share some fantastic tips and insight into how you can increase your visibility by simply being authentic, where to look if you need ideas, and how to niche down and find your tribe. Learn how to get ahead through content creation on this episode of INSIDE Inside Sales!\


    INSIDE Inside Sales is hosted by Darryl Praill, CMO of VanillaSoft which is a program on the Funnel Radio Channel.  VanillaSoft is the sponsor for INSIDE Inside Sales. 


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    31 minutos
  • Hitting Quota
    Nov 2 2020


    Do you get overwhelmed or struggle with anxiety when it comes to hitting your quota? I’m pretty sure we all do. This week on INSIDE Inside Sales, Darryl discusses all things quota with none other than best-selling author and sales consultant icon, Justin Michael. Darryl and Justin share some tangible steps that can help you increase your pipeline and hit your quota on a consistent basis. They offer tips such as streamlining your tech stack, smarter time management, as well as leveraging the processes that generate the most impact. Hear how you can reliably and regularly hit your quota on this episode of INSIDE Inside Sales!


    About Darryl's Guest:

    Justin “TQ” Michael is an avid technologist and sales futurist that has sought to automate sales development itself for dozens of cutting-edge technology start-ups over the last two decades. He’s coined the term Technology Quotient (TQ) as distinct from IQ and EQ for Sales. He’s releasing a book called “Tech-Powered Sales: Achieve Superhuman Sales Skills” in 2021 as a disciple of Aaron Ross and “Predictable Revenue.” He was the featured case study in “Combo Prospecting” by Tony J. Hughes as “the cyborg rep.” Justin has worked for Salesforce, LinkedIn, Sean Parker and consulted over 100 start-ups on cracking top funnel with converged tech stacks.



    INSIDE Inside Sales is hosted by Darryl Praill, CMO of VanillaSoft which is a program on the Funnel Radio Channel.  VanillaSoft is the sponsor for INSIDE Inside Sales. 


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    30 minutos
  • The Five Golden Rules of Negotiating
    Oct 25 2020


    John F. Kennedy is often quoted as saying, “Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate”. This week on INSIDE Inside Sales, Darryl is joined by Tim Kintz, author of “Frictionless: Closing and Negotiating with Purpose” and rockstar president of The Kintz Group. Darryl and Tim share valuable wisdom from Tim’s Five Golden Rules of Negotiating, such as whether or not negotiation is even needed to close a sale. They also offer incredible advice on negotiating from a position of strength, gaining an advantage through timing, and how to build in victories through removal objections. Learn ways to win more deals through strong negotiating skills on this episode of INSIDE Inside Sales!


    About Darryl's Guest:

    Mr. Kintz has been in the Automotive industry since 1990. Tim started his career detailing cars and worked his way from lot porter to sales where he was a high achieving salesperson with a track record of success. From sales Tim was promoted to F&I where he excelled as the Top Producer with his Dealer Group. Then he worked his way to Sales Manager, General Sales Manager and General Manager. Tim also attended the NADA General Dealership Management Academy and graduated in 2000, where he gained a working knowledge of the daily operations in all aspects of dealership management.

    Check out his book on Amazon - Frictionless: Closing and Negotiating with Purpose



    INSIDE Inside Sales is hosted by Darryl Praill, CMO of VanillaSoft which is a program on the Funnel Radio Channel.  VanillaSoft is the sponsor for INSIDE Inside Sales. 


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    29 minutos
  • Don’t Disregard Discovery Calls
    Oct 17 2020


    Discovery calls have been called revenue defining moments. So when you call a prospect do you have a plan for what to say if they actually answer their phone, or do you get caught off guard?  This week on INSIDE Inside Sales, Darryl welcomes the authority on all things related to discovery calls, Richard Smith, the rockstar Co-Founder and Head of Sales for Refract. Darryl and Richard go over how discovery calls are the most important stage in the sales process and offer valuable advice on how you can use them to their fullest potential. They share tips such as having an agenda for what outcomes you want to accomplish, not rushing headfirst into a demo and spotting emotive nuggets to learn as much about your prospect as you can. Learn how to close more deals by getting the most out of your discovery process on this episode of INSIDE Inside Sales!


    About Darryl's Guest:

    Richard is Co-Founder and Head of Sales for Conversation Intelligence company Refract. He has a passion for helping salespeople become more successful through coaching, personal development, and better understanding the science of sales.



    INSIDE Inside Sales is hosted by Darryl Praill, CMO of VanillaSoft which is a program on the Funnel Radio Channel.  VanillaSoft is the sponsor for INSIDE Inside Sales. 


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    29 minutos