• Learn the English Phrases "to make do" and "to make a living"
    Sep 20 2024

    Read along to practice your English and to learn the phrases "to make do" and "to make a living"

    In this English lesson, I wanted to help you learn the English phrase to make do. Sorry, I forgot to put the to here. When you make do, it means you do the best you can with what you have. This shirt doesn't have a pocket and I like to put my microphone on the pocket. So I just had to make do and I stuck the microphone up here on the brim of my hat. Sometimes in the morning, if you are a coffee drinker, maybe you like cream in your coffee and all you have is milk. So you might have to make do and put a little bit of sugar and a little bit of milk in your coffee instead of putting in some yummy cream. So when you make do, it means you do the best with what you have.


    If you enjoy these lessons please consider supporting me at: http://www.patreon.com/bobthecanadian

    The other phrase I wanted to teach you today is the phrase to make a living. I forgot the to here as well. I'm getting a little sloppy, aren't I? When you make a good living or when you make a living, it means you earn enough money to live to pay your bills. When I go to work every day, I do that because I need to make a living. I need to earn money so that I can pay my mortgage and pay my for gas and groceries and all of those other things.

    So to review, when you need to make do, you do the best you can with what you have. Maybe you can't afford to take an English class. So you make do by watching a lot of YouTube videos which are free, by the way, which is awesome. I love it that YouTube videos are free. And when you make a living, it means you have a job, you get a paycheck, you get paid for doing that job, and you can use that money to pay for all the things around you.

    But hey, let's look at a comment from a previous video. This is from Will. So in the last video, Will is referring to this. At 1 minute, 13 seconds, a cute squirrel is crossing the street against the backdrop and my response, look at him go. So if you go to the last video at that point in the video, you will see that. Thanks Will for that comment. So uh, yes, squirrel. Sometimes squirrels are in the video because they want to help you pronounce squirrel.

    Um, I wanted to show you the dogs right now. Jen has left for market. I will be leaving for market shortly. I have to wait for, uh, one of my kids to get home with the other van. But this is what the dogs do when Jen goes to market, they are sad. They simply sit by the house and they wait for her to come home. They will go with me to do certain chores. If I have to go feed the chickens or something before I leave or do something out in the field, they will come with me. But as I've mentioned before, they are very much Jen's dogs.

    In fact, someone asked, I think Lolly Lolly asked in a live stream a couple weeks ago, where are the dogs? And I responded by saying, well, if you watch Jen's YouTube channel, I'll put a link up here. Most of you know about it. You'll see the dogs a lot. You'll see that they do indeed stick with her all the time. I'm like, oh, here's a good use of make do. When Jen's not here, they, they make do by hanging out with me. I'm not the alpha dog. I'm like, second in command, I guess, of in the dog kingdom.

    So anyways, it's a Thursday. It is Thursday afternoon. I'm done work for the day and I'm home. I just helped Jen load the van. Now I have to wait for my kids to finish their school day. And then when they come home, I will take some more flowers in the second van and go to market and join Jen there. It's not ideal, but we have to make do. We don't want to buy a third vehicle because we don't really need three. You know, two works at this time of

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    4 minutos
  • Learn the English Phrases "hot commodity" and "on a hot streak"
    Sep 18 2024

    Read along to practice your English and to learn the English terms HOT COMMODITY and ON A HOT STREAK

    In this English lesson, I wanted to help you learn the English term hot commodity. When we say something is a hot commodity, it means everybody wants it. If you have a favorite team and they make the playoffs, tickets are a hot commodity. Everybody wants a ticket to see the playoff games. So that's one example. The reason I thought of this was because at our school, there are a lot of flies right now, like flies buzzing around. And so fly swatters are a hot commodity. Someone used this term this morning. They were like, where's the fly swatter for your classroom? And I said, I don't know. And they said, wow, they're a hot commodity right now. Everyone wants a flyswatter for their classroom.


    If you enjoy these lessons please consider supporting me at: http://www.patreon.com/bobthecanadian

    So the second phrase I wanted to teach you is on a hot streak. So when you are on a hot streak, it means you are having success at something. If your favorite player scores a goal in every game, they are on a hot streak. If you let me see here, if you are taking an English test every day on your app and you're getting ten out of ten, you are on a hot streak. So a hot streak is a prolonged series of successful results on something. Sorry, those are some big words there.

    Anyways, to review. A hot commodity is something that is in demand, something that everybody wants, something that everyone wants to have, like tickets for a really good sports game. And if you are on a hot streak, you are just having one success after another. Sometimes my favorite player on the Toronto Blue Jays will be on a hot streak and they will hit in every game and get on base.

    But hey, let's look at a comment from a previous video. This comment is from Yasin. It's always good to be capable of doing some tweaking around the house. Sometimes it just breaks the bank to call someone in to fix something for you. I think I'm a jack of all trades, but I don't have a way with electronics though. And my response it certainly is cheaper to fix things yourself. I'm the same way for certain things, but plumbing is something where I always call someone. I don't want to accidentally flood the house.

    So thanks Yasin for that comment. But yes, that is the one thing. I will do some electrical work, but then I usually have a friend come and check it. But plumbing, I'm always worried I'm going to do some plumbing and then wake up the next morning and a room in the house will be flooded. Maybe however I hooked it up will leak, but not good.

    Anyways, two things that I wanted to show you. Number one, there are leaves on the ground. It's September 17 today. It's the Tuesday before you're seeing this video, and there are already leaves on the ground. And I wanted to show you this building. I showed this to my members in a video on the other channel in some detail. But if you look down here, you'll see that they are starting to tear down this building. Actually, earlier, both of those machines were going. But you can see this old mill. It's an old feed mill. They're starting to tear it down. I think they're going to build apartment buildings here. I'm not 100% sure what's going to be built, but I think by the end of the week, I think this building will be gone, which is kind of sad.

    This building has been here my whole life. I remember seeing this as a kid. When I would visit my grandparents in this town. I would see this mill. A friend of mine actually worked there. He worked the night shift. He worked from, like, six at night till six in the morning, four nights a week. And he liked it. It was really go

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    4 minutos
  • Let's Learn English! Topic: Types of People 🕴️👩‍🏭👎
    Sep 15 2024

    As you learn English, you practice describing people using adjectives, but did you know there are nouns that we use when talking about certain people as well?

    In this English lesson you'll learn words and phrases like: optimist, go-getter, team player, introvert, jerk, great addition, asset, critic, worrier, hotdog, hard worker, sucker, problem solver, brainiac, and many more!

    I hope you enjoy this English lesson where you'll learn how to describe different types of people. Have a great day!

    Note: This is the audio portion of a Youtube English lesson which you can watch right here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HqQscEnEM1I or by searching Youtube for, "Bob the Canadian Types of People"

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    31 minutos
  • Learn English with Canadian Snacks 🍫🍩🍪
    Sep 14 2024

    In this English lesson you will learn how to describe food in English and you will learn about Canadian snack food. I went and did a bit of grocery shopping and picked up some of the common snacks that people in my part of Canada eat.

    In this English lesson, as I talk about each snack and try each snack, I will help you learn some common words and phrases that we use to talk about snack food.

    I hope you enjoy this English class about describing food.

    Note: This is the audio portion of a Youtube English lesson which you can watch right here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDwGlzf2B9s or by searching Youtube for, "Bob the Canadian Snacks"

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    11 minutos
  • Let's Learn English! Topic: Common Sounds! 🚙🐕⏲️
    Sep 8 2024

    The world around us is alive with sound. In this English lesson I'll talk about common sounds that we hear every day. Maybe you hear a honk, a bark, or a whir. Not only will I talk about the name of the sound, but I'll also teach you the most common phrases we use when talking about what we hear.

    In this English lesson you'll learn words and phrases like: a knock at the door, a toilet being flushed, a door being slammed, a doorbell ringing, the whir of a fan, a smoke alarm going off, a car honking, a bird chirping, footsteps on the floor, a chair creaking, and many more.

    I hope you enjoy this free English class about common sounds. Have a great day!

    Note: This is the audio portion of a Youtube English lesson which you can watch right here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YmXg_uYb6qQ or by searching Youtube for, "Bob the Canadian Common Sounds"

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    27 minutos
  • 10 English Phrases for Talking about the End of Something
    Sep 7 2024

    In this English lesson I will help you learn 10 English phrases that we use when something is ending. Maybe it is a season, maybe it is a project at work, either way, it's good to be able to describe the last few moments of something, and how you feel about it ending.

    In this English lesson you'll learn phrases like: all's well that ends well, to wrap up, to wind down, to come to a close, to tie up loose ends, and more!

    I hope you enjoy this class on things you can say when something is ending. Have a great day!

    Note: This is the audio portion of a Youtube English lesson which you can watch right here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xz6EEVVz1IA or by searching Youtube for, "Bob the Canadian End"

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    7 minutos
  • Let's Learn English! Topic: Collectables! 👨‍🦳🖼️🥫
    Sep 1 2024

    In this English lesson I'll talk about all of the things that people like to collect. As a kid I had a rock collection and a stamp collection. Some people, if they have a lot of money, like to collect art or cars. In this class I'll help you learn the words and phrases we use to talk about collectables, the things people like to collect.

    In this free English lesson you'll learn words like: stamps, figurines, action figures, trading cards, autographs, fridge magnets, seashells, wristbands, antiques, bobbleheads, stickers, buttons, coasters, bottle caps, and many more!

    I hope you enjoyed this English class about collectables. Have a great day!

    ✅ Don't forget to visit the store! https://bobthecanadian.com

    Note: This is the audio portion of a Youtube English lesson which you can watch right here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h07cYqQdAm8 or by searching Youtube for, "Bob the Canadian Collectables"

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    38 minutos
  • 5 English Phrases With The Word "Attention"
    Aug 29 2024

    In this English lesson I'll help you learn 5 English phrases that have the word "attention" in them. Each phrase is very common in everyday conversation, and are worth knowing. I'm sure you'll enjoy this lesson!

    ✅ Don't forget to visit the store! https://bobthecanadian.com

    Note: This is the audio portion of a Youtube English lesson which you can watch right here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvOK0J4OBPA or by searching Youtube for, "Bob the Canadian Attention"

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    5 minutos