
  • The ULTIMATE French Pronunciation Podcast / How we ACTUALLY say "VOUS"?
    Jun 27 2024

    EPISODE 5:

    Welcome back to another episode of our linguistic journey, examining the intricacies of French that no classroom will teach you. Today, we're diving into the nuanced world of "VOUS." This pronoun may seem straightforward, but it carries significant implications in conversation, cultural contexts, and even in the philosophy of language learning itself.

    In this episode, we will explore the importance of knowing how to use "VOUS" correctly, as it can often be confusing for learners. I’ll share a personal story from my school interview as a kid to highlight this point.

    Usage of VOUS:

    We will delve into who "VOUS" should be used with, typically anyone older than you or in a service role. We will discuss how "VOUS" replaces "tu" for formality and respect, and how it functions as a second-person plural, unlike English which often uses "you guys." I will explain that English lacks a distinct second-person plural, causing confusion for learners. A useful trick is to think, "You guys are in the room with us, they are not in the room with us." Use "VOUS" for "you guys."


    Next, we’ll cover how to conjugate verbs with "VOUS."


    We'll focus on real conversational French pronunciation, addressing common mispronunciations in English such as bending the vowel sound. We’ll also discuss pronunciation examples with and without liaison through casual and normal questions like:

    • Casual: "Vous allez bien?" (How are you all?), "Vous venez souvent ici?" (Do you come here often?)
    • Normal: "Est-ce que vous avez des baguettes?" (Do you have any baguettes?), "J'ai vu que vous vendez des croissants." (I saw that you sell croissants.)

    Question Structure:

    We will contrast "Est-ce que" questions with informal questions using "VOUS":

    • "Est-ce que vous allez au marché?" (Are you going to the market?) vs. "Vous allez au marché?" (Going to the market?)
    • "Est-ce que vous comprenez?" (Do you understand?) vs. "Vous comprenez?" (Understand?)

    Stress Pronouns:

    We’ll discuss the importance of first-person plural and second-person plural as stress pronouns in French, their presence in object pronouns and reflexive verbs, with examples like:

    • "C’est vous qui avez dit ça." (It’s you guys who said this.)
    • "C’est vous que j’ai vu." (It’s you I saw.)
    • "C’est vous?" (Is it you?)

    Object Pronouns:

    We’ll include examples of "VOUS" as an object pronoun:

    • "Je vous vois." (I see you.)
    • "Ils vont venir vous voir plus tard." (They will come to see you later.)
    • "Je vais vous aider." (I will help you.)

    Reflexive Verbs:

    We’ll illustrate "VOUS" in reflexive verbs, reminding listeners that "VOUS" remains consistent:

    • "Vous vous souvenez de moi?" (Do you remember me?)
    • "Vous vous appelez comment?" (What is your name?)
    • "Vous vous intéressez à quoi?" (What are you interested in?)

    Cultural and Emotional Impact:

    We’ll compare the use of "VOUS" as stress pronouns and subject pronouns with examples of second-person singular vs. second-person plural:

    • "Tu as fait ça." (You did this - informal)
    • "Vous avez fait ça." (You did this - formal/plural) We’ll also discuss the concept of second-person plural in possessive words like "vos affaires" (your things).

    Remember, you can find me on Instagram @chaseinfrench, and if you don’t have Instagram, feel free to email me at chaseinfrench@gmail.com.

    So, whether you're a beginner or looking to polish your French, join us for an episode that promises to deepen your understanding and appreciation of this crucial pronoun.

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    27 minutos
  • The ULTIMATE French Pronunciation Podcast / How we ACTUALLY say "NOUS"?
    Feb 16 2024

    EPISODE 4:

    Welcome back to another episode of our linguistic journey, examining the intricacies of French that no classroom will teach you. Today, we're diving into the nuanced world of "Nous" and "On." These pronouns may seem interchangeable at a glance, but they carry unique implications in conversation, cultural contexts, and even in the philosophy of language learning itself.

    In this episode, we will explore the origins of "On," dating back to the 17th century, and its evolution from "Hom," reflecting its usage in the third person. This historical perspective illuminates why "On" can cause confusion among learners and highlights the importance of understanding its correct application.

    French Sentences:

    • "On y va" versus "Nous y allons"
    • "Qu’est-ce qu’on va faire?" / "On fait quoi?" / "On va faire quoi?"
    • "C’est ce que l’on va faire" / "C’est c’qu’on va faire"

    We'll also delve into why "On" should never be used as a stress pronoun, and the implications of doing so. This leads us to a broader discussion on the philosophy behind language learning and why traditional methods may not always serve our best interests.

    Challenging Sentences:

    • "On y était il y a quelque jour"
    • "On y peut rien"

    Lastly, we will tackle the nuances of liaison in French pronunciation and its implications for learners. And for those curious about when it's actually acceptable to use "Nous," I'll share an emotional story from a French classroom, revealing the cultural rebellion against formality and the embrace of linguistic beauty.

    Cultural Implications:

    Understanding "Nous" and "On" goes beyond grammar; it's about navigating social dynamics, expressing camaraderie, or maintaining professional distance. For learners, this episode offers a key to unlocking more authentic and nuanced French communication.

    So, whether you're a beginner or looking to polish your French, join us for an episode that promises to deepen your understanding and appreciation of these crucial pronouns.

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    27 minutos
  • The ULTIMATE French Pronunciation Podcast / How we ACTUALLY say "TU"?
    Nov 10 2023

    EPISODE 3:

    Dive into the world of French conversation with our latest episode, where we unravel the nuances of the pronoun "tu", a cornerstone in informal French dialogue.

    In this engaging journey, we decode how the seemingly simple "tu" transforms in daily speech. From the basics to the subtleties, discover how "tu" sounds in isolation and within the flow of a sentence. We dive deep into examples like "Tu es mon ami" (You are my friend), "Tu aimes le chocolat" (You like chocolate), illuminating the informal texture of French.

    But there's more! Ever wondered how "tu" morphs in rapid, casual conversations? We'll explore this fascinating aspect, showing how phrases like "tu arrives bientôt" often become "t'arrives bientôt là?". Get ready for a series of practice sentences to perfect your pronunciation, such as "Tu es en retard" becoming "T'es en retard”, and "Qu'est-ce que tu fais?" transforming into "Qu'es tu’fais?”.

    Our episode also delves into specific contexts, such as questions involving "tu", where phrases like “Ou est-ce-que tu étais?” smoothly turn into “T’étais où là?”. It's all about the authentic, everyday French that's spoken on the streets, in cafes, and among friends.

    As always, our "Learning French by Accident" method makes it enjoyable and accessible, whether you're just starting or looking to refine your skills. Tune in for an enlightening discussion that promises to elevate your understanding and usage of "tu" in real-world French.

    Join us for this linguistic exploration and transform your French-speaking abilities with the "ULTIMATE French Pronunciation Podcast - How we ACTUALLY say 'TU'?"


    French Sentences:

    "Tu es en retard" might be pronounced as "T'es en retard”.

    "Tu as raison" might be pronounced as "T'as raison”.

    "Qu'est-ce que tu fais?" might be pronounced as "Qu'es tu’fais?”.

    "Tu arrives bientôt" might be pronounced as "T'arrives bientôt là?”.

    “Tu n’arrive pas à finir ton travaille” might be pronounced as “T’arrives pas à finir ton travail”.

    “Où est-ce-que tu étais?” might be pronounced as “T’étais où là”.

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    13 minutos
  • The ULTIMATE French Pronunciation Podcast / How we ACTUALLY say "JE"?
    Jun 23 2023

    EPISODE 2:

    In this episode, we delve into the complexities of the French pronoun "je", an essential word for expressing personal thoughts, feelings, and actions in French.

    Discover the secrets behind the subtle pronunciation shifts, like how "Je ne sais pas" becomes "Chai pas" phonetically, or "Je suis ici" is often pronounced as "Chui ici". We also explore how "je" changes when it precedes voiceless consonants such as s, p, t, f, k, and voiced consonants like b, d, g, j, l, m, n, r, v, z.

    I share various examples of "je" to help you understand and master the nuances of the French language. For instance, "Je t’attend" might be pronounced as "chtaten", "Je pense a toi" as "chpense a toi", and "Je vais bien" as "J'vais bien".

    Whether you're a beginner or an advanced French learner, this episode offers valuable insights and practical tips to improve your pronunciation and comprehension, all while making learning fun and enjoyable. Join us on this linguistic adventure and enhance your French-speaking skills with the "Learning French by Accident" method!


    French Sentences:

    "Je ne sais pas" might be pronounced as "Chai pas".
    "Je suis ici" might be pronounced as "Chui ici".
    "Qu'est-ce que je fais?" might be pronounced as "Qu'es que chfai?".
    “Je t’attend” might be pronounced as "chtaten".
    "Je pense a toi" might be pronounced as "chpense a toi".
    "Je vais bien" might be pronounced as "J'vais bien".
    "Je m’ennuie" might be pronounced as "J’menui".
    "Je ne l’ai pas vu" might be pronounced as "J’lai pas vu".
    "Je regarde la télé" might be pronounced as "J’regarde la télé".

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    16 minutos
  • The ULTIMATE French Pronunciation Podcast / How we ACTUALLY say "IL"?
    Apr 25 2023

    EPISODE 1:

    In this episode, we explore the frequently used French word "il" and how its pronunciation changes in quick sentences and different contexts.

    Discover the secrets behind the subtle pronunciation shifts, like how "il était là il y a une seconde" becomes "i était là ya une seconde" phonetically. I also shares various examples of "il" to help you understand and master the nuances of the French language.

    Whether you're a beginner or an advanced French learner, this episode offers valuable insights and practical tips to improve your pronunciation and delivery, all while making learning fun and enjoyable. Join us on this linguistic adventure and enhance your French-speaking skills with the "Learning by Accident" method!


    French Sentences:

    "Il était là il y a une seconde"
    "Qu'est-ce qu'il se passe"
    "Est-ce qu'il vient avec nous"
    "Est-ce qu'ils viennent avec nous"

    "bah" in French:

    "Bah" is an informal French interjection often used in casual conversations. It can convey a range of emotions or reactions, such as surprise, hesitation, or indifference. It can be used as a filler or to express a lack of a strong opinion, similar to "well" or "um" in English. For example, "Bah, je ne sais pas" ("Well, I don't know").

    "là" in French:

    "Là" is a French adverb that can mean "here" or "there" depending on the context. When used at the end of a sentence, it can add emphasis, indicate location, or express impatience. In the example "Qu'est-ce qu'il se passe là?", the word "là" adds emphasis to the question, making it more like "What is happening right now?" or "What's going on there?"

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    12 minutos