• Post explant surgery rehabilitation and strength training - Randall Feingold. MD and Dr. Perry Nickelston
    Dec 26 2023

    The podcast explores the effects of breast augmentation and subsequent repair and rehabilitation of en bloc explant surgery on the upper body.

    Randall Feingold MD, FACS and Dr. Perry Nickelston delve into the anatomy and damage caused by these procedures, providing guidelines and exercises to restore strength, improve posture, and enhance overall wellness. Topics covered include neck exercises' importance, upper body strengthening, perfecting pushups, engaging glutes and core, the role of fascial slings, isometric exercises, neck alignment, the impact of tongue placement, exercises like farmer walks and Arnold presses, and improving wrist mobility. Social posts highlight the significance of these discussions in post-explant recovery, physical therapy, yoga's impact, and brain stimulation through hand movements. The conversation touches on exercises, rehabilitation, and techniques crucial for reclaiming strength and mobility after breast explant surgery.

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    on Instagram @drfeingoldplasticsurgery

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    38 minutos
  • Healing Lyme disease and Breast implant illness & the surprising connection
    Oct 29 2023

    Healing Lyme disease and Breast implant illness & the surprising connection

    Let's explore the common factors linking these complex health conditions and look into Herbal remedies that offer effective recovery. The “Cowden protocol” is a collection of natural remedies from the Amazon rainforest that successfully heal Lyme disease, Mold, fungus, and Biofilm, also common in breast implant illness.

    Lyme disease- BII connection

    Lyme disease, the most prevalent tickborne illness, often goes unnoticed until chronic symptoms emerge. Chronic symptoms, ranging from fatigue and brain fog to a weakened immune system, are also commonplace in Breast Implant Illness and Heavy Metal Toxicity. Exposure to additional stressors such as Silicone and pesticides expedites inflammation. Lyme, BII, and Heavy metal toxicity may mimic similar symptoms, making diagnosis difficult. These stressors will continue to overwhelm the immune system, causing more co-infection until resolved.

    Dr Lee Cowden’s insights bring immense value to our BII community. It’s an opportunity to shed light on these critical issues and provide much-needed guidance to women seeking answers and solutions.

    The Complex Origins of BII – An Interview with Randall Feingold, MD

    The causes of Breast Implant Illness (BII) are intricate and multifaceted. It’s not just about a single substance; toxins might play a part, but it could be a broader spectrum of stressors affecting patients. Silicone, found in implant shells and gels, is a prime suspect due to its composition, including heavy metals and chemicals. Additionally, the presence of pathogens attached to implants, forming biofilms, raises concerns. Various bacteria, fungi, and molds are often found in patients’ capsules, adding complexity to the issues. Identifying and eliminating these stressors through surgery or complementary therapies are crucial steps toward recovery.

    According to Randall Feingold, MD, after en bloc explant surgery, some patients experience rapid improvements, ranging from days to weeks or even months. Specific symptoms vanish entirely, while others show partial relief. Inflammatory conditions, such as arthritis, also exhibit positive responses, leading to reduced medication dependence. While the FDA recognizes explant surgery for its symptom-alleviating effects, it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution. The journey to recovery involves understanding that surgery is the first step, not the single cure for BII.

    Common Pathogens implicated in biofilm formation on implant capsules are Staphylococcus epidermidis and Staphylococcus taxa. Interestingly, the Staphylococcus sp. almost certainly evades detection but is likely present.

    Pathology of the capsules

    According to Randall Feingold, MD, 30% percent of the capsules come back positive for either mold, fungus, or other bacteria; these capsules can’t stay in the body,” says Dr. Randall Feingold, who raises concerns over the toxic biofilm formed around these capsules.

    BIA_ALCL cancer

    Some studies show the association between cancer (BIA_ALCL) and the presence of biofilm. Subclinical bacterial infections (biofilms) surround breast implants with capsular contracture. While these infections are generally attributed to common skin commensals, there are indications that these bacteria travel to the brain and other organs in the body, affecting the immune system. , this remains unsubstantiated mainly through robust cultivation-independent analyses. Notably, capsular contracture and associated biofilm formation are now also potentially linked to Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA_ALCL)

    Lyme disease

    According to recent studies, approximately 25% – 30% of women with breast implants have Lyme disease and

    Follow Randall Feingold, MD
    on Instagram @drfeingoldplasticsurgery

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    58 minutos
  • How to drain your Lymphatic system at home - with Dr. Perry Nickelston and Randall Feingold MD
    Aug 14 2023

    Episode 4 dives into the importance of draining your lymphatic system daily to improve detoxification. No one talks about the critical role of the lymphatic system when it comes to recovering after surgery or simply for the purpose of healing a health condition.

    Randall Feingold MD addresses specifically Breast implant illness and the need to maintain a healthy immune system.

    Dr. Perry Nickelston has the answers to how to drain toxins from the body by doing "The Big 6 " to strengthen your immune system and optimize it. Good flow of the lymphatic system helps weight loss and reduces swelling in the body.

    Follow Randall Feingold, MD
    on Instagram @drfeingoldplasticsurgery

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    58 minutos
  • Pathology of the capsules & Breast Implant illness Recovery
    May 16 2023

    Randall Feingold, MD performs en bloc explant surgery (Breast Implants removal surgery) regularly and has developed a safety protocol based on his clinical training and many years of experience that provides a panel of pathology and microbiology evaluation of the capsules to rule out certain abnormalities and to increase the likelihood of finding the underlying cause of BII symptoms and allow selection of proper treatments. Dr. Randall Feingold, photo-documents the capsule specimens, Before sending the capsule specimens to pathology, (as well as for bacterial and fungal cultures).

    These tests are done during the explant surgery and typically the results are ready within 7-28 days. to increase the likelihood of finding the underlying cause of symptoms and allow the selection of proper treatments.

    Randall Feingold, MD uses the following protocol to thoroughly evaluate and treat his patients:

    • Photo documentation of capsules and implants provided to patients for reassurance
    • Pathology evaluation of capsules to assess the degree of inflammation and rule out malignancy (particularly for textured implants)
    • Microbiology testing of capsule lining to investigate for colonies of bacteria and fungus/mold
    • Long-term antibiotic or antifungal therapy for positive cultures

    Follow Randall Feingold, MD
    on Instagram @drfeingoldplasticsurgery

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    32 minutos
  • Restoring your breast with Breast lift and Fat transfer - Randall Feingold MD FACS
    Mar 25 2023

    How to restore your breast naturally after explant surgery.

    Dr. Randall Feingold, a leading plastic surgeon and co-founder of NYBRA explains how to restore, volumize and reshape the breasts with breast lift and fat transfer procedures—50% of Dr. Randall Feingold choose these two procedures during their Explant surgery.

    This informative interview will determine which technique is best for you.

    Follow Randall Feingold, MD
    on Instagram @drfeingoldplasticsurgery

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    18 minutos
  • Everything you should know about en bloc Explant surgery
    Mar 18 2023

    Randall Feingold MD explains the necessity of en bloc explant surgery when removing breast implants. He is a founding partner of the New York breast reconstruction and aesthetic Plastic Surgery.

    This podcast is informative and valuable for women who are looking to remove their breast implants. learn about the procedure, scar placement, and recovery from one of the leading plastic surgeons in the USA

    Follow Randall Feingold, MD
    on Instagram @drfeingoldplasticsurgery

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    17 minutos