
  • Your Career 2.0 Launchpad Episode 107 with Jim Doliber and Brian Stranko
    Sep 1 2022

    In this episode, wildlife conservationist Brian Stranko explains how he shifted careers paths while still trying to help the environment. Career coach Jim Doliber describes the process and helping guide Brian along.

    From the article https://jdoliber.esourcecoach.com/wildlife-conservationist-pursues-wild-new-opportunity/ on The Entrepreneur's Source Blog https://entrepreneurssource.com/podca...

    From the article:

    Career ownership coaching from The Entrepreneur’s Source® gave Brian Stranko the tools he needs to achieve financial freedom and pursue his passion for preserving wildlife in Africa.

    Stranko dedicated his career to helping the planet as a conservation leader. Most recently, he served as a strategy and fundraising consultant for nonprofits in Africa as they struggled to secure funding during the pandemic. He also spent 11 years working for The Nature Conservancy as the director of the nonprofit’s water program in California.

    Inspired by the decline in wildlife tourism during the pandemic, Stranko started a new nonprofit in July 2021 to fuel conservation efforts. Rather than rely on tourism funding, Afri-Vet hosts online veterinary and wildlife care education programs created by African wildlife sanctuary staff. The videos are designed to help grow sanctuary resources and provide scholarships for limited-income Africans. Afri-Vet’s mission is to raise awareness for wildlife veterinary medicine and care to promote conservation.

    Having spent his career in the nonprofit industry, Stranko knew he needed to secure a steady income stream to be able to achieve his goals and support his family. Jim Doliber, a Career Ownership Coach™ for The Entrepreneur’s Source®, helped Stranko discover a new path to achieve the American dream. “I wanted to be able to have some sort of Plan B,” Stranko said. “Jim [Doliber] totally understood my need to maintain my work with my nonprofit and find a business that fit.”

    Doliber began his coaching career with TES in 2019 after spending more than 25 years working corporate jobs in product and real estate management and franchising. His past experience in franchising helped him recognize the importance of helping entrepreneurs discover a Career 2.0® that achieves their goals.

    TES coaches help people open their minds to new possibilities. The nation’s leading career coaching franchise uses an education-based program to help people identify their Income, Lifestyle, Wealth and Equity™ goals to achieve financial freedom and self-sufficiency. “I’ve had to know myself before, but it has been a while. It was nice to revisit it and understand how I operate, determine my interests, and my likes and dislikes,” Stranko said.

    In addition to achieving financial freedom, Stranko envisioned a future where he could continue his role as Afri-Vet’s executive director. He also needed his new career path to offer flexibility and further his conservation vision. In addition to his career as a conservationist, Stranko has three daughters who keep him on his toes. To stay grounded, his family likes to spend time together traveling. While current events forced them to put travel plans on hold, the family fondly remembers their last vacation where they relaxed and watched the wildlife at an eco-lodge in Playa del Carmen in Mexico.

    Read more

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    19 minutos
  • Your Career 2.0 Launchpad Episode 106 with Brian McNamara and Sophia Gibbs
    Aug 11 2022

    In this episode, Sophia Gibbs describes how she shifted her career focus to involve her family while outlining the process with career coach Brian McNamara.

    From the article https://entrepreneurssource.com/blog/... on The Entrepreneur's Source Blog https://entrepreneurssource.com/podca...

    Mother-Daughter Dynamic Duo

    Happy Mother’s Day! In honor of all of the invaluable women who provide nurturing, guidance, and love, The Entrepreneur’s Source® is highlighting a mother-daughter team who are following a new path and pursuing business ownership together.

    After spending more than 15 years working in healthcare, Sophia Gibbs was ready for a change. As associate director of clinical operations at Weill Cornell Medicine, Gibbs garnered a wealth of management experience, including recruitment, finance operations, and communications. Despite achieving a successful career in Manhattan, Gibbs had a desire to get back to the basics of customer service.

    “I enjoy my job, but it does not focus on day-to-day care. It’s more administrative. I wanted to make a positive impact on people’s lives,” Gibbs said.

    With three children beginning to enter the workforce, Gibbs’ primary focus was on helping them achieve a successful future. She had her sights set on business ownership to provide a legacy for her children. “I wanted to have a business I could pass down to my kids,” she added. “Business ownership is the best thing I can give them. It serves as a trust fund for down the road.”

    Gibbs worked with Brian McNamara, a Career Ownership Coach™ for TES, to help achieve her entrepreneurial goals. TES coaches use education-based tools to help people set goals and explore possibilities at no cost. Coaches focus on helping people determine their Income, Lifestyle, Wealth, and Equity™ goals to chart a new course. TES coaches hold people accountable to their dreams and help them attain financial freedom.

    “Brian gets to know you as a whole person. He is very available and very resourceful. He made us feel as if we had a partner during this journey,” Gibbs added.

    Career coaching helped Gibbs decide that business ownership through franchising offered a low-risk, high-reward path to achieve success for her family. Franchising allowed them to operate a proven brand with the training and support needed to succeed.

    “Sophia is extremely kind, caring, calm, cool, and collected. Through that, she’s achieved great success in life,” McNamara said. “We started working together last September, and by the end of the year, she’d decided on not one but two businesses.”

    Having an aging parent exposed Gibbs to the gaps in the home healthcare system. Confident a better alternative existed, Gibbs signed a franchise deal to open a ComForCare location in nearby Jersey City, New Jersey, and immediately gave the leadership reins to her 26-year-old daughter, Sierra Graham. ComForCare offers an in-home care solution for the elderly.


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    12 minutos
  • Ep-10 “Overcoming Obstacles to a Successful Mindset”, Chapter 6 Your Career 2.0
    Jun 13 2022

    Watch Now! Possibilities, Options & Dreams: Ep-10 “Overcoming Obstacles to a Successful Mindset”, Chapter 6 Your Career 2.0

    Podcasts https://entrepreneurssource.com/podcasts/

    POD - Possibilities, Options & Dreams fosters meaningful connections, empowering aspiring entrepreneurs to identify, pursue and achieve their dream of self-sufficiency. The largest Career Ownership Coaching™ organization for nearly 40 years, The Entrepreneur's Source® (TES) has helped nearly one million professionals explore their career possibilities with our powerful approach to education, awareness and discovery and our unique Income, Lifestyle, Wealth and Equity™ assessments.

    In this episode of the “Possibilities, Options & Dreams” Podcast, Melissa, and Tamara, discuss the revolutionary concepts put into a program of action within The Entrepreneur's Source® (TES) which has helped nearly one million professionals explore their career possibilities. Based on the best-selling book for successful and emerging entrepreneurs “Take Ownership of your Career 2.0, A Survival Guide for the Battered Career and Investor Syndrome”  POD – Possibilities, Options & Dreams fosters meaningful connections, empowering aspiring entrepreneurs to identify, pursue and achieve their dream of self-sufficiency.
    More in This Episode 10: “Overcoming Obstacles to a Successful Mindset”

    What Don’t You Want? Often it’s easier to know what you don’t want than what you do want. A good way to begin the search for your Primary Aim is to become very clear about all the things you know you don’t want. Make a list. Don’t stop writing until you’ve written down everything you can think of. There is a basic premise at work here, which says that focusing on what you don’t want creates more of the same. The things you know you don’t want are probably things you think about frequently. You probably play them over and over again in your mind. The result is that you are mentally “rehearsing” them, practicing them, reinforcing them.

    What Do You Want? When do you feel most free? What is it that makes you feel most in touch with yourself? What gives you the greatest sense of fulfillment? Everyone has peak experiences. What are they for you? What do you want your life to stand for? What’s really important to you? This is what your Primary Aim is all about. Again, you start by making a list. Think about what you appreciate, what is important to you, the parts of your life you treasure, the ones that give you your deepest sense of satisfaction? If your list fills up with material things, dig deeper. Your Primary Aim isn’t about “stuff.” It’s about being alive.

    Tamara Loring:
    "It could be a mindset issue that's preventing you from achieving your "ILLWE" income, lifestyle, wealth and equity goals need to expect these expectations. Sometimes we don't even understand the poor habits that have snuck into our lives. But we're kind of frustrated, why aren't we moving forward. It would behoove us to actually look at what we're doing on a daily basis that's preventing us from living this dream life that we've created for ourselves. Or maybe it's just purely the lack of education and awareness about what is possible. I mean, you and I've spoken about it so many times, right? 

    More... https://entrepreneurssource.com/podcast/possibilities-options-dreams-ep-10-overcoming-obstacles-to-a-successful-mindset/

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    35 minutos
  • Ep-2 “The Battered Career Syndrome”, Chapter 1 Your Career 2.0
    Jun 6 2022

    Watch Now! Possibilities, Options & Dreams: Ep-2 “The Battered Career Syndrome”, Chapter 1 Your Career 2.0
    POD: Episode-2 “The Battered Career Syndrome”
    POD - Possibilities, Options & Dreams fosters meaningful connections, empowering aspiring entrepreneurs to identify, pursue and achieve their dream of self-sufficiency. The largest Career Ownership Coaching™ organization for nearly 40 years, The Entrepreneur's Source® (TES) has helped nearly one million professionals explore their career possibilities with our powerful approach to education, awareness and discovery and our unique Income, Lifestyle, Wealth and Equity™ assessments.
    In this episode of the “Possibilities, Options & Dreams” Podcast, Mary, Melissa, and Tamara, discuss the revolutionary concepts put into a program of action within The Entrepreneur's Source® (TES) which has helped nearly one million professionals explore their career possibilities. Based on the best-selling book for successful and emerging entrepreneurs “Take Ownership of your Career 2.0, A Survival Guide for the Battered Career and Investor Syndrome”  POD – Possibilities, Options & Dreams fosters meaningful connections, empowering aspiring entrepreneurs to identify, pursue and achieve their dream of self-sufficiency.
    More in This Episode:
    Have you ever been in a situation that has not made you happy, and while you’ve acknowledged that fact, you weren’t able to see any options for escaping? Perhaps you admitted to the problem but put off trying to fix it, or thought that if you gave it another chance the next time would be different–the situation would change? Sometimes the simple act of recognizing that things are not going well, and seeing beyond the illusion, is a comfort in and of itself—a way to feel that progress has been made, even though the situation has not been rectified.
    For example, in the “new normal” that we are currently experiencing, we may be less likely to fall back on the illusion of security and more willing to admit being duped by corporate dependency. While some people hold out hope that the economy might one day return to the traditional model, not too many are counting on that. Most people understand that things have changed, yet their behavior patterns, which are based on habits they developed through years of working within the corporate system, are still on autopilot. They know there is a problem, but they are too habituated or fearful to extract themselves from the situation.More About This Podcast:
    You are painfully aware that the job market has changed dramatically in the last 25 years with more and more layoffs every time there is a downward shift in the economy, with jobs being lost to cheaper labor in other countries and entire industries moving overseas. We have been living in the Career Revolution era where job security no longer exists and pension plans are a thing of the past. Our families, our income, our emotional wellbeing, and the way we must plan for the future have all been drastically affected. Maybe there have been cutbacks in your company. Maybe you have been lucky enough to have survived them but wonder when your turn is coming. Or maybe you didn’t survive the latest layoff and are currently unemployed or underemployed, or perhaps you have even joined the unemployable ranks. Increased levels of fears and uncertainty in today’s workplace don’t leave much room for inspiration or empowerment. In fact, when was the last time you felt inspired or empowered? 
    Go to Podcast Page: https://entrepreneurssource.com/podcasts/

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    38 minutos
  • Ep-1 “The Terry Powell Story: Birth of The Entrepreneur's Source"
    Jun 6 2022

    Watch or Listen Now! Possibilities, Options & Dreams: Ep-1 “The Terry Powell Story: Birth of The Entrepreneur's Source" “The Terry Powell Story: The Birth of The Career Revolution”

    POD - Possibilities, Options & Dreams fosters meaningful connections, empowering aspiring entrepreneurs to identify, pursue and achieve their dream of self-sufficiency. The largest Career Ownership Coaching™ organization for nearly 40 years, The Entrepreneur's Source® (TES) has helped nearly one million professionals explore their career possibilities with our powerful approach to education, awareness and discovery and our unique Income, Lifestyle, Wealth and Equity™ assessments.
    In this episode of the “Possibilities, Options & Dreams” Podcast, Mary, Melissa, Tamara, and Marissa discuss the revolutionary concepts put into a program of action within The Entrepreneur's Source® (TES) which has helped nearly one million professionals explore their career possibilities. Based on the best-selling book for successful and emerging entrepreneurs “Take Ownership of your Career 2.0, A Survival Guide for the Battered Career and Investor Syndrome”  POD – Possibilities, Options & Dreams fosters meaningful connections, empowering aspiring entrepreneurs to identify, pursue and achieve their dream of self-sufficiency.

    More in This Episode:

    More About This Podcast:

    You are painfully aware that the job market has changed dramatically in the last 25 years with more and more layoffs every time there is a downward shift in the economy, with jobs being lost to cheaper labor in other countries and entire industries moving overseas. We have been living in the Career Revolution era where job security no longer exists and pension plans are a thing of the past. Our families, our income, our emotional wellbeing, and the way we must plan for the future have all been drastically affected. Maybe there have been cutbacks in your company. Maybe you have been lucky enough to have survived them but wonder when your turn is coming. Or maybe you didn’t survive the latest layoff and are currently unemployed or underemployed, or perhaps you have even joined the unemployable ranks. Increased levels of fears and uncertainty in today’s workplace don’t leave much room for inspiration or empowerment. In fact, when was the last time you felt inspired or empowered? Think back to when you were a child and the possibilities were endless. You felt you could do anything. You felt empowered, right?

    You could dare to dream because failure was not even an option.

    You had the ability to focus on the end goal and not on the obstacles in your way. It’s time to regain that ability and redefine your goals. Where is your professional future headed? Are you on track? Will your current path take you where you want to go? This book is the starting point of your journey towards self-sufficiency and financial freedom. Together we will build the framework to define your goals, needs, and expectations, and assist you in determining the proper vehicle to help you attain them.

    Go to Podcast Page: https://entrepreneurssource.com/podcasts/

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    24 minutos
  • Ep-3 “Turning Sand into Pearls”, Chapter 1 Your Career 2.0
    May 9 2022

    In this episode of the  Possibilities, Options & Dreams Podcast: Ep-3 “Turning Sand into Pearls”, Chapter 1 Your Career 2.0, Mary and Melissa do a deep dive into “Your Career 2.0, A Survival Guide for the Battered Career and Investor Syndrome”
    Podcasts: https://entrepreneurssource.com/podcasts/
    On YouTube: https://youtu.be/jG_9Ud6T1K0

    Based on the best-selling book for successful and emerging entrepreneurs “Take Ownership of your Career 2.0, A Survival Guide for the Battered Career and Investor Syndrome”  POD – Possibilities, Options & Dreams fosters meaningful connections, empowering aspiring entrepreneurs to identify, pursue and achieve their dream of self-sufficiency.

    Chances are that you are interested in this Podcast because you are among the 75% of the population that is seeking self-sufficiency. Most likely you have a desire to find a better way and to improve your current situation. Perhaps you are tired of being a victim of the Battered Career Syndrome® or the Battered Investor Syndrome® which keep people going back to hopeless situations with the expectation that this time around they will be different–that the job and the stock markets will go back to the heydays enjoyed in years past.

    More in This Episode:
    How do you turn that growing awareness of other possibilities into a tangible goal? Our research shows that 75 percent of all adults are searching for something other than a job. They are seeking self-sufficiency and financial independence and they are experiencing constant frustration. They have a sense that there is something better out there, a different path from the rat race. Think of your increasing dissatisfaction with the traditional job market as a grain of sand inside an oyster. It is a persistent irritation; however, that is not necessarily a bad thing. When properly channeled, that grain of sand eventually develops into a precious pearl. In terms of your career, this constant irritation produced by the frustration about the job market motivates you to look outside of what you know and allows you to see greater possibilities for your future.

    Find out more about this and other episodes as well as more about The Entrepreneur's Source: https://entrepreneurssource.com/podcast/possibilities-options-dreams-ep-3-turning-sand-into-pearls-010

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    18 minutos
  • Ep-9 “The Coaching Experience–no need to go alone.”, Chapter 5 Your Career 2.0
    Apr 29 2022

    Airdate: April 27th, 2022: In Ep-9 “The Coaching Experience–no need to go alone.”, Chapter 5 Your Career 2.0 of The “Possibilities, Options & Dreams” Podcast, Melissa, Tamara, and Marissa Explore “The Coaching Experience–No Need to Go Alone”

    Podcasts https://entrepreneurssource.com/podcasts/

    Watch Now! Possibilities, Options & Dreams: Ep-9 “The Coaching Experience–no need to go alone.”, Chapter 5 Your Career 2.0

    In this episode of the “Possibilities, Options & Dreams” Podcast, Melissa, Tamara, and Marissa do a deep dive into Chapter 5 of “Your Career 2.0, A Survival Guide for the Battered Career and Investor Syndrome”

    Based on the best-selling book for successful and emerging entrepreneurs “Take Ownership of your Career 2.0, A Survival Guide for the Battered Career and Investor Syndrome”  POD – Possibilities, Options & Dreams fosters meaningful connections, empowering aspiring entrepreneurs to identify, pursue and achieve their dream of self-sufficiency.

    Chances are that you are interested in this Podcast because you are among the 75% of the population that is seeking self-sufficiency. Most likely you have a desire to find a better way and to improve your current situation. Perhaps you are tired of being a victim of the Battered Career Syndrome® or the Battered Investor Syndrome® which keep people going back to hopeless situations with the expectation that this time around they will be different–that the job and the stock markets will go back to the heydays enjoyed in years past.

    More in This Episode:

    “Oprah Winfrey has a coach. Phil Mickelson has a coach. Bill Gates has a coach. So, why shouldn’t you have one?
    Whether it’s a personal coach, a sports coach, a business coach, or a career transition coach, successful people enlist the assistance of these professional specialized resources. The more successful you are, the more you realize that you can’t be an expert at everything. We are all students and we’re constantly learning and growing–a coach provides the safe environment, the challenge, and the accountability to allow you to reach your maximum potential. Perhaps this is the reason that 47 percent of organizations see coaching as essential to their executive decision-making process according to a Right Management Consultants survey, and their research shows that this number grows every year.

    A coach does three important things:

    • A coach creates awareness of what is and what could be possible for you
    • A coach provides the education and environment you need to examine areas of your life that hold the answer to your future; and,
    • A coach holds you accountable for your goals, needs, and expectations”

    Tamara Loring:

    “Gosh, there are several things a coach can do. Right? First and foremost, what they do is they create a safe space where you can learn and you can educate yourself about what the possibilities are.”

    Marissa Frois:

    “I’m sure that there are those of you out there that are thinking that all sounds great but I don’t need a coach. That’s not for me, working with a coach isn’t gonna get me any more fruit than where I already am. I could do a lot of this on my own. And I really want to challenge that thinking a little bit. There’s a phrase in this chapter that I absolutely love. And it is knowledge is the only weapon against fear. Fear simply dissolves in the face of information, facts and knowledge. ”

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    31 minutos
  • Ep-6 “Common Obstacles to Your Financial Freedom” The F-Words, Chapter 3 Your Career 2.0
    Apr 15 2022

    "Let's Talk About the F-Words"

    Podcast Page:

    In this episode of the Possibilities, Options & Dreams" Podcast: Ep-6 “Common Obstacles to Your Financial Freedom” The F-Words, Chapter 3 Your Career 2.0,  Melissa, Marissa and Tamara do a deep dive into Chapter 3 of "Your Career 2.0, A Survival Guide for the Battered Career and Investor Syndrome".

    Chapter three is all about what holds you back, common obstacles in the way of financial freedom and your financial freedom.

    Podcast Page: https://entrepreneurssource.com/podcasts/

    Welcome to the top career ownership podcast! Now you can watch or listen on the go to the industry’s most insightful minds on all things business and career ownership. We hope you’ll tune in regularly! Based on the best-selling book for successful and emerging entrepreneurs “Take Ownership of your Career 2.0, A Survival Guide for the Battered Career and Investor Syndrome”  POD – Possibilities, Options & Dreams fosters meaningful connections, empowering aspiring entrepreneurs to identify, pursue and achieve their dream of self-sufficiency.

    Chances are that you are interested in this Podcast because you are among the 75% of the population that is seeking self-sufficiency. Most likely you have a desire to find a better way and to improve your current situation. Perhaps you are tired of being a victim of the Battered Career Syndrome® or the Battered Investor Syndrome® which keep people going back to hopeless situations with the expectation that this time around they will be different–that the job and the stock markets will go back to the heydays enjoyed in years past.

    More in This Episode:

    This is honestly one of my favorite chapters. I’m so excited that we’re talking about it today. What a great title right? We’re going to be talking about F words. And I’m sure some individuals are scratching their head like wait; what kind of F-Words? When individuals embark on the road towards self-sufficiency and Financial Freedom and realize that they can break free from the hamster wheel of corporate America and truly create the future that they’ve always dreamed of for themselves and their families. I think they start to feel emotions that maybe they haven’t felt in a while things like excitement, freedom, right! Having the freedom for their future possibilities, just to name a few. And that’s really exciting. But on the flip side, I think it’s safe to say that the road also includes some obstacles and challenges that they may face. And that’s what we call the F words.” –Marissa Frois

    Fear is a very common emotion, I don’t think we’d be human if we didn’t experience it in some way, shape, or form. But I think the key is to come to terms with the emotion and make sure that we don’t let our emotional brain make decisions for us. Rather, what if we took a fact-based approach and just for a moment challenged what we’re thinking and feeling? You guys have heard what the acronym fear stands for, right: FEAR is false evidence appearing real.” –Tamara Loring

    Read more about this episode:  https://entrepreneurssource.com/podcast/possibilities-options-dreams-ep-6-the-f-words-020222/

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    31 minutos