
  • The Pragmatics of Working with Children
    Apr 21 2022

    The world we grew up in doesn’t exist. But this new world has endless possibilities, and our children are flexible, they accommodate change easily.

    So what if instead of trying to control your kids, suggests Susanna, you have the courage to let go and allow your kids to have their own learning experiences? To empower them to know they have what it takes to go through anything.

    On today’s podcast:

    • What else is possible for our children and teenagers?
    • How can you let go of a worldview that isn’t yours?
    • How else can you work with children?
    • What if you empower rather than control your children?
    • What if you're willing to be a bad parent?


    • Your Pragmatic Exploration Online Call Series
    • The Book: Fairytale Family
    • 1 day Pragmatic Psychology Class: Making family and parenting work for you, July 17 in Slovenia and Online
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    23 minutos
  • What are you supposed to worry about?
    Apr 7 2022

    We all worry, but what if worrying wasn’t your only option? What if, instead of investing in other people’s points of view, you choose to be you?

    Listen as Susanna suggests instead of worrying about what is going wrong in your life you look at it from a questioning position and give it the chance to change. Remember, you always have a choice, no matter what.

    On today’s podcast:

    • What’s right about your current situation?
    • What if worrying isn’t your only option?
    • What if you choose to stop investing in other people’s points of view?
    • What if you simply choose to be you?
    • What is required to create a greater future?
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    23 minutos
  • The Quantum Leap to Ease and Joy and Glory!
    Mar 24 2022

    There is always something to be afraid of or to worry about. The key is to make a different choice and go in a direction that works for you, that creates a better future for you.

    Listen to Susanna share her thoughts on taking the quantum leap to ease, joy and glory. Your past does not determine your future. Remember, you always have a choice to change your life in every moment.

    On today’s podcast:

    • What if you made a different choice?
    • What could your future look like if you didn’t allow your past to lead?
    • What would you like to create as your future?
    • What can you choose in this very moment to change the direction of your future?
    • What will expand your world?


    • Your Pragmatic Exploration Online Call Series
    • www.susannamittermaier.com
    • www.pragmaticpsychology.com
    • Susanna’s Classes
    • Susanna’s Shop
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    21 minutos
  • Do you let your past haunt you?
    Feb 17 2022

    The world around us is constantly shifting and changing. If you make what’s happening outside of your world part of your world you remove your choice to create your own world. And the only thing we have available is change and choice. But when you resist change, you create pain.

    Susanna invites you to look at the places in your life where you hold onto your past, and asks what change is available that you haven’t acknowledged? What if you let go of your past and ask what change and choice is available that will allow you to thrive like never before?

    On today’s podcast:

    • Do you make everyone else’s world your world?
    • The only thing we have available is change and choice
    • What if you looked at your past and made the choice to change?
    • What if the discomfort of change isn’t something you need to avoid anymore?
    • What are you resisting that you could be enjoying?
    • What if your past is no longer the thing that haunts you?


    • Your Pragmatic Exploration Online Call Series
    • Getting out of your hole - Outcreating fear, worry and separation: March 15 - A Pragmatic Psychology Intro Online Call
    • Making Your Life Work! March 26 and 27 - A 2 day Pragmatic Psychology Online Course
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    23 minutos
  • How are you taking care of you?
    Feb 3 2022

    In these turbulent times, taking care of yourself is vital. Many people suffer from depression, anxiety and other unpleasant things because they want to be good for other people. But what if you practice a culture of taking care of yourself, of nurturing yourself? Because only then can your world grow.

    Listen to Susanna share her thoughts on a different kind of self care. The moment you start to look for more clarity on what truly works for you, everything can contribute to you, and your life will change.

    On today’s podcast:

    • Do you even know who or what nurtures you?
    • What else can you ask for that makes you happy?
    • What if you receive and allow nurturing in your life?
    • How do you let in more gratitude, nurturing and acknowledgement?
    • What is available at this very moment for you to receive, that you haven't received so far?
    • What if rather than fixing your wrongness, you discover your strongness?
    • What do you know that you haven’t acknowledged you know?


    • Your Pragmatic Exploration Online Call Series
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    22 minutos
  • The Happy Airhead!
    Jan 13 2022

    As we enter a New Year, imagine everything that limited you before has now gone, leaving nothing but opportunities. And we aren’t talking about unsustainable, momentary solutions created from stress. We’re talking about taking everything you’ve ever learned and questioning it.

    When you’re not weighed down by other people’s points of view, you allow yourself to see unexplored possibilities. When you allow yourself to be a happy airhead, you get to choose where to focus your attention and energy. So, asks Susanna, what else is possible for you that you’ve never considered before?

    On today’s podcast:

    • What else is possible for you?
    • What haven’t you yet considered?
    • Have you ever created anything other than more stress when stressed?
    • Why question everything that you’ve ever learned?
    • What questions can you ask today that will lead you to a greater future?
    • When you choose to be an airhead, where will you focus your attention?


    • Your Pragmatic Exploration Online Call Series
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    21 minutos
  • The Family First Aid Kit
    Dec 23 2021

    As the holidays approach, many people believe that meeting family takes away their choice because they have to meet their needs. Just because someone has needs of you doesn’t mean you don’t have choice. Needs are nothing but an interesting point-of-view.

    Listen to Susanna share why we shouldn’t stress being around family this holiday season. Most of the time, family is an institution of people wanting you to stay as you always have been and not change. What if that is ok? Let go of expectations and judgements and enjoy whatever is and how joyful you can make your visits this year.

    On today’s podcast:

    • Do you really have to meet your family?
    • What if you choose not to be triggered anymore?
    • What if you choose to be a “bad person” because it gives you choice?
    • What if you don’t have any expectations in regards to your family?
    • Who are you beyond what is familiar to you?
    • What are you beyond your relationships?
    • What if family is something totally different from what you thought it is?


    • "Fairytale Family" by Susanna Mittermaier
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    21 minutos
  • What capacities are you hiding behind stress?
    Dec 9 2021

    Things that need to get done, get done. And they get done when it’s time for them, not when they’re supposed to get done.

    We create stress by worrying about something in the future that isn’t happening now. But, we need to know when it’s time to be silent and wait or speak up and take action. Listen to Susanna share her thoughts on stress and how we can combat it by having a different point-of-view.

    On today’s podcast:

    • How much are you aware of what people in the future need but you know it now?
    • What if everything you create involves the future?
    • Is it time for this [insert topic] now or later?
    • How many things do you have to add to your life to stop being obsessive and micromanaging?
    • What else can you add to your life that increases and expands my playground?
    • What becomes possible when you focus on the energy of exploration?


    • Your Pragmatic Exploration Start January 20, 2022
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    21 minutos