Regina Meredith

De: Regina Meredith
  • Sumário

  • Regina Meredith is one of the most respected TV hosts and bloggers in the world of esoteric studies, health discoveries, politics and secret agendas. As the co-founder of Conscious Media Network, host of OpenMinds on Gaia TV, and the founder of her own free streaming video network at, Regina has reached millions with messages of hope and enlightenment. Here you can listen to extracted audio versions of her most popular virtual interviews!
    Copyright 2021 All rights reserved.
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  • Let's End Toxic Tribalism
    Jan 27 2025

    The 'Fear of Other' cloud that has descended over humanity has been created by the Hidden Hands who are losing the battle after thousands of years of control. The final nail in their coffin is to bring on the hate and division. Sadly, we've bought into it by the use of fundamentalist messaging and siloed information sources. This has resulted in what is being called Toxic Tribalism. And if we want to choose away from returning to the rule of the bony elite, it has to stop. It's up to us, those who choose light and kindness, to sow the seeds of the world we wish to create, and I’ve shared a few ways I think we can do that. Enjoy!

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    Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in the following program do not necessarily reflect those of In keeping with this site's emphasis on sovereignty and knowledge, always use your own discernment and/or seek professional advice when making consequential decisions.

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    30 minutos
  • Stop Listening to Gurus and Teachers! with RJ Spina​
    Nov 8 2024

    RJ Spina's soul brought his body to the brink of death and paralysis to a state of complete recovery through metaphysical principles he had been shown since childhood. But he was shown much more.

    As we watch the greater game of the times unfold, it's critical that we stay centered on the nature of this reality. It's being posited that this is a simulation, rather than the more accurate notion of a collective creation. In this conversation, RJ Spina and I speak about the imperative to learn to be totally present as we create our collective future. Along the way he also shares why this Free Will "experiment" is a "raging success" with full presence as our greatest tool for higher outcomes. Enjoy!

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    Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in the following program do not necessarily reflect those of In keeping with this site's emphasis on sovereignty and knowledge, always use your own discernment and/or seek professional advice when making consequential decisions.

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    58 minutos
  • This is NOT a Simulation!
    Oct 11 2024

    Feel like you’re a pawn in someone else’s game? Simulation theory is becoming more widespread as a viable way to view reality, particularly in circles dominated by aspiring mental prowess or conspiracy. The bare bones essence of simulation theory is that our reality is nothing more than a computer model programmed by some advanced source of intelligence with humans as the pawns without any true free will. I find this a woefully inadequate explanation of reality, that cancels every divine aspect of being human. I detail my own thoughts on the subject in this commentary.

    Watch the video version on YouTube:

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    Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in the following program do not necessarily reflect those of In keeping with this site's emphasis on sovereignty and knowledge, always use your own discernment and/or seek professional advice when making consequential decisions.

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    25 minutos

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