
  • What is the Truth of the New Covenant?
    Aug 4 2021

    In this time of uncertainty and fake news, the age old question remains: What is truth (John 18:38)? We are at war for the truth of the New Covenant. We need to know the truth of the covenant by which we are saved! Tom presents six foundational truths of the New Covenant.
    April 18th 2020

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    51 minutos
  • Fullness of Time – Yeshua's Arrival to His Family
    Jul 29 2021

    Yeshua is the incarnation of the long-awaited Covenant-Promised Son that brings fullness & continuity to the covenantal family of Israel. He relives Israel's history and brings it to perfection or back to life. Through Him and His family, He brings joy to the world.  

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    43 minutos
  • Salvation Through Judgment – Yeshua the True Judge
    Jul 21 2021

    By looking at the grand narrative of the Biblical story, we are able to better understanding things from GOD's Kingdom perspective. Ultimately we will receive either salvation (righteous) or wrath (unrighteous). A consistent theme throughout the Biblical story – that gives us confidence in our interpretation – is that GOD brings salvation through judgment. We want to have a holy fear in the true Judge that produces hope in the midst of the tribulation.

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    39 minutos
  • Feast of Trumpets – Baruch Haba
    Jul 20 2021

    Tom shows the significance of the Feast of Trumpets as a day of prophesying in the Return of King Yeshua. Every shofar and trumpet blast of Israel is connected to the return of King Yeshua. This appointed time is a call to corporately prophesy what is known in Hebrew as the "Baruch Haba" – blessed is He Who comes in the Name of the LORD (Matthew 23:39). Rooted in Psalm 118, all four Gospels include this necessary cry of Israel to: 1) Welcome the King of Israel (Yeshua, Son of David) and 2) Call for King Yeshua to bring Salvation. 

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    31 minutos
  • So the World Will Know: Power Unto Relationship
    May 21 2021

    To Know the LORD is Know His Power. Pharoah and the Jewish people in exile in Egypt were getting to know the LORD through His power. GOD wants the Jewish people and the world to know Him and His power helps us to know that He is a covenant-faithful GOD, the power is unto relationship with Him. To know the LORD is also to display His power unto relationship. Our personal salvation should lead to a demonstration of power––so the world will know the LORD. Finally, to know the LORD is to display His power in unity. Unity is a sign that we know and love Him (John 17:20-26). 
    February 6th 2021

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    48 minutos
  • Biblical Inheritance: Heirs of the World
    May 14 2021

    What is the inheritance of redeemed humanity? Yeshua says that the meek will inherit the earth! Revelation 21:5 says that GOD is making "all things new" NOT "all new things." There is similar destiny and continuity between the Earth's NOW and NOT YET and redeemed humanity's NOW and NOT YET. We are both longing for our resurrected bodies (Romans 8:19-23)! Our inheritance and covenantal expectation is to be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth, subdue it, and rule over it. The plan hasn't changed, redeemed humanity needs eternal life and resurrected bodies so that we can reach out original destiny and inherit a new and renewed world (Romans 4:13). 
    May 8th 2021

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    50 minutos
  • Did Yeshua Go to Hell? Resurrection Keys: Set the Captives Free
    May 11 2021

    What did Yeshua do after He died on the cross? Is Hell the same thing as Sheol/Hades? What is the significance of the Valley of Hinnom and Gehenna? Peter's (and the boys) great  teaching on Shavuot/Pentecost (Acts 2) showed how Yeshua's body would not be abandoned or decay in Sheol/Hades (Psalm 16).  Through His death and resurrection, Yeshua defeated the principalities and powers and set the captives free. He now holds the keys of death and Hades which He gave to Peter and the boys to build His ekklesia.

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    43 minutos
  • Why Jerusalem Matters: Jerusalem Alignment
    Apr 9 2021

    To hasten the return of the LORD we need to be aligned with Jerusalem. Jerusalem is the beginning, central, and final setting to the Gospel story. Almost every major event in the Bible takes place in Jerusalem, around Jerusalem, or is ultimately referencing Jerusalem.  Psalm 137:5 – "If I forget you, O Jerusalem, let my right hand wither. May my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth if I cease to remember you, if I do not set Jerusalem above my chief joy." 
    March 13th 2021

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    47 minutos