Episode Summary Mother-Son duo, Brenda Wilson, Ph.D., professor of microbiology and the Associate Director of Undergraduate Education in the School of Molecular and Cellular Biology at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign and Brian Ho, Ph.D., researcher and lecturer at the Institute of structural and molecular biology, a joint institute between the Department of structural and molecular biology at the University College of London and the Department of Biological Sciences at Birkbeck University of London discuss the inspiration and motivation for their recent book, Revenge of the Microbes: How Bacterial Resistance is Undermining the Antibiotic Miracle, 2nd Edition, emphasizing the global nature of AMR and providing a unique perspective on what is needed to solve it. Ashley’s Biggest Takeaways: Dynamics surrounding the AMR crisis are complex and require an understanding of many different perspectives, including those of the farmers, health care professionals, pharmaceutical companies and individuals, in order to foster true and lasting global collaboration on the issue.Point-of-care diagnostics are critical to improving treatment decisions and reducing hospital costs.Better communication and education are needed in order to rebuild trust in scientists and institutions.Continuous research is necessary, as AMR will continue to evolve.Citizens are a key piece of the puzzle when it comes to pushing for change and supporting solutions to AMR. Featured Quotes: Wilson: “I'll start with actually my Ph.D., which is talking about bacterial antibiotic biosynthesis. And so, I did some work in that arena, but since then, I've actually been working on bacterial protein toxins. These are very potent eukaryotic modulators that when bacteria get into the host, they release these proteins that are very large, that are able to interact with very specific cells. They actually get inside the cells—into the cytosol—and then they affect various signaling pathways in the host that can go anywhere from killing the cell to modulating some of the processes that the cell undertakes, even differentiating them and causing cancer. So, one of my main focuses in my lab has always been to understand the structure and function of these toxins, to understand how they affect the eukaryotic cell system. And then now that we know a lot about them, we're actually moving more into the direction of trying to basically use them as biologics. We have some platforms that we call bacterial toxin inspired drug delivery, where we're using the mechanisms of how they work and their exquisite specificities to be able to actually use them for therapeutic applications.” Ho: “I got my start doing molecular genetics, actually, with John Mekalanos at Harvard, and I was kind of at the ground floor of the seminal work looking at the Type VI secretion system. And so, I got a front row seat to the kind of discovery and a lot of the initial understanding of the system. And I've kind of taken that work and expanded beyond it to look at kind of the ways different bacteria interact with each other within microbial communities. So my current work is looking at both DNA conjugation as well as the type six antagonism, and how the bacterial interactions kind of work together to build a larger population dynamics and interface with like the hosts that kind of house a your microbial communities.” Antimicrobial Resistance Wilson: “In 2005 [when the first edition of Revenge of the Microbes was written], there was very little activity or understanding about antibiotic resistance and how important it was. Outside of the field, doctors were encountering it. But oftentimes what was happening is they just said, ‘Oh, well, we'll just find another drug, you know.’ And pharmaceutical companies, they were recognizing that there was a problem, and they would go off trying to hunt for new ones. And then right around the late 90s, there was a big impetus, because they thought, ‘Oh, we, we have a miracle here, because we now do complete genomes. We can get out the comparative genomics and all the high throughput things, all the animations,’ and that this would lead to many more new discoveries. And I think the pharmaceutical companies were very disappointed, and they started backing out of what they deemed a huge commitment. Two decades later, people already were starting to get aware, at least in the field, and even the industry and the physicians. People were getting aware, but I think that they were stumbling, because of their silos, in trying to get interactions with each other. And I think part of it was that they felt that, ‘Oh, we can try to solve it ourselves.’ And in reality, this is a problem that that is concerning everyone, and everyone is contributing to it. Everyone has to find a solution to help, and we need to have more synergy. There have to be more interactions, and we have to do this at a much more global scale. And so that ...