
  • Speedrunning Projects
    Jun 24 2024

    This week we read and discuss How to Build Anything Extremely Quickly by an author known only as dnbt777 on the Learn How to Learn blog. The premise is simple, and you probably learned it in high school: Write an outline. Write it recursively until the outline items are small enough that they can't have sub-items, then fill things in as quickly as possible starting at the smallest items. Don't perfect until done.

    If you liked this episode, leave a comment! If not or if you have an idea for an article for us to cover, drop us a suggestion!

    Music by Hina

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    29 minutos
  • Data Informed, Not Data Dogma
    Jun 15 2024

    In this episode, we dive into "Why data-driven product decisions are hard (sometimes impossible)" by Andrew Chen. This piece leans heavily towards Product Management and is packed with valuable insights on leveraging data at various stages of company growth. Now, if you're an engineer thinking, "Where's the tech stuff? This is about Product Management!"—I hear you. But remember, being an engineer is about more than just one dimension. Also, if you hate it and want to suggest a new topic, drop us a suggestion!

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    39 minutos
  • Don't Suck At Building Things
    Jun 6 2024

    Do you love two guys rambling while making semi-cogent points? We've got the perfect episode for you! Today we loosely cover "I'm a Good Engineer, but I Suck at Building Stuff" by Lionel Barrow. This is a super short article asking us all to focus more on building and less on bike shedding. We make some decent points, ramble a bit, and do some classic Cooper preaching on caring more about users.

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    37 minutos
  • All About Deadlines
    May 29 2024

    In this episode we cover "How to talk about deadlines at work" by Wes Kao. This is is a super practical guide for two sides of the same coin - missing deadlines. We cover the perspective of IC's and how we can best communicate deadline misses, and we also cover the manager perspective on setting the right culture around deadlines. We've got scripts for you to use, tactical tips, and personal advice so make sure to listen to the end!

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    46 minutos
  • Engineers Are Not A Commodity
    May 16 2024

    In this episode we use "Engineers Are Not A Commodity" by the Stay SaaSy blog to jump into a range of topics including Agile (and how we disagree on estimates), what good managers look like, and why you can't just swap us out like cogs in a machine. This is a bit rant-y, but packed with good information and hot takes!

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    47 minutos
  • Unpacking the JavaScript Signals Buzz
    May 9 2024

    In this episode, we cover the tc39 Signals standards proposal written by a powerhouse group of influential figures in the JavaScript community and key contributors from various popular frameworks. This is a short but sweet breakdown of what Signals are, what it might mean to the industry, and what we think about the tech and the proposal itself.


    JS Party episode 305 with Daniel Ehrenberg

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    36 minutos
  • Getting Things Done In Chaos
    Apr 30 2024

    In this episode, we cover Getting Things Done In A Chaotic Environment by the Stay SaaSy blog. This is a practical guide on how to move fast and get things done using Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles as a metaphor.

    We cover 4 pitfalls to avoid when trying to get things checked off your list and add a bunch of tips from our experience fighting Shredder (AKA corporate bull$%^&).

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    35 minutos
  • Shipping Code To Production
    Apr 25 2024

    In this episode, we cover a few points from "Shipping to Production" by the excellent Pragmatic Engineer blog. This article outlines the many different ways code makes it into "production". We cover the extremes of too much and too little verifications, and everything in between. The article is long and we only cover a portion of it so give this episode a listen then read the source article for practical advice on your own deployment processes.

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    43 minutos