
  • The Colors | Salam Arabic #Beginner
    Feb 20 2023

    How to say colors names in arabic with easy fun way ?

    أحمر Red

    أزرق Blue

    أصفر yellow

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    7 minutos
  • Numbers - Part I | Salam Arabic #Beginner
    Mar 5 2023

    Today we will learn how to count from 1 - 10 in a new fun way , after this episode you can understand 50% of how to count in arabic

    for files send me here


    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    12 minutos
  • Greeting - Part I | Salam Arabic #Beginner
    Mar 15 2023

    Today we will learn how to say Greeting in arabic in a new fun way

    for files send me here


    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    7 minutos
  • Arabic Poem Arabic poetry Reading - Antra ibn Shaddad
    Dec 29 2023

    Arabic Poem Arabic poetry Reading - Antra ibn Shaddad  

    #learn_arabic  شعر عربي  #عنترة

    لا يَحمِلُ الحِقدَ مَن تَعلو بِهِ الرُتَبُ

    He who has high Value does not bear grudge

    وَلا يَنالُ العُلا مَن طَبعُهُ الغَضَبُ

    He who is naturally angry does not reach high places

    إِنَّ الأَفاعي وَإِن لانَت مَلامِسُها

    Snakes, even if they are tender to touch

    عِندَ التَقَلُّبِ في أَنيابِها العَطَبُ

    When turning, poison is in its fangs

    Poet : Antra ibn Shaddad

    Voice Over : Mohamad Alm


    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    1 minuto
  • Arabic Poem Arabic poetry Reading Tamim al-Barghouti
    Dec 30 2023

    رأيتُها وأنا في الحق لم أرها

    لكنه طربٌ للشعر يعروني

    I saw her, but in truth I did not see her

    But the joy of poetry comes to me

    وأعرفُ الحسن لكن لا أُعَرِّفُه

    يبدو لعيني ولا يبدو لتعييني

    I know beauty, but I do not know him

    It appears to my eyes and I cannot describe it

    تُحيل كل فتىً مرَّت بخاطره

    وكل بنتٍ إلى ليلى ومجنون

    She refers to every boy she comes across

    And every girl to the story of Laila's love and the crazy lover

    ولو رأى وجهها القديسُ قال لنا

    لا بأس بالذنبِ بين الحين والحين

    If the saint saw her face, he would tell us

    It's okay to sin from time to time

    ويدخل النارَ فيها أمةٌ طمعوا

    من حسنها في جنان الحور والعين

    And a nation who became greedy because of its beauty will enter the Fire therein

    In the gardens of beauty

    رُوحي بقايا سماءٍ أُسكِنت جسداً

    ولم تزل للسماء الرُوح تدعوني

    My soul is the remains of a sky that inhabited a body

    And the sky still calls my soul

    Voice Over : Mohamad Alm


    Poet : Tamim al-Barghouti

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    1 minuto
  • Sufi poetry Arabic Poem Arabic poetry Reading
    Dec 31 2023

    Sufi poetry Arabic Poem Arabic poetry Reading 

    #learn_arabic  شعر عربي   شعر صوفي

    قالوا تسلى عن المحبوب قلت بمن 

    They said he was busy away from his lover. I said to whom


     كيف التسلي و في الأحشاء نيران 

     How can I forget when there is fire in my heart?

     إن التسلي حرام في مذاهبنــا

     Entertainment is forbidden in our principles

    و كيف أرضى بكفر بعد إيمــان

    How can I accept disbelief after true faith?

    فشارب الخمر يصحو بعد سكرته

    The drinker wakes up after being drunk

    وشارب الحب طول العمر سكران

    And the drinker of love is drunk all his life

    Poet : Sufi poetry

    Voice Over : Mohamad Alm


    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    1 minuto