
  • THE PSYCHEDELIC MATRIX | Tripping Through Reality w/ Forbidden Knowledge News!
    Sep 19 2024

    Psychedelics can alter your perception of reality and heal your mind but it also can reveal the darkness within yourself and others. Magic mushrooms can help you in numerous ways but also can make you aware of other realities that exist behind the curtain that we call the Matrix Let's dive into some forbidden knowledge about psychedelics And much more. Follow all the Madness on social Media.

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    1 hora e 8 minutos
  • TAJANA TRUTHSEEKER | AN ERA OF "SHOCK EVENTS" | WEF, Plandemics, Reptilians and the Occult Olympic Rituals!
    Sep 12 2024

    Tajana Truthseeker join us once again to discuss the WEF agenda to destabilize the western world. We will also be talking about disease X, Monkey pox and the occult rituals and symbolism that are right in our faces during Olympic ceremonies.

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    1 hora e 52 minutos
    Sep 9 2024

    Tomcat is joined by Researcher Brandon Kroll to discuss his investigation into Kabbalah Mysticism, ancient esoteric symbolism and how 9/11 may have been an occult ritual to usher in the Anti-christ.

    Be prepared to have your mind blown and stay tuned for part 2, where Brandon will dive into who he thinks the Anti-christ may be..

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    2 horas e 3 minutos
  • THE ILLUMINATI | Order out of Chaos | The Cult who Hijacked the World!
    Sep 5 2024

    The word “Illuminati” has become a catch-all term for the defacto Rulers of Planet Earth. Definition is crucial because the words “Conspiracy” and “Illuminati” have themselves become code-words for the occult (hidden) machinations of the Powers That Be. With the advent of the internet and its rough cut of “news” and disinformation, what was once considered esoteric knowledge has been revealed for all to see.

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    #illuminati #illuminaticonfirmed #comedypodcast #conspiracytheorist

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    1 hora e 38 minutos
  • 🇨🇦 The Falcon Lake Incident | A Canadian UFO Case! 🛸
    Aug 29 2024

    On May 20, 1967, something happened in the wilderness around Falcon Lake, Manitoba, that has never been adequately explained. Stefan Michalak, an amateur geologist who liked to prospect in the wilderness around Falcon Lake, said he had been examining a quartz vein about noon that day when he was startled by geese suddenly agitated by something nearby. He said he looked up to see two saucer-shaped flying objects overhead, one of which descended and appeared to land about 45 metres away. He spent the next half-hour sketching the object then got brave enough to walk towards it.

    However, the object took off suddenly with a blast of hot gas, burning Michalak in the process. Later, radioactive debris was found at the site by military and RCMP investigators. Neither the RCMP nor the Canadian Forces were able to explain the event.

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    1 hora e 21 minutos
  • The Vampire Beast of Baldenboro!
    Aug 22 2024

    Although you've likely never heard of Bladenboro, you might be surprised to learn that it's home to a very intriguing North Carolina vampire-beast legend. In the early 1950s, locals reported a strange creature emerging from the woods and killing multiple livestock and dogs, leaving their mutilated bodies behind.

    This happened several different times within the course of a month but the strangest thing was that the creature seemed mostly interested in drinking blood. Thus was born the "Beast Of Bladenboro" legend that still thrives in the area.

    The story behind the vampire beast terrorizing Bladenboro is a long and strange one. Between footprints, animal corpses, and eyewitness sightings, it's clear that there is some sort of mysterious beast in the area, and no one is really sure what it is. Mysterious animal deaths still crop up in the area from time to time, leading some to believe the beast may still be on the loose.


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    1 hora e 22 minutos
  • Mysteries of History | The Dancing Plague, Devil's Bible (Codex Gigas), The Green Children of Woolpit and More!
    Aug 15 2024

    Everyone loves a good mystery! Join the boys at the bar as they smoke cigars and discuss bizarre mysteries throughout history including the Devil's bible aka the codex gigas, the dancing plague and more. Have fun with this one Hoseheads.

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    1 hora e 37 minutos
  • The History of Eugenics | Culling the Herd!
    Aug 7 2024

    Oh Boy.. Oh Boy.. Do we have a hilarious yet controversial episode for the hoseheads this week, This one we can safely say is "not for the easily offended".

    Eugenics is the practice or advocacy of improving the human species by selectively mating people with specific desirable hereditary traits.

    It aims to reduce human suffering by “breeding out” disease, disabilities and so-called undesirable characteristics from the human population. Early supporters of eugenics believed people inherited mental illness, criminal tendencies and even poverty, and that these conditions could be bred out of the gene pool.

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    Exibir mais Exibir menos
    1 hora e 56 minutos