
  • Media-Led Church Leaders and Churches Sinning and Denying It
    Oct 3 2022

    Event: State of the Nation Conference 2022
    Date: 17th September 2022
    Location: Belfast, Northern Ireland
    Organiser: The Lord's Work Trust
    Speaker: Rev. Paul Dowling, Protestant Truth Society
    Bible Reference: Daniel 6v1-11

    0:00 Start
    2:33 February 2020 Christians throughout history
    5:35 The Rise of the Covid Religion
    7:51 We obey God rather than men
    10:15 Blessing for Obeying God
    11:46 What does a media led church look like
    14:16 Unbiblical rules for church attendance
    16:06 Christians betraying their brothers and sisters
    17:03 Belief in the media
    18:17 Who has the authority to close the churches
    21:16 Gathering for worship
    23:43 Leviticus 13 - 14
    27:06 Asymptomatic lies
    28:23 Immoral vaccine development
    29:49 A Bible Led Church
    31:12 Questions to church leaders
    33:07 Questions to Christians
    34:51 The churches closed when the people needed them most
    36:30 The Lower Lights
    39:17 The lower lights went out
    41:25 Churches have forgotten the great commission

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    44 minutos
  • The COVID-19 Vaccine - What You Should Have Been Told
    Oct 3 2022

    Event: State of the Nation Conference 2022
    Date: 17th September 2022
    Location: Belfast, Northern Ireland
    Organiser: The Lord's Work Trust
    Speaker: Jonathan Weissman

    References can be found at https://alltherisks.com

    00:00 Start
    01:23 Peter Daszak - Gain of Function
    02:50 Biosafety breaches and lab leaks
    04:45 Key People behind Gain of Function Research
    06:26 DARPA - US Defence funding
    08:12 A brief history of SARS-CoV Gain of Function Research
    10:05 Timeline of SARS-CoV-2 Origin Story
    12:40 Gene Therapeutic Designed in One Hour
    14:25 Anfinsen's Dogma - A Wrong Assumption
    18:16 Factor IX Gene Therapy clotting
    20:09 G4 Quadruplexes - An Emerging Risk
    21:38 Spike as an Amyloid
    24:39 Integration into the Human Genome
    26:48 Approve Inject Signal Detection
    28:34 Signal Detection - 2 Turkish Intern Doctors Myocarditis
    31:35 Disease and Death - the Bigger Picture
    33:41 Humans as Hackable Animals
    35:53 Human Protein Contamination in AZ
    39:45 Contaminants in Pfizer's product
    41:57 Public Health and Pharmakeia
    43:29 Disease X and Immunisation Agenda 2030
    44:22 Evolution and Transhumanism
    45:52 In Light of His Word

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    50 minutos
  • Medical Ethics, Rights and Freedoms from a Biblical Perspective
    Oct 3 2022

    Event: State of the Nation Conference 2022
    Date: 17th September 2022
    Location: Belfast, Northern Ireland
    Organiser: The Lord's Work Trust
    Speaker: Dr Mark Bell

    00:00 Start
    00:55 Introduction
    01:42 Part 1 - How Then Shall We Live? Choosing Life in a World of Right and Wrong
    02:58 Implications of Man as Image Bearer
    08:00 Implications of Moral Knowledge
    09:54 Implications of the Greatest Commandments
    12:05 Implications of the Ten Words on Letter and Spirit
    16:00 Implications of the Micah Mandate
    18:33 Part 2 - Reckoning with past Wrongs - The Foundations of Medical Ethics
    18:53 First do no harm - The Foundations of Medical Ethics
    20:04 The Cogs of Public Health
    22:05 State of Emergency changes priorities
    24:22 Murderous Science - Natural Selection ideology incompatible with Christian Ethics
    26:33 Lives unworthy to be lived
    29:10 Vaccine Passports and Sterilisation
    31:15 Mercy Killing - Doctors paid to kill
    34:15 Churches fight back against eugenics
    38:16 Nuremberg Trials
    42:26 The Nuremberg Code
    46:02 WMA Declaration of Helsinki - Ethical Principles for Medical Research involving Human Subjects
    48:26 It Happened... It Can Happen Again - Covid is a real disease
    50:00 SARs-COV-2 - the RNA virus
    55:15 1. Origins and The Great Barrington 'putdown'
    56:12 1. Origins and Funding of the Engineered Virus
    59:23 Emails hiding the truth of origins
    01:02:03 It was of natural origin - honest
    01:05:03 Lancet Covid Commission
    01:07:11 Great Barrington Declaration
    01:10:26 2. Pandemic?
    01:20:09 3. The Science
    01:28:10 4. Non-pharmaceutical interventions
    01:33:00 5. Repurposed Drugs
    01:35:16 6. Testing
    01:36:38 7. Regulation
    01:38:40 8. Genetic Therapy Trials and Outcomes
    01:50:48 9. Fear, Consent, Mandates and Passports
    01:51:04 10. Excess Mortality

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    1 hora e 52 minutos
  • The Acceptance and Promotion of the Official COVID-19 Narrative by the Majority of the Professing Church: Why?
    Oct 3 2022

    Event: State of the Nation Conference 2022
    Date: 17th September 2022
    Location: Belfast, Northern Ireland
    Organiser: The Lord's Work Trust
    Speaker: Luke Barker

    00:00 Start
    02:54 Colossians 2v8 Discernment
    04:09 FoI Secret meetings with church and state
    07:18 2 Tim 3v13 The Bible Ignored by the Church
    09:02 Biblical Disease Control never consulted
    19:20 Obey the Rules - is that true
    22:15 Acts 5v26 Obey God rather than men
    23:45 No disruption to the church - not forsaking
    25:51 Secret Meetings - Government threatening churches
    28:42 50cm grovelling
    31:30 False doctrine is dangerous
    38:44 Christians blind trust in Government
    40:13 Government lies
    43:00 Cowards making no stand or warning to others
    45:36 Let the sheep go their own way
    49:57 NHS100k
    50:14 Ulster Say No
    51:20 The 4 reasons why most bought into the covid narrative
    53:14 Covid over but no repentance
    55:58 Following the easy path
    57:35 Churches never challenged government measures - never used the bible
    01:02:13 Vaccine Passports a result of capitulation
    01:03:33 Will ye also go away - preach the whole counsel
    01:05:27 Suicide help
    01:07:54 NHS 2

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    1 hora e 11 minutos