Pray this before Mass to focus on uniting your gifts and faults to the Cross. This prayer is inspired by Book 4 Chapter 9 of "The Imitation of Christ". Read it here.
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O Lord of all creation, heaven and earth proclaim Your glory. Today, I offer myself to You with a willing heart, to remain forever in Your service. Accept me, O God, as an offering of love and praise, united with the holy sacrifice of Your Son, given for the salvation of the world. May angels unseen bear witness to this offering, as I place myself entirely in Your hands.
Before Your altar, O merciful God, I lay down all my sins and failings, from the first moment I erred until now. Cleanse me, Lord, in the fire of Your love. Burn away the stains of guilt and restore to me the grace that sin has taken. Grant me pardon, not for my merit but for the sake of Your infinite mercy. Embrace me with the peace only You can give.
I confess my unworthiness and grieve over my offenses. In sorrow, I resolve never to sin again and to make amends as best I can. Hear my humble plea, O Lord, and look upon me with compassion. Save me by the power of Your precious Blood, and shape me according to Your goodness, not my flawed ways.
All that I possess, though little and imperfect, I offer to You. Purify these gifts, O Lord, that they may please You and serve Your purpose. Strengthen me to grow in holiness and to fulfill the mission You have entrusted to me, that I may reach the end You have destined for me—a life with You forever.
I lift up to You the prayers and needs of my family, friends, and all who have shown me kindness. Extend Your grace to them, protect them from harm, and deliver them from trials. May they, too, find joy in giving thanks to You and resting in Your care.
I pray for those who have wronged me and for those I have hurt, knowingly or unknowingly. Let Your mercy heal the wounds between us. Take from our hearts all bitterness, anger, and division, and fill them with love, understanding, and peace.
O Lord, pour out Your mercy on all who call upon You. Grant us strength to live in Your grace, hope to persevere through trials, and faith to one day enter eternal life in Your presence. May all we do glorify You, now and forever. Amen.
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