
  • Walk with ME - Brenda Teele - Episode 11
    Nov 20 2021


    Amazon best selling author, fitness expert, and divorce coach Kelli Calabrese joins host Brenda Teele to talk about how she recovered from the pain of divorce and now helps others do the same.  Kelli says her heart is especially committed to helping women build confidence, live with freedom, and live each day in their purpose and on purpose.

    Kelli shares how she overcame bitterness and feelings of rejection and offers an 8-step plan to living Intentionally Fabulous.

    I decided that I'm not going to pre-judge, I'm not going to self-criticize, I'm not going to play a victim.”

    Kelly Calabrese

    Lace up your shoes and enjoy a brisk walk that nourishes your Spirit, Soul, and Body.


    01:39: Who is Kelli Calabrese? Hear all about her journey of healing and forgiveness after a painful divorce.

    04:49: Dealing with imposter syndrome while creating her divorce coaching program

    09:34: The birth of ‘Intentionally Fabulous’ – a program tailored to help others navigate separation, divorce, and post-divorce. “It was the program I wished I had.”

    10:44: Importance of celebrating and seeing ourselves as lovable, worthy, and deserving.

    11:55: Exercise set 1 – Speed walk and some arm work

    16:24: Speaking/functioning from a place of hurt and the importance of friends or a community when going through a divorce.

    20:41: The grief cycle – Everyone heals in a different way

    21:37: Exercise set 2 – Speed walk and some arm work

    25: 19: Kelli’s healing guide – including affirmations, meditation, visualization, activation, celebration, etc.

    26:53: Living a life of pre-forgiveness

    29:12: Final set 1 – Speed walk and some arm work

    29:26: “Who walked the road with you?”

    34:32: Word of the Week – Choosing faith over fear


    Key Takeaways

    • Pre-forgiveness prepares you to handle the surprises that may be thrown your way.
    • Choosing Faith over Fear is the first step to achieving your goals.
    • The importance of a community and avoiding isolation during tough times.
    • Celebrate even the smallest accomplishments to create momentum for more.
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    35 minutos
  • Walk with ME - Brenda Teele - Episode 12
    Nov 6 2021


    Former Director of the Dallas Mavs Dancers and Maniacs joins host Brenda Teele to talk about why she resigned from one of the hottest dance teams in the NBA at the time.  Walk and listen as Shella tells her story of a spiritual awakening that helped her see her greater value and self-worth.

    She shares how she performed around the world and appeared on national television only to find that there’s something more important than success.

    Shella now wants to help young up-and coming dancers not make the mistakes she says she made. “Your identity and your value and your self worth doesn’t come from anything external.”

    Although she retired after selling the dance studio she founded, Power House of Dance, teaching dance is still a major part of Shella’s life, but now with a new message.  


    . “More than anything I wanted my life to have significance to help other people maybe not make the same mistakes I made.” – Shella Sattler

    “Little did I know that there is so much more. I look at all of the things that I used to think were so important and significant that it’s almost laughable now.” – Shella Sattler

    Tune in and walk with me as Shella narrates how her eyes were opened to a new perspective that would forever change her life.



    01:50: Who is Shella Sattler? – Her career as an NFL and NBA Dancer and much more

    06:30: Speed walk with some arm work.

    10:06: Shella gets a new perspective that causes her to resign as the Mavs Dancers director

    15:30: Second set speed walk with arm work.

    18:56: Going from success to having greater significance so that others don’t make the same mistakes.

    23:45: Final set – Speed walk with some arm work.

    27:00: Shella’s new passion and approach to teaching dance

    28:15:Enjoying her new way of seeing significance in life.

    29:18: Word of the week: Perspective

     Key Takeaways

    • Success can be unfulfilling if it’s the basis of your personal value and identity.
    • Seeing something very familiar from a new perspective can be a game changer.
    • A person should seek to find their identity in Christ not in the approval of others.



    • https://www.facebook.com/shella.sattler
    • https://www.linkedin.com/in/shella-sattler-60427889


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    30 minutos
  • Walk with ME - Brenda Teele - Episode 11
    Oct 30 2021

    Former Texas Judge, Alice A. Bonner joins host Brenda Teele to talk about how she became the first African American female state judge in Harris County, Texas.  Walk and listen as Judge Bonner tells her story of determination to become a lawyer and what it took to win her first election in 1978.

    She shares how most young girls were encouraged to pursue careers as a secretary or a nurse, but seeing peace protests and sit-ins during the early 60’s increased her desire to help uphold the law. She quickly found there were few opportunities for employment for Black attorneys.

    Judge Bonner maintains her private practice as an Attorney, Mediator, and Arbitrator.  She is a charter member of the National Women of Achievement, Inc.- Houston Chapter.

    We can’t let our citizenry down because they’re poor, uneducated and have no hope.” – Alice Bonner

    Tune in and walk with ME as the Honorable, Alice Bonner narrates why people should not give up their hope and dreams despite feeling or being discouraged.



    01:30: Who is Judge Alice Bonner? – Her upbringing in Slidell, Louisiana, becoming fascinated with idea of one day being a lawyer.

    06:30: Speed walk with some arm work.

    09:50: Judge Bonner’s first appointment as judge and the hard fought election.

    08:14: Operation Bridge the Gap – Hosting a Christmas party for the homeless

    15:10: Second set – Speed walk with some arm work.

    19:00: Balancing a career with motherhood.

    23:51: Our last speed walk.

    27:46: Encouragement to not give up hope.

    29:25: Word of the week.

    29:05: “I have to keep having hope in the people of America that we’ve got to be better people.”


     Key Takeaways

    • Don’t let anyone tell you what you can’t become.
    • Even with the odds are stacked against you, you can still win.
    • Judge Bonner’s determination opened the door for other African American female lawyers.
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    30 minutos
  • Walk with ME - Brenda Teele - Episode 10
    Oct 23 2021

    Former nurse supervisor, Susie Jennings joins host Brenda Teele to talk about how she started an international organization following tragedy and a calling from God. Walk with ME and listen as Susie tells her story of compassion and servanthood in service to the homeless.

    Susie shares how she evolved from the “The Blanket Lady” in downtown Dallas to running an international organization, Operation Care International.

    According to their website, Operation Care International (OCI) is an NGO on a God-given mission to help the lost and the needy through evangelism, servanthood and bringing vital services to the needy around the world.


    I was broken. So if God could use a broken person like me, he could use anybody else who is willing to obey; who is willing to be faithful.” – Susie Jennings


    Tune in and walk with ME as Susie narrates how faith and obedience moved mountains for her—and how the same is possible for anyone.



    01:11: Who is Susie Jennings? – Her upbringing in the Philippines, facing tremendous loss, and finding her life’s mission.

    03:30: Speed walk with some arm work.

    07:08: Susie’s calling on a bridge and how she became known as “The Blanket Lady”

    08:14: Operation Bridge the Gap – Hosting a Christmas party for the homeless

    10:10: Walking away from her career as a Registered Nurse and scaling her mission of helping the homeless.

    11:15: Second set – Speed walk with some arm work.

    17:43: Overcoming fear and taking a leap of faith.

    18:28: Our last speed walk.

    20:36: Word of the week.

    20:49: Susie tells us why we should believe when God speaks to our hearts.

    22:00: “Who walked with you through some of those tough years and help you to really walk faithfully with Operation Care International?”


     Key Takeaways

    • Strive to build bridges by offering support and connection to a community.
    • Faith and obedience can take you places you never thought you could reach.
    • Listening to your calling.



    • Operation Care International: https://operationcareinternational.org/
    • Susie’s Books: https://www.amazon.com/s?i=stripbooks&rh=p_27%3ASusie+Y+Jennings&s=relevancerank&text=Susie+Y+Jennings&ref=dp_byline_sr_book_1


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    30 minutos
  • Walk with Me-Brenda Teele - Episode #9
    Sep 11 2021


    Entrepreneur Mandy Price joins Brenda to discuss how she left her partner position at a law firm to start her own business from scratch: Kanarys, Inc.  

    Kanarys, Inc. is a technology company that uses data to change workplace culture around diversity, equity, and inclusion. In running Kanarys, Mandy has helped change the culture of more than 1000 companies across the United States. 

    Are you living a life of purpose? Listen to how Mandy took a leap of faith and followed her passion. Today, she is making corporate America more of a meritocracy. 

    “We see where people end up and don’t think about where they started”


    • [01:03] Who is Mandy Price (and season two updates!)
    • [03:10] Our first power walk to loosen things up!
    • [05:22] Arm work even for people with injured shoulders. 
    • [07:14] How she proved venture capitalists wrong!
    • [09:39] Building a fabulous team without paying salaries.
    • [12:26] Finally, some leg work on this podcast!
    • [13:57] Second speed walk (use those arms!)
    • [16:06] Arm work (low effort and great for your deltoids). 
    • [17:28] What you don’t think about when you compare yourself to others.
    • [20:09] Why data is so important for change to actually happen. 
    • [22:45] Last speed walk of the day. 
    • [24:58] Last arm work session of the day. 
    • [26:18] What kind of support system do you need to be a mom, CEO, and wife?
    • [29:04] Word of the week. 


    3 Key Takeaways: 

    • Metrics around diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) focus too much on recruitment. However, DEI challenges are much deeper than that and do not end with recruiting more minorities. Minorities have a different experience in the workplace. 
    • It is not enough to just discuss DEI. Data is necessary to bring in real action. If you don’t measure something, it’s not going to work. 
    • What you want to achieve may seem quite daunting, but remember that people who have ‘made it’ also started from somewhere. Embrace your passion, develop a plan, and work that plan until your idea reveals a greater purpose. 


    Listen to September by Kirk Franklin: YouTube

    Listen to September by Earth Wind & Fire: Apple Music

    Connect with Mandy Price: Website | Instagram

    Connect with Brenda: Instagram | Website

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    30 minutos
  • Walk with ME-Brenda Teele Episode 8
    Jul 31 2021
    Summary:  Today, the man in your corner is professional boxing trainer Derrick James. Walk and listen as Derrick tells you how to stay in the fight regardless of the adversity you may face.  Derrick is now a member of the Board at the Boys and Girls Club in Oak Cliff, Texas, the same inner-city gym where he learned to box and break a generational cycle of incarceration. Throughout the walk he shares small anecdotes that give you an idea of what he had to do to rise from humble beginnings and transform into becoming ‘Trainer of the Year’.  He says staying in the fight is as simple as asking yourself one simple, but life changing, question. Tune in to find out what it is and start contemplating your own decisions throughout our walk.  “You can be your best for everybody else, when you’re at best for yourself”   Timestamps:    ● [00:49] Who is Derrick James?  ● [01:29] How boxing is a comeback sport.  ● [02:34] Speed walk time. ● [04:45] Boxing punches (and how to do them like a pro, from a pro).  ● [06:39] How being slow can take you far.  ● [08:23] How Derrick James started boxing. ● [09:37] Making it all the way to the Olympic trials in 1992.  ● [10:13] Second speed walk (get to a good location).  ● [13:30] Another set of boxing punches ● [13:50] Hanging on and waiting can be all the medicine you need.  ● [15:25] How his career was boosted by love (“I need to get back to some kids in the city”) ● [17:02] The greatest lesson this professional learned from boxing.  ● [18:06] Hitting the reset button (ask yourself THIS question).  ● [18:52] Speed walk 3 (time to contemplate the question).  ● [21:18] What if you don’t achieve your goals because life happens? ● [22:59] Final round of boxing jabs (and start toning those shoulders)! ● [24:23] Who has been Derrick’s cornerman?  ● [25:14] Three dreams give Derrick purpose and motivation to keep fighting (are any of them the same for you).  ● [27:08] How knowing who you are keeps you strong and humble.  ● [27:42] How to meditate (from a boxer).    Key Takeaways:    ● When doing boxing punches, the power is in the rotation.  ● Where you start in life does not dictate where you can potentially end up.  ● Sometimes waiting out the tough times is all you need to get to a sea of light in your life.  ● Boxing can teach you to be focused and humble.  ● “Do you want to be happy or do you want to be right? If you want to be happy, you’ve got to have humility” - Derrick James ● If you don’t achieve what you want, you have to keep pushing. Find another way to do what you want to do.  ● “When you know who you owe, you can never think you are better than the individual that you owe” - Derrick James   Links:    Connect with Derrick James: Website | Instagram   Connect with Brenda: Instagram | Website
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    30 minutos
  • Walk with Me - Episode #7
    Jul 24 2021
    Summary: Sherice Wallace Brown, wife of NFL Pro Football Hall of Fame inductee Tim Brown, joins host Brenda Teele to tell her story of triumphing through trauma. She shares with us her story of overcoming the pain and trauma of sexual abuse to become a successful businesswoman, wife, and mother of five.    For Sherice, healing only came with forgiveness. It won’t even cross your mind how she expressed her forgiveness to her uncle who abused her.   “Everything that I do, I am passionate about doing.”   Timestamps:   ● [01:02] Who is Sherice Wallace Brown? ● [01:23] Child sexual abuse that Sherice experienced. ● [02:10] Today’s Arm Exercise: modified standing push up ● [03:08] Abuser was caught but STILL around! ● [04:50] How sexual abuse affected her high school experience. ● [06:21] Stretch walkthrough and speed walk! ● [08:45] Breathing exercise, don’t slouch. ● [09:29] The one thing Sherice wishes she could have done. ● [11:54] “Did you ever tell him he owes you an apology” ● [12:47] Speed walk time! ● [14:58] Steady walking and modified push up. ● [16:09] Can you imagine forgiving your abuser? No? Well, can you imagine THIS?! ● [18:10] How Sherice raised 1 million dollars for the NFL Players’ Wives Association. ● [21:19] Modified push ups (final set) ● [22:36] How you weather through any pain you face. ● [24:07] One last speed walk! LET’S GOOO! ● [24:41] What people get wrong about diets. ● [26:26] What’s more important: scale weight or BMI? And Is cardio more important than resistance training? ● [27:30] Who walks the road with Sherice Wallace Brown? ● [29:27] How to connect with Sherice Wallace Brown.   Key Takeaways: ● Forgiveness is freeing and bitterness is bondage. ● You have enough for anything you want to do. ● Our minds attach to negative thoughts much more than positive thoughts, so for every negative thought remember to replace it with at least three positives. ● It is 75% diet, 25% exercise. Eliminate the bad foods. Focus on lean meats and vegetables. Keep carbs to a minimum.   Links:  

    Off the Field (Players’ Wives Association):  Website | Facebook

    Connect with Sherise Wallace Brown: Instagram

    Connect with Brenda: Instagram | Website

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    31 minutos
  • Walk with ME - Episode #6
    Jul 17 2021
    Summary: Kay Wyma takes a walk with Brenda to discuss how her writing career took off. Kay Wyma’s writing career began when she was extremely frustrated with how entitled her kids were acting so she started a blog to help other parents and kids who were facing similar troubles. One day, in her car, something happened that changed her entire outlook on life. Tune in to get the full scoop. Today, Kay Wyma lives a life of thankfulness, kindness, and mercy. She is the best selling author of  Cleaning House: A Mom's Twelve-Month Experiment to Rid Her Home of Youth Entitlement.   Timestamps: [00:53] How her kids’ entitlement issues made her start blogging. [03:00] How Kay Wyma went from frustrated mom to best selling author. [04:21] Speed walk! [06:42] Arm work (scissors). [08:00] The moment of gratitude that brought life into everything. [10:57] Speedwalk and arm work! [14:26] What does gratitude do to your brain? [17:46] What is the upside-down economy of kindness? [18:30] Final set: speed walk and chest work. [21:53] Believing that you are a masterpiece. [24:46] What is kindness without consequences? [25:59] Who has walked the road with Kat Wyma? [27:02] How can you connect with Kat Wyma?   Key Takeaways: Physical well being and mental well being are deeply connected. Methodically and intentionally practicing gratitude daily impacts your neural pathways. “Even in moments of unsettledness you can always find something for which to be legitimately grateful for” - Kay Wyma When you are secure in your identity and know your worth, it becomes easier to enter into other people’s reality and empathize with what they might be facing. Being kind is a vulnerable situation because you might be rejected by the person you are being kind to.   Links: Connect with Kay Wyma: Website | Moat Blog | Instagram Connect with Brenda: Instagram | Website
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    31 minutos