
  • Heinous Invasion: Hamas Terrorizes Israel (Wild Ox Prayer, Ep 18)
    Oct 10 2023

    We pray over Israel, Gaza, and the Hamas terror invasion.

    Each tight episode highlights a potent Kingdom Prayer Dynamic. We then activate a prayer edge in culture, society, and the nations.

    >> WildOxPrayer.com/18

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    11 minutos
  • Repentance, Refreshing, and Restoration (Ep 17)
    Mar 27 2023

    We highlight the Kingdom prayer dynamic of repentance, refreshment, and restoration. Then we ask Father God to grant us the grace of deep and clear repentance. We believe for refreshment and restoration.

    Each tight episode spotlights a potent Kingdom Prayer Dynamic. Then we activate a prayer edge in culture, society, and the nations.

    See the show notes page for this episode -- WildOxPrayer.com

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    11 minutos
  • Flushing the Wicked Out of Leadership (Ep 16)
    Aug 18 2022

    We highlight the dynamic of being a Kingdom Emissary on assignment. Then we use "prayer architecture" in Job 34 to ask that God would flush the wicked out of leadership and influence.

    Each tight episode spotlights a potent Kingdom Prayer Dynamic. Then we activate a prayer edge in culture, society, and the nations.

    Psalm 92:10 -- “My horn (symbol of strength and warfare) You have exalted like a wild ox; I have been anointed with fresh oil.”

    Wild Ox prayer. Untamed, mighty prayer for culture, society, and the nations. For notes and more, visit WildOxPrayer.com.

    See the show notes page for this episode -- WildOxPrayer.com

    Visit the new Wild Ox Prayer site!

    Explore the Jesus Smart podcast too.

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    12 minutos
  • Faith It Forward In the Face of Ambiguity (Ep 15)
    Jun 14 2022

    We highlight the gift of "faithing" it forward in the face of ambiguity in this episode. Then we pray that we would leverage ambiguity and faith in our lives and in the nations.

    Each tight episode spotlights a potent Kingdom Prayer Dynamic. Then we activate a prayer edge in culture, society, and the nations.

    Psalm 92:10 -- “My horn (symbol of strength and warfare) You have exalted like a wild ox; I have been anointed with fresh oil.”

    Wild Ox prayer. Untamed, mighty prayer for culture, society, and the nations. For notes and more, visit WildOxPrayer.com.

    See the show notes page for this episode -- WildOxPrayer.com

    Visit the new Wild Ox Prayer site!

    Explore the Jesus Smart podcast too.

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    11 minutos
  • American DNA: ”Spring Up, O Well!” (Ep 14)
    May 27 2022

    In this episode, we highlight the prayer power of clapping our hands and shouting to the Lord. Then we pray for the well of American DNA to spring up!

    Each tight episode spotlights a potent Kingdom Prayer Dynamic. Then we activate a prayer edge in culture, society, and the nations.

    Psalm 92:10 -- “My horn (symbol of strength and warfare) You have exalted like a wild ox; I have been anointed with fresh oil.”

    Wild Ox prayer. Untamed, mighty prayer for culture, society, and the nations. For notes and more, visit WildOxPrayer.com.

    See the show notes page for this episode -- WildOxPrayer.com

    Visit the new Wild Ox Prayer site!

    Explore the Jesus Smart podcast too.

    Exibir mais Exibir menos
    10 minutos
  • Standing Against the New World Order (Ep 13)
    May 19 2022

    In this episode, we highlight our dynamic partnership with the Holy Spirit. Then we pray together against the Great Reset and the New World Order.

    Each tight episode spotlights a potent Kingdom Prayer Dynamic. Then we activate a prayer edge in culture, society, and the nations.

    Psalm 92:10 -- “My horn (symbol of strength and warfare) You have exalted like a wild ox; I have been anointed with fresh oil.”

    Wild Ox prayer. Untamed, mighty prayer for culture, society, and the nations. For notes and more, visit WildOxPrayer.com.

    See the show notes page for this episode -- WildOxPrayer.com/13

    Visit the new Wild Ox Prayer site!

    Explore the Jesus Smart podcast too.

    Exibir mais Exibir menos
    13 minutos
  • Live Show: Are You Ready to Press Your Legal Rights in Prayer? (Ep 12)
    May 11 2022

    (This is an episode which was streamed live.) Are you finally ready to press your legal rights in prayer in the Courtroom of the Father? The writer of Hebrews writes, "Let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need." Jesus has won the victory at his cross, resurrection, and ascension. And yet we need to be aware of the victory given to us in Christ ... and steadfast prayer is key to experiencing all that the Father has given us.

    Welcome to the Wild Ox podcast. Each tight episode spotlights a potent Kingdom Prayer Dynamic. Then we activate a prayer edge in culture, society, and the nations.

    Psalm 92.10 -- “My horn (symbol of strength and warfare) You have exalted like a wild ox; I have been anointed with fresh oil.”

    Wild Ox prayer. Untamed, mighty prayer for culture, society, and the nations. For notes and more, visit WildOxPrayer.com.

    Explore the Jesus Smart podcast too.

    Exibir mais Exibir menos
    13 minutos
  • Seeing a Convergence of God Activity (Ep 11)
    May 10 2022

    In this episode, we underscore the legal nature of prayer. Then we pray together over what seems to be a convergence of God activity in societies.

    Welcome to the Wild Ox podcast. Each tight episode spotlights a potent Kingdom Prayer Dynamic. Then we activate a prayer edge in culture, society, and the nations.

    Psalm 92.10 -- “My horn (symbol of strength and warfare) You have exalted like a wild ox; I have been anointed with fresh oil.”

    Wild Ox prayer. Untamed, mighty prayer for culture, society, and the nations. For notes and more, visit WildOxPrayer.com.

    Visit the new Wild Ox Prayer site!

    Explore the Jesus Smart podcast too.

    Exibir mais Exibir menos
    10 minutos