
  • Minimalism - The New Normal
    Jun 23 2021

    "The Master has no possessions.

    The more he does for others, the happier he is.

    The more he gives to others, the wealthier he is." -- Lao Tzu

    I speak about minimalism in this episode and how Yoga Nidra helps here too . An avant-garde spiritual exploration of our selves characterized by the minimalistic approach, producing a hypnotic effect for life long transformation and thereby pushes us beyond the material normal. Lets go another time, lets rhyme together again !!

    Survey link : Yoga Nidra (google.com)

    John Bartman : https://johnbartmann.com

    Background score : Roger Spees - Joining in Silence (piano and cello improv feat. Lucas Stam)

    For feedbacks and suggestions, please mail me at prasoonprince@gmail.com

    Voice feedback : https://anchor.fm/prasoon-majumdar/message

    Also Yoga Nidra available at tumblr, instagram, twitter for more interactive discussions and feedbacks, please do reach out and let me know how it sounds or how it can be improved.

    For all those souls, who want to explore me at Amazon Music.

    Keep listening and stay safe!!.

    Exibir mais Exibir menos
    23 minutos
  • The Inner Cloister
    May 30 2021

    “Silence is a source of great strength.” ~Lao Tzu

    My Inner Cloister (Tao of Silence - Part 2)

    The peace that silence brought to me then—and continues to bring to me now, when I practice it—is hard to describe. Being in silence is feeling the bliss of balance and completion on an exceedingly high level. Silence grounds me and gives me serenity and mental clarity.

    I take part of each day now to dwell in silence. You can do this, too. You can create your own quiet inner monastery cloister. If you have the opportunity to practice an hour of silence sometime during the day, you may want to try it and see how it makes a difference for you. Like the monks of the Middle Ages who lived the vow of silence, you may find that spiritual treasures you had not imagined will be revealed to you—not only in your silent time, but all through the day.

    We explore in this episode the sound of silence and its structure and how it talks to us in its more innate form.

    Noise Generators : https://mynoise.net/NoiseMachines/whiteNoiseGenerator.php

    For feedbacks and suggestions, please mail me at prasoonprince@gmail.com

    Voice feedback : https://anchor.fm/prasoon-majumdar/message

    Also Yoga Nidra available at tumblr, instagram, twitter for more interactive discussions and feedbacks, please do reach out and let me know how it sounds or how it can be improved.

    For all those souls, who want to explore me at Amazon Music.

    Keep listening and stay safe!!.

    Exibir mais Exibir menos
    17 minutos
  • Tao of Silence
    May 15 2021

    “Silence is a source of great strength.” ~Lao Tzu

    As per wiki, The Tao can be roughly thought of as the flow of the Universe, or as some essence or pattern behind the natural world that keeps the Universe balanced and ordered.[8] It is related to the idea of qi, the essential energy of action and existence. The Tao is a non-dualistic principle – it is the greater whole from which all the individual elements of the Universe derive.

    We explore in this episode the science behind silence, how it is related to Yoga Nidra and why its is golden and eternal. How it defines our very existence and where to find it.

    For feedbacks and suggestions, please mail me at prasoonprince@gmail.com

    Also Yoga Nidra available at tumblr, instagram, twitter for more interactive discussions and feedbacks, please do reach out and let me know how it sounds or how it can be improved.

    For all those souls, who want to explore me at Amazon Music.

    Keep listening and stay safe!!.

    Exibir mais Exibir menos
    23 minutos
  • Sound of shah-VAH-sah-nah
    Apr 22 2021

    The spiritual benefit of savasana lies in an ever-increasing sensitivity to pranic flow. This sensitivity opens the door to the mystical/esoteric dimension of yoga. One discovers that asana, including savasana, is not separate from meditation and meditation is not separate from daily life.

    We explore savasana in this episode and much more.

    For more questions, do reach out : prasoonprince@gmail.com

    Exibir mais Exibir menos
    17 minutos
  • Visualization - The Spiritual Mandala
    Mar 31 2021

    Guided imagery is an example of a yogic tool that has gained wide popularity in both alternative and conventional medical circles—so much so that few people seem to recognise its origins in yoga. But thousands of years ago, yogis were using a wide variety of visualizations in their practice.

    To some skeptical physicians, it seems far-fetched that your body could actually be affected by something you imagine—like a white blood cell gobbling up a malignant cell (to use an example now common in cancer care). But it’s easy to demonstrate how visualization can change physiology. Just imagine biting into a lemon, and your lips pucker and salivary juices start flowing.

    Medical science is also beginning to document this powerful mind-body connection. If something is practiced for more than 3 weeks, it starts taking shape, the same happens with neural circuits and also muscle memories, examples galore everywhere.

    In this podcast, we explore some of the interesting examples of visualization and how it's connected with Yoga Nidra madly deeply spiritually. It's crucial and forms the core of every Yoga Nidra practice.

    Lets get started ..

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    19 minutos
  • The Conscious Withdrawal
    Mar 15 2021

    Pratyahara: The Forgotten Limb

    Pratyahara, the fifth limb of yoga, is usually translated to mean "withdrawal of attachment to sensory perceptions." There are two ways of looking at this.

    First is as a gradual evolution of attention toward the finer realms of experience where sensory perceptions become more ecstatic and naturally imbued with pure bliss consciousness. In this case, the process of pratyahara is a natural byproduct of the emergence of abiding inner silence and ecstatic conductivity.

    A second way of looking at pratyahara is as an aspect of self-inquiry, which is for loosening the grip of identified awareness on all objects of perception, including thoughts, feelings, and sensory experiences registering in consciousness. This second view of pratyahara is more common. Because the psychology of it is seemingly more direct, the mind latches on. Unfortunately, the psychology of pratyahara, without the cultivation of abiding inner silence (the witness) beforehand, is like the psychology of premature self-inquiry what we have called "non-relational" (not in stillness) in previous lessons, and prone to building mental castles in the air.

    Also in this episode, we discuss the crucial parameters of environment or ambience required for a successful practice or session.

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    16 minutos
  • Connections
    Mar 12 2021

    Human connection is an energy exchange between people who are paying attention to one another. It has the power to deepen the moment, inspire change and build trust.

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    15 minutos
  • The X Factor
    Mar 11 2021

    What is Yog Nidra : The X Factor

    Yoga Nidra is just not just sleep but more than that. This episode will cite some medical use-cases and its amazing benefits in our daily lives. Some research references and also a basic dive-in in its history and some more interesting stuff. Please tune-in and enjoy. Also its on all platforms but please let me know if there is a problem in quality or its format. I will be very happy to know all of those. It's a long journey of spiritual journey and we are all in it together. Stay tuned and please show some empathy :). If i see the happy faces, I will increase the length of the episodes too.

    Exibir mais Exibir menos
    15 minutos