• 170. マイナス気温でも楽しめる!日本の冬の絶景スポット! Enjoy Even in Sub-Zero Temperatures! Breathtaking Winter Scenery in Japan!
    Feb 16 2025




    Japan is experiencing the strongest cold wave of the season, bringing snowfall and sub-zero temperatures across the country.

    This time, to help you enjoy the cold winter even a little, we are introducing Japan’s beautiful snow-covered landscapes.

    Since this is a podcast, you won’t be able to see images, but we encourage you to look up the place names mentioned and enjoy the stunning snowy scenery yourself.

    The script is available here: https://www.makiko-japanese.com/

    I will update this episode on Youtube as soon as possible!! Please check out and

    subscribe to our youtube channel: ⁠www.youtube.com/channel/UChu8-tNd_4RyWo-iE5cr-Ow⁠

    email, comments, requests, also Japanese lesson inquiries: toranomaki.nihongo@gmail.com


    Please follow our Instagram, @toranomaki.nihongo

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    31 minutos
  • 169. 万博って何?意外と知られていない万博の魅力を深掘り!What is the Expo? Exploring the Surprisingly Unknown Appeal of the Expo!
    Feb 9 2025




    Last week, I talked a little about the Osaka Expo and Canada. After that, I spoke with my students and foreign friends about the Expo, and I found out that people from any country are completely unaware of it.

    In reality, most countries are participating in the Expo by setting up their own pavilions, yet why is the Expo's recognition so low?

    So, this time, I’d like to delve deeper into the Expo and explain more about it. There are also quite a few interesting exhibits, so if you’re planning to visit Japan or Osaka by October, why not check it out?

    The script is available here: https://www.makiko-japanese.com/

    I will update this episode on Youtube as soon as possible!! Please check out and

    subscribe to our youtube channel: ⁠www.youtube.com/channel/UChu8-tNd_4RyWo-iE5cr-Ow⁠

    email, comments, requests, also Japanese lesson inquiries:toranomaki.nihongo@gmail.com


    Please follow our Instagram, @toranomaki.nihongo

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    32 minutos
  • 168. 2025年大阪万博!万博とカナダについて勉強してみた!Osaka Expo 2025! Learning About the Expo and Canada!
    Feb 2 2025


    The weather has started to bring some warm days, but it's still quite cold these days. In places like Canada, there are even days when the temperature drops to -20 or -30 degrees.

    In April, the World Expo, commonly known as Expo, will be held in Osaka, and Japan is getting excited about it. Do you all know about the Expo?

    Recently, we talked about Canada and the Expo because I studied Canada with a Canadian who applied to work at the Canada Pavilion of the Expo.

    The script is available here: https://www.makiko-japanese.com/

    I will update this episode on Youtube as soon as possible!! Please check out and

    subscribe to our youtube channel: ⁠www.youtube.com/channel/UChu8-tNd_4RyWo-iE5cr-Ow⁠

    email, comments, requests, also Japanese lesson inquiries: toranomaki.nihongo@gmail.com


    Please follow our Instagram, @toranomaki.nihongo

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    30 minutos
  • 167. 30年前の日本VS若者と昔の私たちの生活を比べてみた 。Comparing the Lives of Youth Today with Ours 30 Years Ago in Japan
    Jan 26 2025


    In Japan, it is said that salaries are low among developed countries, but I heard news that the salaries of university graduates will increase significantly from April. At the same time, my generation, the second baby boomers, had a large population, making university admissions difficult, and we lived through the worst era with the bubble economy collapse right after graduation making job hunting difficult and salaries low. Indeed, those were harsh times, but looking back, I think the world we lived in when we were young was simpler and more fun than the world young people live in today. This time, I thought about what true happiness is by comparing Japan 30 years ago and Japan today.

    The script is available here: https://www.makiko-japanese.com/

    I will update this episode on Youtube as soon as possible!! Please check out and

    subscribe to our youtube channel: ⁠www.youtube.com/channel/UChu8-tNd_4RyWo-iE5cr-Ow⁠

    email, comments, requests, also Japanese lesson inquiries: toranomaki.nihongo@gmail.com


    Please follow our Instagram, @toranomaki.nihongo

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    31 minutos
  • 166. 大学入試の第一歩。共通テストを徹底解説!The First Step in University Entrance Exams: A Thorough Explanation of the Common Test!
    Jan 19 2025

    これが流れて(ながれて)いる今日(きょう)は、日本(にほん)の高校(こうこう)3年生(ねんせい)が「共通(きょうつう)テスト」という大学(だいがく)入学(にゅうがく)のために一番(いちばん)大事(だいじ)な試験(しけん)を受(う)けています。試験(しけん)は2日間(にちかん)にわたって行(おこな)われます。高校生(こうこうせい)はこの試験(しけん)のために、何ヶ月(なんかげつ)も、場合(ばあい)によっては1年以上(ねんいじょう)もかけて勉強(べんきょう)しています。 今回(こんかい)はその日本(にほん)の「共通(きょうつう)テスト」とはどんな試験(しけん)なのかについて話(はな)しました。

    Today, as this flows, third-year students in Japanese high schools are taking the "Common Test," the most important exam for university admission. The exam is conducted over two days. High school students have been studying for months, and in some cases, for more than a year, in preparation for this exam.

    This time, we discussed what this Japanese "Common Test" is all about.

    The script is available here: https://www.makiko-japanese.com/

    I will update this episode on Youtube as soon as possible!! Please check out and

    subscribe to our youtube channel: ⁠www.youtube.com/channel/UChu8-tNd_4RyWo-iE5cr-Ow⁠

    email, comments, requests, also Japanese lesson inquiries: toranomaki.nihongo@gmail.com


    Please follow our Instagram, @toranomaki.nihongo

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    34 minutos
  • 165. とらくんが選ぶ、この冬のアニメ特集!!Tora's Picks: This Winter's Anime Special.
    Jan 12 2025


    After talking about our fun New Year's celebration, Tora-kun told me about his recommended anime for this winter. Even though I don't usually watch much anime, many of the titles he mentioned are very popular, and they are all well-known works. It seems that some of these anime have started their second seasons. If you've heard of them but haven't watched them yet, definitely give them a try. Also, recently, music from popular Japanese musicians is often used in anime, and it's intriguing to see which artist's songs will be featured in the new series. Be sure to look forward to that as well!

    The script is available here: https://www.makiko-japanese.com/

    I will update this episode on Youtube as soon as possible!! Please check out and

    subscribe to our youtube channel: ⁠www.youtube.com/channel/UChu8-tNd_4RyWo-iE5cr-Ow⁠

    email, comments, requests, also Japanese lesson inquiries: toranomaki.nihongo@gmail.com


    Please follow our Instagram, @toranomaki.nihongo

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    33 minutos
  • 164. 2025年新しい年のスタート!今年はどんな年にしたい?2025, the Start of a New Year! What Kind of Year Do You Want to Make It?
    Jan 5 2025

    2025(にせんにじゅうご)年(ねん)が始(はじ)まりました。みなさんの年越(としこ)しはどんな風(ふう)でしたか?私(わたし)たちは家族(かぞく)で集(あつ)まって、ご飯(ごはん)を食(た)べ、その後(あと)とらくんは例年(れいねん)どおり、新年(しんねん)になった瞬間(しゅんかん)から友達(ともだち)とLINEでメッセージを送(おく)りあってたそうです。最近(さいきん)はお正月(しょうがつ)の挨拶(あいさつ)も年賀状(ねんがじょう)ではなく、LINEでの挨拶(あいさつ)が増(ふ)えました。それにともなう年末年始(ねんまつねんし)恒例(こうれい)の郵便局(ゆうびんきょく)のアルバイト募集(ぼしゅう)や、郵便局員(ゆうびんきょくいん)の多忙(たぼう)な様子(ようす)も見(み)られなくなり、時代(じだい)の変化(へんか)を感(かん)じます。今回(こんかい)のエピソードではそんな昔(むかし)との違(ちが)いを話(はな)しながら、2025年(にせんにじゅうごねん)をどう過(す)ごしたいかを話(はな)しました。今年(ことし)もみなさん私(わたし)たちのポッドキャストの応援(おうえん)をよろしくお願 (ねが)いします!

    2025 has begun. How did everyone spend their New Year's Eve? Our family gathered together, had a meal, and then, as usual, Tora started messaging his friends on LINE the moment the new year arrived. Recently, New Year's greetings have shifted from postcards to greetings on LINE. This change has also led to a decrease in the usual end-of-year and New Year job postings for post office temporary staff and the busy scenes of postal workers, making us feel the changing times. In this episode, we discuss these changes from the past and talk about how we want to spend 2025. We look forward to your continued support for our podcast this year!

    The script is available here: https://www.makiko-japanese.com/

    I will update this episode on Youtube as soon as possible!! Please check out and

    subscribe to our youtube channel: ⁠www.youtube.com/channel/UChu8-tNd_4RyWo-iE5cr-Ow⁠

    email, comments, requests, also Japanese lesson inquiries: toranomaki.nihongo@gmail.com


    Please follow our Instagram, @toranomaki.nihongo

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    30 minutos
  • 163. 2024年の日本の出来事を振り返ってみました。Reviewing Japan's 2024 Events and News!
    Dec 29 2024


    Only a few days are left this year. This time, I have reviewed the news in Japan throughout the year. While I was in Malaysia this summer, I was not familiar with what had happened, and I don't remember events from January and February 2024, as they were a year ago. Looking back, 2024 in Japan had its share of both good and bad. How was your year? Let's look back at the year with Japan's news.

    The script is available here: https://www.makiko-japanese.com/

    I will update this episode on Youtube as soon as possible!! Please check out and

    subscribe to our youtube channel: ⁠www.youtube.com/channel/UChu8-tNd_4RyWo-iE5cr-Ow⁠

    email, comments, requests, also Japanese lesson inquiries: toranomaki.nihongo@gmail.com


    Please follow our Instagram, @toranomaki.nihongo

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    32 minutos