
  • Collaborative Problem Soliving with Dr. Stuart Ablon, Episode #98
    Sep 18 2024

    In todays podcast, Dr. Ablon explores how conventional deiscipline methods often backfire, creating a downward spiral of resentment and frustration, and a missed opportunity for growth. In this refreshing approach of changing problem behavior, Dr. Ablon helps parents to understand that often behaviour is a result of "skill, not will". He looks at how like flexibility, frustration tolerance, and problem solving are all required to help a child to move through challenging moments- and how often these skills need to be nurtured in our kids.

    In the podcast, Dr. Ablon walks a parent through how to use collaborative problem solving when her child refuses to get off of his xbox!

    Stuart Ablon, Ph.D., is Founder and Director of Think:Kids in the Department of Psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital. An award-winning psychologist, Dr. Ablon is Associate Professor and the Thomas G. Stemberg Endowed Chair in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. He is the author of three books, Changeable, , The School Discipline Fix, andco-author of Treating Explosive Kids: The Collaborative Problem Solving Approach.

    Interested in more from the Institute?

    The Parenting Handbook: Your Guide to Raising Resilient Children

    For a limited time only, buy a copy of our The Parenting Handbook: Your Guide to Raising Resilient Children and recieve a free gift! Yes, when you buy our book you also get access to our Compassionate Discipline workshop valued at $87.84.

    Not quite sure yet? Download a free chapter! To find out more, click here for more info!

    Interested in our Professional Membership?

    ICP is thrilled to offer its new professional membership. This membership comes with 30+ accredited mental health courses, 15 general children's mental health courses, bi-monthly professional group consults, access to our live tranings, printables, scripts, and case note templates. Affordable, accesible training all in one spot! Find out more here

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    33 minutos
  • Raising Confident and Powerful Girls with Dr Jo-Ann Finkelstein, Episode #97
    Sep 11 2024

    Today's episode is with Dr Jo-Ann Finkelstein, author of the hot new release "Sexism and Sensibility. Dr. Finkelstein's work focuses on understanding and dismantling sexism for parents trying to raise confident and powerful girls in a culture that often demeans them.

    The world is full of mixed messages for girls: Stand up for yourself but do it softly. Be independent but not single. Love your body, just make sure it’s waxed, bleached, and thin. And then there are the more overt hostilities: being talked over, paid less, touched without permission, and having politicians debate their right to bodily autonomy. Many parents find it simpler to affirm girls’ strength than to address these distressing experiences directly. But with girls’ skyrocketing rates of depression, anxiety, and suicide, parenting them in this culture presents an urgent challenge: How do we teach girls to recognize and cope with these realities without crushing their optimism and belief that they can incite change?

    Jo-Ann Finkelstein, PhD, is a clinical psychologist who was educated at Harvard University and Northwestern University and now maintains a private clinical practice. An expert blogger for Psychology Today, her work has been highlighted in The New York Times, The Atlantic, The Harvard Business Review, Women’s Health, Oprah Daily, Parents, and on HuffPost and CNN. Her writing has appeared in The Washington Post, Ms., Your Teen, among other publications. Dr. Finkelstein serves on the Advisory Board for Stop Sexual Assault in Schools, has served on the board of the Chicago Chapter of the National Organization for Women, volunteered for Planned Parenthood PAC, and was an organizer for the Chicago Women’s March. She lives in Chicago, Illinois.

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    And we do not want to forget about our Best-Seller

    The Parenting Handbook: Your Guide to Raising Resilient Children

    For a limited time only, buy a copy of our book and recieve a free gift! Yes, you get access to our Compassionate Discipline workshop valued at $87.84. Click here for more info or navigate to www.icphelps.com !

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    33 minutos
  • Play as a Tool in your Discipline Toolbox with Tosha Schore, Episode #96
    Sep 4 2024

    This podcast episode is for every parent of a young child who doesn't want to always resort to yelling or time-outs as a discpline strategy. Tosha and Tammy walk through the power of play, connection, and laughter even during the most challenging of moments!

    Tosha Schore, M.A., brings a burst of energy and optimism to parenting. She is an expert at simple solutions to what feel like overwhelmingly complicated problems. A sought after coach, author, educator, and speaker, Schore is committed to creating lasting change in families and in the world by supporting parents to care for themselves, connect with their children deeply, set limits lovingly, and play wildly. She is the founder of Parenting Boys Peacefully , co-author of Listen: Five Simple Tools to Meet Your Everyday Parenting Challenges, and a trainer of Hand in Hand Parenting.

    Interested in more from the Institute?

    The Parenting Handbook: Your Guide to Raising Resilient Children

    For a limited time only, buy a copy of our The Parenting Handbook: Your Guide to Raising Resilient Children and recieve a free gift! Yes, when you buy our book you also get access to our Compassionate Discipline workshop valued at $87.84.

    Not quite sure yet? Download a free chapter! To find out more, click here for more info!

    Interested in our Professional Membership?

    ICP is thrilled to offer its new professional membership. This membership comes with 30+ accredited mental health courses, 15 general children's mental health courses, bi-monthly professional group consults, access to our live tranings, printables, scripts, and case note templates. Affordable, accesible training all in one spot! Find out more here

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    40 minutos
  • Helping Kids Overcome a Fear of Needles and Health Procedures with Dr. Jody Thomas, Episode #95
    Aug 28 2024

    In this episode, Dr Jody Thomas explores how parents can create good health care experiences for their kids from the very start by empowering children with solid coping skills to help them manage the pain and distress of early pain experiences.

    From vaccinations to the usual bumps and bruises to the 25% of kids who experience chronic pain, the research demonstrates that those early experiences have a massive impact on their health outcomes into adulthood. The great news is there are simple and effective things parents can do to set themselves and their little ones up for success. In this podcast, we look specifically at helping children through a fear of needles.

    Dr. Jody Thomas is a clinical psychologist and internationally recognized expert in pain and pediatric health. She is also the CEO and founder of the Meg Foundation. She has trained medical providers worldwide and was the founding clinical director of the Pediatric Pain Rehabilitation Program at Stanford. She brings 25 years of experience to helping patients and families discover how they can have more control over their mental and physical health. To find out more, go to https://www.megfoundationforpain.org/

    For resources on needle pain and anxiety, click here

    Signing up for the Meg Foundations newsletter is the best way to keep updated on new resources as they become available and get timely tools and tips: https://www.megfoundationforpain.org/lets-keep-in-touch/

    You can also follow the Megfoundation on:

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    Listeners can take 40% OFF their annual membership (or $19.99/m). Get your 7-Day Free Trial today!

    And we do not want to forget about our Best-Seller

    The Parenting Handbook: Your Guide to Raising Resilient Children

    For a limited time only, buy a copy of our book and recieve a free gift! Yes, you get access to our Compassionate Discipline workshop valued at $87.84. Click here for more info or navigate to www.icphelps.com !

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    38 minutos
  • The Truth about the Youth Sports Industry with Dr. Linscott and Dr. Ruoff, Episode# 94
    Aug 21 2024

    In this riveting episode, Dr. Linscott and Dr. Ruoff explore how the current youth sports industry, pay-to-play sports, and the quest for prestige can cause unintended harm to young athletes and their families. Children and parents can both feel the pressure of belonging to a sports team where you feel the need to have a "return on investment," leading to resentment, suffering mental health, and injuries that can stop a career before it even starts. Jean Linscott, Ph.D., a clinical child psychologist, and husband Kenneth Ruoff, Ph.D are the co-authors of the newly released book "What is the Goal: The Truth About the Youth Sports Industry".

    Interested in more from the Institute?

    The Parenting Handbook: Your Guide to Raising Resilient Children

    For a limited time only, buy a copy of our The Parenting Handbook: Your Guide to Raising Resilient Children and recieve a free gift! Yes, when you buy our book you also get access to our Compassionate Discipline workshop valued at $87.84.

    Not quite sure yet? Download a free chapter! To find out more, click here for more info!

    Interested in our Professional Membership?

    ICP is thrilled to offer its new professional membership. This membership comes with 30+ accredited mental health courses, 15 general children's mental health courses, bi-monthly professional group consults, access to our live tranings, printables, scripts, and case note templates. Affordable, accesible training all in one spot! Find out more here

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    29 minutos
  • Raising Boys: Reimagining Boyhood in the Age of Impossible Masculinity with Ruth Whippman, Episode# 93
    Aug 14 2024

    In this riveting episode with dive deep with Best-Selling author Ruth Whippman about the task of raising boys in a way that charts a new path to give boys a healthier, more expansive, and fulfilling story about their own lives. With young men in the grip of a loneliness epidemic and dying by suicide at a rate of nearly four times their female peers, Whippman digs into the impossibly contradictory pressures boys now face; and the harmful blind spots of male socialization that are leaving boys isolated, emotionally repressed, and adrift.

    Ruth Whippman is a British author, journalist and documentary film maker living in the United States. Her essays, cultural criticism and journalism have appeared in the New York Times, Time magazine, New York magazine, The Guardian, The Huffington Post and elsewhere. Fortune Magazine described her as one of the "25 sharpest minds" of the decade. She is a regular speaker at venues including TEDx, Google, The Moth and Somerset House in London and appears regularly as a guest on radio, television and podcasts. 

To purchase her latest book: “Boy Mom” visit https://www.amazon.com/BoyMom-Reimagining-Boyhood-Impossible-Masculinity-ebook/dp/B0CH9M2CNN/ref=sr_1_2?qid=1703009937&refinements=p_27%3ARuth+Whippman&s=books&sr=1-2

    If you love our podcast, you need to check out our membership with ICP!

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    Listeners can take 40% OFF their annual membership (or $19.99/m). Get your 7-Day Free Trial today!

    And we do not want to forget about our Best-Seller

    The Parenting Handbook: Your Guide to Raising Resilient Children

    For a limited time only, buy a copy of our book and recieve a free gift! Yes, you get access to our Compassionate Discipline workshop valued at $87.84. Click here for more info or navigate to www.icphelps.com !

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    34 minutos
  • Empowering our Children to Make Healthier Food Choices in a World that Pushes "Fake Food" with Dr. Saeed, Episode #92
    Aug 7 2024

    Are your kids snacking on "fake foods" disguised as treats this summer? In today's podcast, Dr. Saeed takes a deep dive into how to empower kids to make healthier choices, decode labels, and say no to a world that pushes foods that are filled with preservatives, GMOs, and other fake ingredients that make you sick.

    Dr. Saeed, a Holistic, Functional, and Integrative Medicine Physician, is known as “The Holistic Mom.” She uncovers how our children’s brains, bodies, and behaviours are being hijacked and presents real-life, actionable steps parents can take to help their children make better decisions, build resilience, and heal.

    Her latest book, Adam’s Healing Adventures: Fake Food vs. Real Food, can be found here:


    Interested in more from the Institute?

    The Parenting Handbook: Your Guide to Raising Resilient Children

    For a limited time only, buy a copy of our The Parenting Handbook: Your Guide to Raising Resilient Children and recieve a free gift! Yes, when you buy our book you also get access to our Compassionate Discipline workshop valued at $87.84.

    Not quite sure yet? Download a free chapter! To find out more, click here for more info!

    Interested in our Professional Membership?

    ICP is thrilled to offer its new professional membership. This membership comes with 30+ accredited mental health courses, 15 general children's mental health courses, bi-monthly professional group consults, access to our live tranings, printables, scripts, and case note templates. Affordable, accesible training all in one spot! Find out more here

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    48 minutos
  • Being a "Parent Coach" for a Child with Anxiety & OCD with Dr. Whiteside, Episode #91
    Jul 31 2024

    Parenting can be overwhelming when your child is struggling with an anxiety disorder or OCD—but it doesn’t have to be. In this episode we interview Dr. Stephen Whitewide about his new book "Anxiety Coach" and ways in which parents can partner with their child or teen who is struggling with anxiety (in particular, avoidance). Dr. Whiteside teaches parents what anxiety is and how to recognize when it becomes a problem, explains why children need to face their fears to overcome them, and introduces readers to exposure therapy and its practical application.

    Stephen P. H. Whiteside, Ph.D. is a Board-Certified Clinical Psychologist, Professor of Psychology in the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science, and Director of the Pediatric Anxiety Disorders Program at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. His research focuses on improving access to evidence-based care for pediatric anxiety disorders and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

    To purchase "Anxiety Coach," you can visit https://www.amazon.com/Mayo-Clinic-Anxiety-Coach-Groundbreaking/dp/B0BQMJNXR3

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    33 minutos