
  • Are You Happy?
    Sep 16 2024

    Are you truly happy with where your life is headed?

    Or have you been so caught up in the daily grind that you haven’t even stopped to ask yourself?

    In this episode, I’m diving into a question that came up at our recent Go Inside event—Are you happy?

    Sounds simple, right? But this question brought so many women to tears, realising how long it had been since they’d actually stopped to ask themselves that.

    Hamish and I worked with the women at this event through breathwork, journaling, and deep reflection, and it got me thinking—when was the last time you checked in with yourself? Are you really living a life that makes you happy, or are you just going through the motions?

    So in today's episode, I’m reflecting on what it means to truly go inside and figure out if the path you’re on is still the one you want to walk.

    I’ll share some powerful insights from the event and my personal experience, so if you’re feeling overwhelmed or stuck, this one’s for you.

    Let’s get real and ask the hard questions, together.

    If you're ready to reconnect with what truly matters, this episode is for you.

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    16 minutos
  • Be Delusional, Be discerning, Be Disciplined & Laser Focused
    Sep 9 2024

    In today’s episode, we’re diving into what it really takes to turn your big vision into reality

    If you’re ready to stop playing small and go all in on your mission, this one’s for you.

    I’m talking about sacrifice, discipline, obsession, and focus, because guess what

    The road to success isn’t for the faint of heart.

    In this episode I share moments from my journey of building a personal brand, running a business, and how I juggle it all without losing sight of what truly matters

    We’re not here to be “princesses” of our industries, we’re here to be the Queen B

    Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a speaker, an author, or just someone ready to dominate your space, this is your wake-up call.

    Tune in, get laser focused, and start stepping into your power

    And don’t forget to be discerning with your time, your energy, and who you’re taking advice from.

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    28 minutos
  • Why we continue to struggle with the same shit...Ft. Hamish Cramer
    Sep 2 2024

    Do you feel like you seem to struggle with the SAME things?

    That no matter how much you try to shift things and DO something different, your resukts remain the same?

    If so this episode is for you Queen

    I have the pleasure of welcoming my hubby Hamish Cramer back to the show (it's been a minute)

    In this chat Hamish shares why he thinks we struggle for so long and what you can do instead if you're really ready to start to see things shift.

    We also mentioned an episode I recorded called: "Are you doing the things that make you feel good": https://thequeenofconfidence.com/are-you-doing-the-things-that-make-you-feel-good/

    Hamish has given us a FREE breath-work training to support you and get yourself back into balance you can download it here: https://hamishcramer.mykajabi.com/freebie

    And if you want to learn about working with Hamish privately you can check out how here: https://hamishcramer.as.me/call15

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    31 minutos
  • ♟️RESPONSIBILITY - The crucial step to a Queen B Mindset (BTS of The Queen's Table Mastermind)
    Aug 26 2024


    In this episode I am share some BTS of my new Mastermind program: The Queens Table

    This intimate container is for high level women who want to elevate their influence and amplify their authority

    Women who want to be The Queen B of their industry

    During the 6 months I work with them 1:1 and we go deep into all things: personal brand building, x-factor and Queens mindset

    And since the women are looking to make major impact in the world, I knew I needed to have a huge element of mindset, a topic I LOVE - IYKYK

    This short episode is a very special snippet of a piece I sent to my clients inside of our Mindset chat group.

    I am sharing it with YOU because I truly believe in the power of mindset.

    When you are willing to be accountable, take responsibility and step into the drivers seat of your life and/or business you become unstoppable.

    I hope you feel like I am speaking to you in this voicemessage and that you play it anytiem you need it to remind you of your power.

    Lastly, ask yourself this: What does the word response-ability mean to you?

    Marinate on that my friend and if you want to dive deeper my

    TedX talk on RADICAL RESPONSIBILITY just came out, you can watch it here: https://youtu.be/L3RENEfxVEc?si=Zw3OOP9C3wbdu0Ke

    Want to learn more about the Queens Table? Click here for the waitlist: https://thequeenofconfidence.com/the-queens-table/

    x E

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    12 minutos
  • Who am I? 🦹🏻‍♀️ How to deal with an Identity Shift
    Aug 19 2024

    Who am I?

    A question so many of us have asked ourselves...

    In todays episode I am sharing some deep questions you can ask yourself if you are currently questioning who you are or are moving through your very own identity shift.

    As we learn, grow, evolve and gain wisdom (with either age and/or experiences) who we know ourselves to be will come into question.

    It's a super uncomfortable experience for many and in todays episode I am sharing some ways in which you can move through this transition without boxing yourself into a set identity.

    I hope you enjoy this one and if you happen to be listening on SPOTIFY - Please drop me a comment below!

    Enjoy Queen x E

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    30 minutos
  • 🇺🇸 What REALLY happened in the USA - My BTS of going back home
    Aug 12 2024

    I am BACK!

    WOW. America was a rollercoaster.

    There was a lot we went through and I mean a lot and as always I want to keep it real and share truth with you.

    This episode is a raw and real behind the scenes of what REALLY went down in the USA

    I appreciate you being here and I hope this experience support you if you are moving through something hard right now

    I want to remind you that you CAN do this because you already are.

    Enjoy x E

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    37 minutos
  • 🐟 Stop Being Flaky
    Aug 5 2024

    We need to talk about flakiness.

    I know that people don't necessarily not trying to be flaky. However, there's some "flakage" going on in our world, and I want to help.

    If you're someone who's like, "Yeah, I'm in," but then you cancel last minute, this episode is for you.

    I'm diving deep into what flakiness is really about—commitment issues, self-sabotage, and the fear of saying no.

    I used to be super flaky. I couldn't commit to anything. This behaviour can mess with your reputation and credibility.

    If you're trying to build a big business, be a person of influence, or just be a good friend, being flaky can ruin your trustworthiness.

    In this episode, I'll share personal stories and practical tips on how to stop being flaky. You'll learn how to keep your word to yourself, which is the core of building confidence.

    When you say you're going to do something, you need to follow through. This isn't just about being reliable to others—it's about trusting yourself.

    So, if you're ready to ditch the flakiness and start showing up as the dependable, confident person you want to be, tune in.

    Enjoy this episode, Queen x

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    16 minutos
  • ▶️ Play me when: You Need to Have a Difficult Conversation...
    Jul 29 2024

    How do you find the courage to have those difficult conversations that you know need to be had?

    How do you push through the fear and anxiety that these moments bring?

    That’s exactly what we’re talking about in today’s episode.

    If you’ve ever felt the butterflies in your stomach, the flush of nerves, or the urge to avoid that tough talk, this episode is for you.

    I’m diving deep into what it takes to face these moments head-on and why they’re so crucial for your growth and confidence.

    The truth is, leveling up your life means embracing discomfort and stepping into your bravery.

    You’re going to learn how to take a breath, centre yourself, and say what needs to be said.

    Remember, the growth happens when you stretch yourself.

    Enjoy this episode, Queen x

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    6 minutos